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Test: Indian Climate - UPSC MCQ

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10 Questions MCQ Test Geography for UPSC CSE - Test: Indian Climate

Test: Indian Climate for UPSC 2025 is part of Geography for UPSC CSE preparation. The Test: Indian Climate questions and answers have been prepared according to the UPSC exam syllabus.The Test: Indian Climate MCQs are made for UPSC 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Test: Indian Climate below.
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Test: Indian Climate - Question 1

What would be the influence on the weather conditions when in mid-winter a feeble high pressure develops over the North-Western part of India?

1. High and dry winds would blow outward from this high-pressure area.

2. The Northern plain would become cold.

3. Scorching winds (locally called loo) would blow during the day time.

4. There would be torrential rains brought by thunderstorms.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

Detailed Solution for Test: Indian Climate - Question 1
High and dry winds would blow outwards from this high-pressure area when high pressure develops over the North-Western part of India.

Test: Indian Climate - Question 2

Consider the following statements :

1. In the coastal regions, the land breeze blows over to the sea during the night.

2. In the coastal regions, during the night, the air over the sea is warmer than the air over land.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

Detailed Solution for Test: Indian Climate - Question 2

Land heats and cools more rapidly than the sea. During the day the land gets heated and the air over the land being hotter and lighter than that over the sea, a low pressure area is created over the land. The hot air rises and cool air from the see ruches in towards the land, which is referred as sea breeze.At night the land rapidly loses its heat faster than the sea. The air over the sea is therefore warmer and lighter than over the land and a breeze blows but from the land towards the sea.

Test: Indian Climate - Question 3

Which of the following statements is/are correct?
1. Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone is a low-pressure belt which forms an important zone of contact over Northern India and Pakistan.
2. The Intertropical Convergence Zone invites inflow of winds from different directions.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

Detailed Solution for Test: Indian Climate - Question 3

The Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), known by sailors as the doldrums, is the area encircling the earth near the equator where the northeast and southeast trade winds converge.

Test: Indian Climate - Question 4

‘Kal Baisakhi’ gives rainfall to

Detailed Solution for Test: Indian Climate - Question 4
  • During the hot weather period i.e from March to May the Eastern and North-eastern states of the subcontinent like West Bengal, Bihar, Assam, Odisha (parts) and Bangladesh experience a dramatic appearance of a special type of violent thunderstorm known as Nor’wester.

  • In Bengal it is known as ‘Kal Baisakhi’ Apart from its destructive effects like a sudden rise in wind speed, lightning, thunder and hail the rainfall associated with the storm although small in amount, is extremely helpful for the pre-Kharif crops like jute, paddy, summer till and a large number of vegetables and fruits and the sudden drop in temperature gives relief after unbearable midday heat.

Test: Indian Climate - Question 5

Consider the following statements and select the correct answer by using the codes given below:

Assertion (A): In South India, the semi-arid steppe climate is found in parts of Karnataka plateau.

Reason (R): It lies in the rain shadow area of Sahyadris.


Detailed Solution for Test: Indian Climate - Question 5

Due to rain shadow area of Sahyadrithe regions between Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh have become semi-arid.

Test: Indian Climate - Question 6

Consider the following statements and select the correct answer by using the codes given below:
Assertion (A): India enjoys a tropical monsoon climate.
Reason (R): India is located within the tropics.

Select the correct answer from the following codes:


Detailed Solution for Test: Indian Climate - Question 6

India is located in the middle of the tropic of cancer.

Test: Indian Climate - Question 7

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

I. Mumbai receives more rainfall than Pune because it is located at the windward side of Western Ghats

II. Vidarbha region experiences semi-arid climate as it is located in a rain shadow region

III. In India monsoon reaches Kashmir valley at the last

Select the correct answer using the code given below :

Detailed Solution for Test: Indian Climate - Question 7
Pune is on the leeward side of the Western Ghats, it means that it lies in a rain shadow area. But Mumbai lies on the windward side and receives heavy rainfall. Vidarbha region experiences a semi-arid climate as it is located in a rain shadow region.

Test: Indian Climate - Question 8

The rainfall distribution pattern over the Ganga basin decreases from the:

Detailed Solution for Test: Indian Climate - Question 8

 The rainfall distribution pattern over the Ganga basin decreases from the East to the West and South to North.



Test: Indian Climate - Question 9

Which one of the following would have happened if the Himalayas did not exist?

Detailed Solution for Test: Indian Climate - Question 9
North Indian plain would have been much cooler in winter.

Test: Indian Climate - Question 10

Consider the following statements about cold waves in winter season in northern India:

1. There is a lack of maritime influence.

2. Northern India is nearer to the Himalayan region.

3. Air mass comes from polar regions to northern India.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

Detailed Solution for Test: Indian Climate - Question 10
In northern India, there is light rainfall during winter. This is caused by the cyclonic storms which originate in the Mediterranean Sea and travel towards India. These winds are called western disturbances. They cause heavy snowfall in the higher reaches of the Himalayas and rainfall in the plains. They result in a cold wave in northern India.
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