Arrange the events chronologically.
1. Chittagong armoury raid
2. Establishment of Punjab naujawan Bharat Sabha
3. Saunders' Murder
Choose from the following options.
Which of the following are correctly matched?
Women revolutionaries and their actions
1. Kalpana Dutta - arrested and tried along with Surya Sen and given a life sentence
2. Bina Das - fired point-blank at the Governor while receiving her degree at the convocation
3. Suniti Chanderi - shot dead the district magistrate
Choose from the following options.
Which among the following are the achievements of swarajists?
1. Vitthal Bhai Patel was elected speaker of Central Legislative Assembly in 1925
2. Defeat of the public safety bill 1928
3. National schools and colleges were set up where students were trained in a non-colonial ideological framework
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements.
1. Popularization of Khadi was an easy task since it was cheaper than the imported cloth
2. National education benefited both the urban lower middle classes and the rich peasants
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Gandhi initially supported the Swarajist proposal of Council entry, but later he gradually opposed the Swarajists
2. In the1923 elections, the Swarajists had managed to win 100 out of 141 elected seats
Which of these statements are correct?
Which among the following are the achievements of no changers?
1. Aashram sprang up
2. They emphasized the economic grievances of the landless and agricultural labourers
3. Significant work was done for Hindu Muslim Unity
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements.
1. The trade union movement was led by all India trade union Congress founded in 1928
2. Diwan Chaman Lal was its first president
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. The sudden withdrawal of the Non-Cooperation Movement, however, left many of them disillusioned.
2. They began to question the basic nationalist leadership strategy and its emphasis on nonviolence and began to look for alternatives.
3. These younger nationalists were attracted more to the parliamentary work of the Swarajists than to the patient, undramatic, constructive work of the No-changers
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. The Hindustan Republican Association was founded in 1924 in Kanpur by Bhagat Singh
2. Under the leadership of Bhagat Singh, the name of HRA was changed to Hindustan Socialist Republican Association
Which of these statements is/are correct?
What then was the need for individual heroic action?
1. Effective acquisition of new ideology is a prolonged and historical process, whereas the need of the time was a quick change in thinking.
2. The young intellectuals faced the classic dilemma of how to mobilize people and recruit them. Here, they decided to opt for propaganda by deed, i.e., through individual heroic action and using courts as a forum for revolutionary propaganda.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
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