Which of the following National Highway connects the four metro cities of India (Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai)?
Match the following:
Set I
a. Rail Wheel Factory
b. Rail Coach Factory
c. Integral Coach Factory
d. Diesel Loco modernisation works
Set II
1. Patiala
2. Chennai
3. Kapurthala
4. Bengaluru
Which railway line runs along the Indian west coast parallel to Arabian Sea and Western Ghats?
What is the world ranking of Indian Railway network?
Consider the following statements regarding the impact of Economic liberalisation industrialisation in India:
1. The process of industrialization in India can be divided into two parts – before and after 1992.
2. In August 1992, Government of India took a bold step by changing its economic policies from state control to market forces.
3. The immediate cause of these changes in economic policy was to tide over balance of payment crises but having wide social, economic, political and geographical implications.
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
Consider the following statements regarding the iron and steel industry in India:
1. Indian Petro-Chemical Corporation has set up a huge petro-chemical complex near vadodara producing a wide range of products.
2. India is self-sufficient in the production of petro-chemicals.
3. The only private oil refineries belonging to Reliance Industries Ltd. is located at Jamnagar (Gujarat).
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
Arrange the following National Parks from West to East:
1. Velvadar
2. Gir
3. Navegaon
4. Betla
5. Sirohi
Choose the correct option:
Consider the following statements regarding the distribution of cotton textile industry in India:
1. These mills are located in more than 88 centres in different parts of the country.
2. Majority of cotton textile mills are still located in the cotton growing areas of the Great Plains and peninsular India.
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
Which of the following railways is not recognised by UNESCO World heritage Site?
India's first Post Office set up in which place?
1. Consider the following statements regarding distribution of mineral and energy resources in India:
1. Coal deposits are mostly associated with the Gondwana system.
2. Dharwad and Cuddapah systems contain resources of major metallic minerals like copper, lead, zinc etc.
3. Major non-metallic minerals like limestone, dolomite, gypsum, calcium, sulphate etc are found in an upper Vindhyan system.
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
With reference to the coal reserves in India which of the following statements is incorrect?
Consider the following statements regarding distribution of coal fields in India:
1. Coal in India occurs in two important types of coal fields which are Gondwana coal fields and Tertiary coal fields.
2. Out of the total coal reserves and production in India, Gondwana coal fields contribute 98% and the rest 2% is produced by tertiary coal fields.
3. The Gondwana coalfields are located in the sedimentary rock systems of lower Gondwana Age.
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
Which one of the following minerals is formed by decomposition of rocks, leaving a residual mass of weathered material?
Which one of the following is a ferrous metal?
Mica is used in electric and electronic industries because
Consider the following statements regarding the mineral resource of India:
1. India possesses more than 100 minerals, out of which only 30 minerals have economic significance.
2. Reserves of petroleum and some non-ferrous metallic minerals are inadequate in India and in order to fulfil the internal demands for these minerals, the country is dependent on the imports from other countries.
3. After independence though export continues but also mineral production has picked up in consonance with the increasing industrial demands in the country.
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
The upper Brahmaputra valley is known for which of the following resources?
A tidal barrage is a barrier built over:
Which is the finest quality iron ore in terms of iron content?
What is the importance of rainwater harvesting?
In which part or state of India people build diversion channels like ‘guls’ or ‘kuls’
Select correct answer:
How can we increase the water efficient irrigation system?
1. By pouring unnecessary water to the land
2. By not supplying adequate water
3. By applying drip irrigation method
4. By using more manures
Select correct answer:
What are the two main types of drip irrigation?
a) Surface and Subsurface drip irrigation
b) Under and Subsurface drip irrigation
c) Top and Surface drip irrigation
d) Top and Under drip irrigation
Select correct answer:
The total volume of the world’s water is estimated to exist as ocean:
On which river has Nagarjuna Sagar Dam been constructed?
The rank of India in terms of water availability per person p.a in the world is:
The following is the only state where roof top rain water harvesting is made compulsory:
(a) Bihar
(b) Assam
(c) Tamilnadu
(d) Maharashtra
Select correct answer:
Which one of the following is the benefit of rainwater harvesting?
(a) Flood Mitigation
(b) Provide a lot of water to play
(c) Create good aesthetic view
(d) Decrease the ground water level