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Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - UPSC MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test NCERT Based Tests for UPSC & State PSC Exams - Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 for UPSC 2025 is part of NCERT Based Tests for UPSC & State PSC Exams preparation. The Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 questions and answers have been prepared according to the UPSC exam syllabus.The Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 MCQs are made for UPSC 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 below.
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Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 1

Which of the following are the movement processes that occur in the oceans?

1. Waves

2. Tides

3. Precipitation

4. Currents

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 1
The movements that occur in oceans can be broadly categorized as

1. Waves

2. Tides

3. Current

Precipitation is not the phenomena that occur in the ocean. Basically, it occurs in the atmosphere.

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 2

With reference to the tropical grassland consider the following statements:

1. These grow only on the north side of the tropic of cancer.

2. This vegetation grows in the areas of moderate to low amounts of rainfall.

3. Elephants and Giraffes are common in these grasslands.

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 2
  • Tropical grasslands grow on either side of the equator and extend till the tropics. This vegetation grows in the areas of moderate to low amounts of rainfall. They can grow very tall, about 3 to 4 meters in height.

  • Tropical Grasslands are

  • 1. East Africa: Savanna

  • 2. Brazil: Campos

  • 3. Venezuela: Llanos

Following are the common animals found here: 1. Elephant 2. Zebras 3. Giraffes 4. Deer 5. Leopards

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 3

Consider the following statements:

1. Bromeliads are special plants that store water in their leaves.

2. These plants grow as plant parasites.

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Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 3
Bromeliads are special plants that store water in their leaves. Animals like frogs use these pockets of water for laying their eggs. These plants grow as plant parasites in the rainforest.

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 4

Consider the following statements:

1. The rhythmic rise and fall of ocean water once in a day is called a tide.

2. The strong gravitational pull exerted by the sun and the moon on the earth's surface causes the tides.

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Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 4
  • The rhythmic rise and fall of ocean water twice in a day are called a tide. The strong gravitational pull exerted by the sun and the moon on the earth's surface cause the tides. It is high tides when water covers much of the shore by rising to its highest level.

  • It is low tides when waterfalls to its lowest level and recedes from the shore.

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 5

Consider the following statements:

1. Tropical deserts are found in eastern margins of the continents.

2. The vegetation cover is very scarce here.

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Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 5
Tropical deserts are found in western margins of the continents. The vegetation cover is very scarce here because of scanty rain and scorching heat. Thorny bushes (scrubs and shrubs) are found in the dry desert-like regions.

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 6

Which of the following are the main crops that are grown in the Amazon basin?

1. Tapioca

2. Cocoa

3. Pineapple

4. Olives

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Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 6

The main crops which are grown in the Amazon basin are following: 1. Tapioca 2. Sweet potato 3. Pineapple 4. Cocoa 5. Coffee 6. Maize Coffee, cocoa and maize are cash crops which are grown there.

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 7

Which of the following are the usages of tides occurring in the ocean?

1. Navigation

2. Fishing

3. Electricity generation

4. Developing the marine plants

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Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 7
  • High tides help in navigation.

  • They raise the water level close to the shores. This helps the ships to arrive at the harbour more easily. The high tides also help in fishing.

  • Much more fish come to the shore during the high tides. The rise and fall of the water due to tides is being used to generate electricity in some places. Tides also help in developing marine life. Tidal pools between intertidal areas are used to grow various seaweeds.

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 8

Which of the following pairs are correctly matched?

1. Walrus: Softwood tree

2. Cedar: A citrus fruit

3. Olive: A polar animal

4. Downs: Tropical grassland

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 8
Correct matching of the given pairs is given as

1. Walrus: A polar animal

2. Cedar: Softwood tree

3. Olive: A citrus fruit

4. Downs: Temperate grassland in Australia

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 9

Which of the following are the tributaries of the river Ganga?

1. The Son

2. The Teesta

3. The Kosi

4. The Raidak

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 9
Some tributaries of the Ganga are as follows:1. Son 2. Kosi 3. Gomati 4. Gandak 5. Yamuna 6. Ghaghara 7. Mahananda 8. Chambal Some tributaries of the Brahmaputra are as follows: 1. Dibang 2. Lohit 3. Teesta 4.Subansiri 5. Raidak 6. Kameng

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 10

Which of the following currents originate in the northern hemisphere?

