Consider the following statements.
1. Sarva Siksha Abhiyan has been implemented to encourage attendance and retention of children and improve their nutritional status
2. Mid-day meal scheme is a significant step towards providing elementary education to all children in the age group of 6–14 years
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Seasonal unemployment happens when people are not able to find jobs during some months of the year
2. People dependant upon agriculture usually face seasonal unemployment
3. In case of disguised unemployment people appear to be employed
4. Rural areas have mostly educated unemployment
Which of these statements are not correct?
Consider the following statements regarding unemployment.
1. Unemployment tends to increase economic overload.
2. Increase in unemployment is an indicator of a depressed economy
3. In case of India, a large number of people represented with low income and productivity are counted as unemployed
Which of these statements are correct?
Assertion: In recent years, there has been a decline in the dependence of population on agriculture partly
Reason: Agriculture faces disguised unemployment
Select the correct code:
Consider the following statements regarding the consequences of disguised unemployment in agriculture.
1. The concept of sharing of work in the field and the produce raised reduces the hardship of unemployment in the rural sector
2. This does not reduce the poverty of the family, gradually surplus labour from every household tends to migrate from the village in search of jobs
Which of these statements are correct?
Another feature of high poverty rates has been the huge income inequalities. In context of this, consider the following statements.
1. One of the major reasons for this is the unequal distribution of land and other resources
2. Land reforms which aimed at redistribution of assets in rural areas have not been implemented properly
3. In order to fulfil social obligations and observe religious ceremonies, people in India spend a lot of money
Which of these statements are correct?
Arrange the following Schemes Chronologically based on their releasing year.
1. Prime Minister Rozgar Yozana (PMRY)
2. Rural Employment Generation Programme (REGP)
3. Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yozana (PMGY)
4. Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements about Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005.
1. It aims to provide 100 days of wage employment to every household to ensure livelihood security in rural areas
2. It also aimed at sustainable development to address the cause of draught, deforestation and soil erosion
3. One-third of the proposed jobs have been reserved for women
Which of these statements are correct?
In the present times it is becoming clear that there is a strong link between economic growth and poverty reduction. In this context, consider the following statements.
1. Economic growth widens opportunities and provides the resources needed to invest in human development
2. However, the poor may or may not be able to take direct advantage from the opportunities created by economic growth
3. The higher growth rates have helped significantly in the reduction of poverty
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. The proportion of poor people is almost the same in every state
2. States like Punjab and Haryana have traditionally succeeded in reducing poverty with the help of high agricultural growth rates
3. In West Bengal, land reform measures have helped in reducing poverty
Which of these statements are correct?
Which of the following are correctly matched?
1. Availability - food production within the country, food imports and the previous years stock stored in government granaries.
2. Accessibility - food is within reach of every person
3. Affordability - an individual has enough money to buy sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet one's dietary needs
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements.
1. Chronic hunger is a consequence of diets persistently inadequate in terms of quantity and/or quality
2. Seasonal hunger is related to cycles of food growing and harvesting
Which of the statements/statements is/are not correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Buffer Stock is the stock of foodgrains, namely wheat and rice, procured by the government through the Department of Agriculture
2. The FCI purchases wheat and rice from the farmers in states where there is surplus production
3. The farmers are paid a pre announced price for their crops
Which of the statements/statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. The food procured by the FCI is distributed through every ration shops among the poorer section of the society
2. Ration shops also known as Fair Price Shops
Which of the statements/statements are correct?
Consider the following statements regarding the Public Distribution System.
1. In the beginning, the coverage of PDS was universal with no discrimination between the poor and the non-poor
2. In 1993, Revamped Public Distribution System (RPDS) was introduced in 1,700 districts in the country
3. Later Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) was introduced to adopt the principle of targeting the ‘poor in all areas’
Which of the statements/statements are correct?
In context of the public distribution system, Which of the following are correctly matched?
Name of the Scheme - Coverage Target Group
1. PDS - Universal
2. RPDS - Backward blocks
3. TPDS - Poorest of the poor
Which of the statements/statements are correct?
Consider the following statements about Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY).
1. Under this scheme, all the BPL families are covered under the targeted public distribution system
2. Initially, Twenty-five kilograms of foodgrains were made available to each eligible family at a highly subsidised rate of 2 per kg for wheat and 3 per kg for rice
Which of the statements/statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Subsidy is a payment that a government makes to a producer to supplement the market price of a commodity
2. Subsidies can keep consumer prices low while maintaining a higher income for domestic producers
Which of the statements/statements are not correct?
Consider the following statements about Academy of Development Science (ADS).
1. ADS organises training and capacity building programmes on food security for NGOs.
2. ADS is working to set up Grain Banks, to facilitate replication through other NGOs and to influence the Government’s policy on food security.
Which of the statements/statements are correct?
Which among the following are the factors which led to the decline of the public distribution system?
1. Ration shops regularly have unsold stocks of poor quality grains left
2. The price for above poverty line family is almost as high as the market price
3. Before Targeted PDS, every family, poor and non-poor had a ration card with a fixed quota of items
Choose from the following options.
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