Concerning the history of India, consider the following statement:
1. Wheat and Barley were the first crops to be grown.
2. Garo hills and banks of river Kaveri were some of the areas where agriculture developed.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
Which of the following Chinese Buddhist pilgrims never visited India?
Consider the following statement:
1. Traces of ash have been found around Kurnool caves.
2. An inscribed stone was found in Rosetta, a town on the north coast of Egypt.
3. Tools made from limestone were found in caves of France.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
Which of the following statements is not true about Mahayana Buddhism?
Which of the following is not a Palaeolithic site?
Consider the following statement:
(a) Kanishka organized the 4th Buddhist council, where scholars met and discussed important matters.
(b) Buddhacharita, the biography of Buddha was composed by Ashvaghosha.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Why have the river banks attracted settlers from ancient times?
Consider the following pairs:
1. Pepper - Black gold
2. Silk - China
3. Muvendar - Three chiefs
4. Dakshinapatha - Satavahanas
Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched?
Traces of mortars and pestles have been found in:
Which of the given statements is not correct about Kushanas?
Which metal was unknown to Indus Valley Civilisation?
Which of the following was a very important seaport of the ancient Chola kingdom?
Which one of the following statement is not correct about Indus Valley Civilization:
Which of the following statements is not correct about the city Bharuch, Gujrat?
In the context of Indus valley civilization, which of the following statements is correct about faience?
Which of the following is not correct regarding ring wells?
Which of the finding is common for ancient cities Kalibangan and Lothal?
With reference to the history of India, which of the given statements is not correct about Mathura?
Match the following:
Column A
2. TIN
Column B
A. Rajasthan
B. Afghanistan
C. Karnataka
D. Gujarat
Consider the following pairs:
1. Grihapatis
2. Uzhavar
3. Vellalar
4. Kadaisiyar
5. Gramabhojaka
1. Independent Farmers
2. Ordinary Ploughmen
3. Large Landowners
4. Landless Labourers
5. Village Headman
Regarding the history of north and south India, Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched?