Which of the following is correct?
Which of the following is correct?
Which of the following disabilities was imposed on the Shudras for the first time during postGupta period?
Which of the following during post-Gupta period is correct?
Which one of the following was responsible for the emergence of jati or sub-caste in Aryanism?
The law books disapproved of Brahmanas engaging in agriculture, trade and also lending money on interest. Which one of the following law-givers allowed him to lend at low interest to “wicked-people”?
Which one of the following gave women an important place in their cult and instituted orders of female ascetics?
Where did the first memorial of Sati dated 510 A.D. is found?
Which one of the following is generally considered as the most important factor in the proliferation of castes in ancient India?
During post-Gupta period the practice of untouchables became more intense than in the earlier period. Which one of the following statements in this regard is correct?
Which of the following laws was laid down by Manu about the socio-economic status of the Shudras?
What was the status assigned to the earlier foreign immigrants by Manu?
Which of the following correctly indicates the dominant class composition of the south Indian society?
Which of the following authorities lays down a list of priority in inheritance for women, which places the wife, followed by the daughters, immediately after the sons?
Which of the following Upanishad has described self-control, kindness and charity as the virtues that constitute dharma?
How were the illegitimate offsprings of a Brahmana couple counted?
To which one of the following traditional categories did thesvayamvara form of marriage belong?
What was the caste assigned to a cross between a Brahmana and a Shudra women?
Which one of the following authorities permits a young man to apply himself to win a girl of his choice by courtship or even by trickery and violence, under special circumstances?
Hiuen Tsang has made certain observations about the character of the Indian people. Which of the following is one of them?
Which of the following statements reveals the social ostracism of Shudras in the most ignonimous manner?
A great seat of learning had sprung up at Nalanda.Which one of the following statements about the Buddhist monastery at Nalanda is correct?
Which feature relating to literature in the closing years of ancient period reveals the degeneration of ancient India?
Assertion A : Main occupations of the Vaishya were agriculture, handicrafts and commerce.
Reason R: Rich Vaishyas, known as Settis, were powerful merchants, moneylenders and landowers.
Assertion A: The most serious crime of all was held to be the marriage between a Shudra male and a Brahman female.
Reason R: An issue-less wife could not marry the brother or a close relative of her deceased husband.
Assertion A : In the post-Gupta period the rise of the Kayasthas as a professional literate caste undermined the monopoly of the Brahmanas as writers and scribes.
Reason R: The constant transfer of land or alteration in land revenues made by princes and priests, led to the rise and growth of scribe or kayastha community.
Assertion A: The Skanda Purana describes the Shudra as giver of grain and the Shudras were also known as ‘Kutumbins’.
Reason R: Alberuni notes the absence of any significant difference between Vaishyas and Shudras.
Assertion A: During the post-Gupta period the concept of “gramadharma” was more popular with the Brahman, Kayastha and other literate Hindus.
Reason R: The dictum that “difference in the country leads to difference in caste” worked very strongly in the proliferation and multiplication of castes.
Assertion A : Probably the tribal people, who could not be accommodated in the Hindus society because of their backwardness, were pushed to the position of untouchables.
Reason R: A number of Vaishya trade groups, because of the decline of trade, joined the fold of the Shudra peasants
Assertion A: Though in early times it was usual for girls to be fully adult before marriage, the Smritis recommended that while a husband should be at least twenty, a girl should be married before puberty.
Reason R: The normal religious marriage was arranged by the parents of the couple.
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