Which is/are CORRECT statement:
1. Ladakh is also called Little Tibet
2. Local versions of the Tibetan national epic the Kesar Saga are performed and sung by both Muslims and Buddhists in Ladakh
Some States were created not on the basis of language but to recognize differences based on culture, ethnicity or geography. These include States like:
1. Nagaland
2. Uttarakhand
3. Jharkhand
Choose correct one:
Consider the following statements:
1. The assertion of social diversities in a country needs to be seen as a source of danger for the country.
2. Expression of various kinds of social divisions in politics often results in weakening of democracy.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A voter will not vote for a politician because he is old and all older people are slower and less competent. How could this voter’s actions be categorized?
Which of the following is not a ground for claiming discrimination?
Which of the following articles guarantees equality before law and equal protection of law for all individuals residing within the territory of India?
What term is applied to the affective component of how we feel about a certain group?
Consider the following statements
1. Fundamental rights are absolute.
2. Articles 15 and 16 have been amended by parliament in pursuit of social justice.
Select the correct answer using following codes:
B. R. Ambedkar described the right as the 'Heart and Soul of the Constitution of India'?
The ideas of justice, equality and fraternity are found in the of the Indian Constitution:
The word democracy is derived from two Greek terms :
The government is a system which governs the organization of the
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares 'franchise' as a human right in:
“Parliamentary Government” is also known as....