Consider the following statements regarding the Cold War.
1. The Cold War referred to the competition, the tensions and a series of confrontations between the United States and Soviet Union, backed by their respective allies
2. The eastern alliance, headed by the US, represented the ideology of liberal democracy and capitalism while the western alliance, headed by the Soviet Union, was committed to the ideology of socialism and communism
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements regarding the concept of ‘deterrence’:
1. If one country tries to attack and disable the nuclear weapons of its rival, the other would not be left with enough nuclear weapons to inflict unacceptable destruction
2. Both sides have the capacity to retaliate against an attack and to cause so much destruction that neither can afford to initiate war
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements
1. NATO was an association of twelve states which declared that an armed attack on any one of them in Europe or North America would be regarded as an attack on all of them
2. Warsaw Pact was created in 1945 and its principal function was to counter NATO’s forces in Europe
Which of these statements are correct?
Arrange the following events Chronologically.
1. Signing of the Baghdad Pact, later CENTO
2. Cuban Missile Crisis
3. Fall of the Berlin Wall
4. Unification of Germany
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements regarding non alignment movement.
1. The first non-aligned summit was held in Belgrade in 1961
2. The first summit was attended by more than 100 member states
Which of these statements are correct?
Assertion: The Non Alignment Movement become less homogeneous and also it became difficult to define very neat and precise terms
Reason: As it grew into a popular international movement, countries of various different political systems and interests joined it
Select the correct code:
Consider the following statements about neutrality.
1. It refers principally to a policy of staying out of war
2. It means remaining aloof from world affairs
Which of these statements are correct?
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) brought out a report in 1972 entitled Towards a New Trade Policy for Development. It proposed a reform of the global trading system so as to:
1. Give the LDCs control over the natural resources of developed Western countries
2. Reduce the cost of technology from the Western countries
3. Provide the LDCs with a greater role in international economic institutions
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements regarding the advantages of non-alignments for India.
1. Non-alignment allowed India to take international decisions and stances that served its interests
2. India was often able to balance one superpower against the other
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements about the Non-alignment as a strategy.
1. It was based on a recognition that decolonised states share a historical affiliation and can become a powerful force if they come together
2. It was based on a resolve to democratise the international system by thinking about an alternative world order to redress existing inequities
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements regarding Russian Revolution.
1. The revolution was inspired by the ideals of socialism, as opposed to capitalism, and the need for an egalitarian society
2. The makers of the Soviet system were against the state and the institution of the party
3. The Soviet political system centred around the communist party, and no other political party or opposition was allowed
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. In the arms race, the Soviet Union managed to match the US from time to time
2. The Soviet Union was very ahead than the West in technology, infrastructure
3. Food imports decreased every year
Which of these statements are correct?
What are the reasons for the disintegration of the Soviet Union?
1. Ordinary citizens became more about the economic advance of the West
2. Soviet political and economic institutions were internally very weak
3. The party bureaucrats gained more privileges than ordinary citizens
Which of these statements are correct?
Assertion: Soviet Union collapsed in spite of Gorbachev’s accurate diagnosis of the problem and his attempt to implement reforms.
Reason: Sections of Soviet society felt that the Gorbachev is moving very fast and is unable to cope with the challenges
Select the correct code:
Arrange the following events Chronologically.
1. Lithuania becomes the first of the 15 Soviet republics to declare its Independence
2. Yeltsin, no longer in the Communist Party, becomes the President of Russia
3. Russia takes over the USSR seat in the United Nations
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements about the ‘shock therapy’.
1. It was the painful process of transition from an authoritarian socialist system to a democratic capitalist system
2. It varied in intensity and speed amongst the former second world countries with direction and features were completely different
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following consequences of the Shock Therapy.
1. The value of the ruble declined dramatically
2. The collective farm system disintegrated leaving people without food security, and Import of the food steadily declined
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements regarding the post-communist regimes.
1. Mafia emerged in most of these countries and started controlling many economic activities
2. Due to the reforms, the inequality among the people reduced
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements regarding the relationship between Soviet Union and India during the Cold War.
1. The Soviet Union supported India’s positions on the Kashmir issue in the UN
2. Soviet Union received most of its military hardware from India
3. India supported Soviet foreign policy in some crucial but indirect ways
Which of these statements are correct?
Assertion: Most of these economies, especially Russia, started reviving in 2000, ten years after their independence
Reason: Export of natural resources like oil, natural gas and minerals increased
Select the correct code:
Consider the following statements.
1. The expressions South Asia includes Bangladesh and Maldives
2. China is an important player and is considered to be a part of South Asia
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Sri Lanka and India have successfully operated a democratic system since their independence from the British
2. Nepal is a constitutional monarchy
3. Pakistan began the post- Cold War period with successive democratic governments
Which of these statements are correct?
Arrange the following events Chronologically.
1. Pakistan joins the Cold War military blocs, SEATO and CENTO
2. India and Sri Lanka sign the Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
3. Indo-Sri Lanka Accord
4. Afghanistan joined SAARC
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements.
1. Sheikh Mujib-ur Rahman led the popular struggle against West Pakistanin domination
2. He demanded autonomy for the eastern region
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. The government of India opposed the demand of the people of East Pakistan for their independence and helped them financially and militarily
2. This resulted in a war between India and Pakistan in 1971 that ended in the surrender of the Bangladeshi forces
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Nepal was a Hindu kingdom in the past and then a constitutional monarchy in the modern period for many years
2. In 2002, the king established the parliament and the government, thus ending even the unlimited Dictatorship that existed in Nepal
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Initially, Sri Lanka was under military rule since its independence
2. After its independence, politics in Sri Lanka was dominated by a large number of Tamils who had migrated from India to Sri Lanka
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. In 1987, India signed an accord with Sri Lanka and sent troops to stabilise relations between the Sri Lankan government and the Tamils
2. The presence of Indian troops was welcomed much by the Sri Lankans
3. In 1989, the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) pulled out of Sri Lanka with vanishing LTTE
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. India always welcomed Bangladesh’s denial of illegal immigration to India but opposed its support for anti-Indian Islamic fundamentalist groups
2. Bangladesh is a part of India’s Look East policy that wants to link up with Southeast Asia via Myanmar
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements about the relationship between India and Bhutan.
1. India enjoys a very special relationship with Bhutan too and does not have any major conflict
2. Indian security agencies see the Maoist movement in Bhutan as a growing security threat
Which of these statements are correct?
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