Arrange the industries, according to their coming into existence in India, chronically.
1. Ancillary Industries along with the Railways
2. Coal industry
3. Cotton and jute industries
Choose from the following options
The Indian working class had to face economic exploitation at the hands of:
The early Nationalist:
1. Differentiated between the labour in the Indian owned factories and those in the British owned factories
2. Did not want a division in the movement based on classes
3. Supported the factory acts of 1881 and 1891
Choose from the following options.
Which of the following are correctly matched?
1. Narayan Meghajee Lokhande started the newspaper Bharat Shramjeevi.
2. Shashi Pada Banerjee started newspaper Deena Bandhu.
Choose from the following options
Which of the following statements are correct regarding strikes by workers during Swadeshi upsurge?
1. These strikes were organized in government press, railways and the jute industry
2. There were attempts to form trade unions, and these were very successful
3. The biggest strike of the period was organized after Tilak's arrest and trial
Choose from the following options.
Who was the first to link capitalism with imperialism?
Consider the following statements.
1. Gandhi helped organize the Ahmedabad textile Labour Association.
2. The All India Trade Union Congress was influenced by the Communist International party of the Soviet Union
Which of these statements are not correct?
Which of the following statements are correct about The trade Union Act, 1926?
1. Recognized trade unions as legal Associations
2. Laid down conditions for registration and regulation of trade union activities
3. Lifted restriction on the political activities of trade unions
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements about the Trade Disputes Act, 1929.
1. Made compulsory the appointment of Courts of Inquiry and Consultation Boards for settling industrial disputes
2. Made illegal the strikes in public utility services
3. Forbade trade union activity of coercive or purely political nature and even sympathetic strikes
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. The trial of labour leaders in 1929 got worldwide publicity, which strengthened the working-class movement.
2. The workers participated in the civil disobedience movement.
3. The communists dissociated themselves Quit India Movement.
Which of these statements are correct?
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