Consider the following statements on Northern Plains of India:
1. It was a geo-synclinal depression.
2. It has been gradually filled by the sediments brought by Himalayan and Peninsular rivers.
3. Average depth of alluvial deposits in these plains ranges from 1 to 2 km.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Consider the following statements concerning regions of Northern plains of India:
1. The rivers, after descending from the mountains deposit pebbles in a narrow belt of about 8 to 16 km in width lying parallel to the slopes of the Shivalik. It is known as Terai.
2. South of Terai, the streams and rivers re-emerge and create a wet, swampy and marshy region known as Bhabar.
3. The largest part of the northern plain is formed of older alluvium. They lie above the flood plains of the rivers and present a terrace-like feature. This part is known as Khadar.
4. The newer, younger deposits of the flood plants are called Bhangar.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Consider the following statements:
1. Bangar soils are less prone to floods.
2. Bangar soils are nothing but new alluvial soils.
3. Bangar soils are more fertile than Khadar soils.
4. Khadar plains are those that are low-lying next to a river.
Which of the above is/are incorrect?
Regarding Terai region, consider the following statements:
1. It is a marshy, wet region at the foothills of Shivalik ranges.
2. The region is wild, uninhabited and uncultivated.
Which of the above is/are correct?
Consider the following statements about Terai:
1. It is a wet, swampy and marshy region south of Bhabar.
2. The Terai region extends to Nepal too along with India.
3. Because of its geographical features, no crops can be grown in Terai.
Choose the correct answer using the codes below:
Regarding Rajasthan Plains, consider the following statements:
1. During the Permo-Carboniferous period, large tracts of Rajasthan Plain was undersea.
2. Many of the lakes in Rajasthan are of freshwater.
3. River Luni is the only river that flows through these plains and reaches the ocean through Kutch's Rann.
Which of the above is/are correct?
Consider the following statements:
Assertion (A): No river originating in Rajasthan meets the sea.
Reason (R): A large part of Rajasthan plains is desert.
In the context of the above, which of these is correct?
Which among the following statements regarding the Great Plains of India is/ are correct?
1. The Great Plains of India is located to the north of the Shiwalik
2. It is the alluvial deposits of rivers
3. The average depth of the alluvium deposit increases from south to north
Choose the correct option from the codes given below :
The lower Gangetic plain is characterized by a humid climate with high temperature throughout the year. Which one among the following pairs of crops is most suitable for this region?
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