Consider the following statements.
1. Determined to avoid a united mass action challenging their authority, the British rulers in India decided to practice a naked policy of divide and rule
2. After an immediate spell of repression against Muslims, following the 1857 revolt, the authorities decided, after 1870, to use the middle and upper educated classes among Muslims against the rising tide of nationalism
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. In their pursuit of reactionary policies and hope to expand their social base, the British looked for alliances with the most reactionary of social groups—the princes, zamindars, etc
2. The British intended to use them as a counterweight against the nationalist-minded intelligentsia
3. The interests and privileges of zamindars were protected in opposition to those of the Peasants.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Having decided to side with the reactionary elements of Indian society, the British withdrew support to social reforms
2. By encouraging caste and communal consciousness, the British helped the reactionary forces
Which of these statements are not correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. The first ever demand for regulation of conditions of workers in factories in India came from the Lancashire textile capitalist lobby
2. They demanded the appointment of a commission for investigation into factory conditions.
3. The first commission was appointed in 1875, and the first Factory Act was passed in the same year
Which of these statements is/are correct?
The provisions of the Indian Factory Act 1881 were:
1. Working hours restricted to 9 hours per day for children
2. Children to get four holidays in a month,
3. Hazardous machinery to be properly fenced off
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. The factory laws did not apply to British-owned tea and coffee plantations
2. The Government helped these planters by passing laws such as those which made it virtually impossible for a labourer to refuse to work once a contract was entered into
3. But the rights of the planter to get the defaulting labour arrested abolished
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Industrial Revolution - began in the 18th century and resulted in the growth of industrial capitalism.
2. French Revolution - gave rise to new attitudes of mind, manners, and morals.
3. Intellectual Revolution - gave the message of liberty, equality and fraternity, unleashed the forces of democracy and nationalism
Which of the following is not correctly matched?
Consider the following statements new wave of thoughts:
1. Rationalism advocated faith in reason and a scientific attitude
2. Humanism advocated the love of man—the belief that every man is an end in himself and should be respected and prized as such
3. Doctrine of Progress according to which nothing is static and all societies must change with time
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. The conservatives advocated the introduction of few chances as possible.
2. The paternalistic imperialists were sharply critical of Indian society and culture
3. Some of the British officials who came to India after 1820 were radicals
Choose from the following options.
What was the Foreign Policy of British in India?
1. Protection of the invaluable Indian empire;
2. Expansion of British commercial and economic interests
3. Keeping other European imperialist powers at an arm's length in Asia and Africa
Choose from the following options.
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