1. California Current

2. Florida Drift

3. Humboldt Current

4. Cape horn Current

5. Gulf Stream

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 10
  • Currents originating in the Northern hemisphere are the following: 1. Californian current 2. Florida Current 3. Gulf Stream 4. Canaries Current 5. Kuroshio and Oyashio

  • Currents originate in the Southern hemisphere are as follows: 1. Peruvian(Humboldt) Current 2. Brazil Current 3. Falkland Current 4. Benguela Current 5. Agulhas Current

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 11

Consider the following statements:

1. A compact settlement is a closely built area of dwellings, wherever flat land is available.

2. The scattered settlement is mostly found in hilly tracks and thick forests.

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Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 11
A compact settlement is a closely built area of dwellings, wherever flat land is available. In a scattered settlement, dwellings are spaced over an extensive area. This type of settlement is mostly found in hilly tracks, thick forests and regions of extreme climate. Rural settlements can be compact or scattered.

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 12

Consider the following statements:

1. Population density is the number of persons that live in one sq. km. of area.

2. The environment plays a dominant role in the density of population.

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Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 12
  • The environment plays a dominant role in the distribution of the population. The mountain areas with steep slopes have inhospitable terrain.

  • Therefore less number of people live in the mountain areas. While plain areas provide the most suitable land for human settlement. For example, the soil is fertile here for cultivation of crops. The density of the population of the plains is very high.

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 13

Consider the following pairs:

1. Coniferous forests: Subpolar region

2. Tropical hardwood forest: wet and Humid region

3. Thorny bushes: Deserts

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 13
  • The variety of vegetation varies in different parts of different continents. The changes in the type of natural vegetation occur mainly because of the changes in climatic condition in the different parts of continents.

  • Some examples are as follows: 1. Coniferous forests are found in Subpolar region 2. Tropical hardwood forest can grow in the Humid region 3. Thorny bushes are the main vegetation of the Deserts

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 14

Which of the following cities are connected by the Golden Quadrilateral?

1. Delhi

2. Ahmadabad

3. Kolkata

4. Chennai

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 14
Following cities are connected by the Golden Quadrilateral: 1. Delhi 2. Mumbai 3. Chennai 4. Kolkata Ahmedabad is not connected by it.

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 15

In which of the following states the Ganga-Brahmaputra basin does not lie?

1. Uttar Pradesh

2. Himachal Pradesh

3. Arunachal Pradesh

4. Bihar

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 15
Following are states where the Ganga -Brahmaputra basin lies: 1. Uttar Pradesh 2. Uttarakhand 3. Arunachal Pradesh 4. Bihar 5. Assam 6. West Bengal

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 16

Consider the following statements:

1. In tropical deciduous forests, trees shed their leaves in the wet season.

2. Hardwood trees are common in the tropical forests.

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 16
Tropical deciduous forests experience seasonal changes. Trees shed their leaves in the dry season to conserve water. Hardwood trees found in tropical forests are as follows: Tropical evergreen forest: Rosewood Mahogany Ebony Tropical deciduous forest: Sal Teak Neem Sheesham

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 17

The Trans -Siberian Railways is the longest railway system. Which of the following cities are connected by it?

1. Moscow

2. St.Petersburg

3. Vladivostok

4. Murmansk

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 17
The Trans -Siberian Railways is the longest railway system. It passes across Russia. It connects St. Petersburg in western Russia to Vladivostok on the Pacific coast in the east. Some important cities of Russia connected via this system are the following: 1. St. Petersburg 2. Moscow 3. Chita 4. Vladivostok But Murmansk is not connected by it.

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 18

In the Ganga-Brahmaputra plains which of the following vegetation is found?

1. Tropical evergreen

2. Tropical deciduous

3. Coniferous

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 18
  • In the Ganga-Brahmaputra plain tropical deciduous trees grow, along with teak, sal and peepal. Thick bamboo groves are common in the Brahmaputra plain.

  • The delta area is covered with the mangrove forests. In parts of Uttaranchal, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh, coniferous trees like pine, deodar and fir can be seen because the climate is cool and slopes are steep.

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 19

Which of the following are countries where temperate deciduous forests are found?

