The Karewas of Kashmir refers to which among the following types of deposits?
Which of the following statements regarding red soils of India is/are correct?
1. The colour of the soil is red due to ferric oxide content.
2. Red soils are rich in lime, hummus and magnesia.
3. They are porous and have a friable structure.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
Consider the following statements about black soil of India:
1. Black soil becomes sticky when it is wet.
2. Black soil contains adequate nitrogen as well as phosphorus required for the growth of plants
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Which one of the following soils is suitable for cotton production?
The alluvial soil found along the banks of the rivers in the Ganga plain is called
In India more than half of the production of soyabean comes from
Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
(Soil) — (State)
Which one of the following statements is not correct about laterite soils in India?
Which of the following statements about alluvial soils of India are correct?
1. These are mostly clay soils and form deep cracks during the dry season.
2. Usually they are very productive soils.
3. These soils occur at high elevations as well as at low elevations.
4. Many of these soils are deficient in nitrogen, humus and phosphorus.
Consider the following statements regarding laterite soils of India :
1. Laterite soils are generally red
2. Laterite soils are rich in nitrogen And Potash
3. Laterite soils are well developed in Rajasthan and up
4. Tapioca and cashew nuts grow well in this soil
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Mulching, an agronomic measure of soil conservation, is very
effective because it :
1. protects soil from gully erosion.
2. protects soil from sheet wash and wind erosion.
3. helps soil to retain moisture and nutrients.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Assertion (A): Black soils are suitable for cotton cultivation
Reason (R): They are rich in humus.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below :
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