Which one of the following factors was mainly responsible for the transformation of the egalitarian Vedic society into a fully agricultural and class divided social order in the sixth century B.C.?
The division of the society based on varna appeared first in
Which statement on social classes in ancient India is not correct?
When did the Chandalas appear in Hindu society?
Which of the following was not the reasons for the crystalisation of untouchability?
Which of the statements regarding economic activity points to the changing social life of the day?
which one of the following statements on the changes in the social structure of ancient India is not correct?
Which one of the following factors was not responsible for the creation of social divisions in the Vedic age?
Which one of the following cannot be regarded as a result of the replacement of old social order by a new social formation called feudal in 5th6th Centuries A.D.
Historically speaking the four-fold division of society or caste system came into existence
Which one of the following can not be regarded as a consequence of land grants to Brahmanas in backward areas?
Which one of the following was the most significant consequences of land grant?
Which one of the following statements regarding the position of the Vaishyas during the Mauryan period is not correct?
Which one of the following statements regarding the changes in the family structure and position of women during Mauryan period is correct?
When did the concept of pollution emerge clearly?
he emergence of jati system was the foremost change in the social structure during the Kushan period. Which one of the following was not a feature of thejati system of the period?
Amongst the services rendered by the jati system or so-called caste system which one was responsible for social immobility?
Which one of the following is not correct of caste system in Ancient India?
Which one of the following is not correct of the jati or kula system?
In which of the following works does the hereditary caste system appear as chief determinant of social activity?
Which one of the following statements regarding the varna system during the postMaurya period is not correct?
The untouchables emerged as a distinct social group during pre-Gupta period. Which one of the following statements regarding untouchables is not correct?
Which of the following law-givers of the post Gupta period did not agree to the view that the shadow of aChandala could pollute the members of the twice-born castes?
Which of the following is correct?
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