1. USA

2. China

3. Chile

4. Brazil

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 19
  • As we go towards higher latitudes, there are more temperate deciduous forests. These are found in the northeastern part of the USA, China, New Zealand, Chile and also found in the coastal regions of Western Europe Common trees: Oak, Ash, Beech etc. Common Animals: Deer, Foxes, Wolves, Birds like Pheasants and Monal are also found here. Tropical evergreen forests are found in Brazil.

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 20

Which of the following are the modes of communication?

1. Newspaper

2. Radio

3. Books

4. Television

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 20
The advancement in the field of communication has brought about an information revolution in the world. Different modes of communication are used to provide information, to educate as well as to entertain. Some common modes of communication are following

1 .Newspaper

2. Radio

3. Book

4. Television

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 21

Consider the following statements about the Ganga-Brahmaputra basin:

1. Fish and rice is the staple food of people living in this area.

2. The Rohu, Catla and Hilsa are the most popular varieties of the fish found here.

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 21
Fish and rice is the staple food of people living in this area. Since the land and water are suitable for rice cultivation on a large scale in this area. Aquatic life abounds in the fresh river waters, the lakes and the Bay of Bengal sea. The most popular varieties of the fish are the Rohu, Catla and Hilsa.

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 22

Consider the following statements:

1. The softwood is useful for making furniture, transport and constructional materials.

2. The hardwood is useful for making paper, newsprints and matchboxes.

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 22
  • The hardwood is useful for making furniture, transport and constructional materials. It is found in tropical regions. The softwood is useful for making paper, newsprints and matchboxes. Packing boxes are also made from the softwood.It is found in higher latitudes.

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 23

The portion of which of the following countries drain by the basin of the Amazon river?

1. Brazil

2. Peru

3. Bolivia

4. Columbia

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 23
The basin of Amazon river drains portions of the following countries: 1. Brazil 2. Peru 3. Bolivia 4. Columbia 5. Ecuador 6. Venezuela

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 24

Consider the following statements:

1. All the four ways of transport are well developed in the Ganga- Brahmaputra basin

2. Kolkata is an important port on the river Hooghly

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 24
  • All four ways of transport are well developed in the Ganga- Brahmaputra basin. (Roadways, Railways, Airways, Waterways] In the plain areas the roadways and railways transport the people from one place to another.

  • The waterways are an effective means of transport, particularly along the rivers. Kolkata is an important port on the river Hooghly. The plain area also has a large number of airports. Tourism is one of the important activity of the basin. (Apart from Agriculture)

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 25

Which of the following pairs are correctly matched?

1. Coniferous forests: Mink

2. Temperate forests: Lions

3. Tropical forests: Monal

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 25

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 26

Consider the following statements:

1. The temperate grasslands of South Africa are called prairies.

2. The temperate grasslands of North America are called velds.

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 26
  • The temperate grasslands of South Africa are called Velds. Velds are rolling plateaus with varying heights ranging from 600 m to 1100 m. The temperate grasslands of North America are called Prairies. It is a region of flat, gently sloping and hilly land.

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 27

Consider the following statements:

1. The Sahara desert is the world's largest desert.

2. Ladakh is a cold desert lying in the great Himalayas.

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 27
  • The Sahara desert covers the large part of North Africa.

  • It has an area of around 8.54 million sq. km. Ladakh is a cold desert lying in the east of Jammu and Kashmir in India.

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 28

Consider the following statements:

1. The prairies in the USA are drained by the river Colorado.

2. Canadian prairies are drained by the tributaries of the Saskatchewan River.

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 28
The prairies in the USA are drained by the tributaries of the river Mississippi.

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 29

Which of the following are animals found in the Sahara desert?

1. Camels

2. Foxes

3. Jackals

4. Scorpions

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 29
Following are the prominent animal species living in the Sahara desert: 1. Camels 2. Hyenas 3. Jackals 4. Foxes 5. Scorpions 6. Snakes 7. Lizards

Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 30

Consider the following statements:

1. Chinook is a cold wind.

2. It blows in the winter in North America.

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 Geography NCERT Based - 2 - Question 30
  • Chinook is a hot wind that blows in the winter and therefore raises the temperature in a short time.

  • This increase in temperature results in the melting of snow, making pasture land available for grazing of animals. Chinook is claimed by the popular folk-etymology to mean 'ice-eater'. It is a local wind which blows in prairies.

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