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Test: Social Capital - UPSC MCQ

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10 Questions MCQ Test Indian Polity for UPSC CSE - Test: Social Capital

Test: Social Capital for UPSC 2025 is part of Indian Polity for UPSC CSE preparation. The Test: Social Capital questions and answers have been prepared according to the UPSC exam syllabus.The Test: Social Capital MCQs are made for UPSC 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Test: Social Capital below.
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Test: Social Capital - Question 1

According to the recommendations, what should the Union Government do to improve the legal framework for charities in India?

Detailed Solution for Test: Social Capital - Question 1
According to the recommendations, the Union Government should draft a comprehensive model legislation that covers both Trusts and Societies in order to improve the legal framework for charities in India. The existing laws on Societies, Trusts, Endowments, and Charitable Institutions should be replaced with this new legislation. The proposed model legislation should also include a cut-off limit for annual revenue of a charity, with organizations below this threshold having lighter compliance requirements. However, if irregularities are found in their functioning, these organizations will still be liable for legal and penal action. This new legislation aims to define 'Charity' and 'Charitable Purpose' more clearly and suggest measures to strengthen the relationship between charities and the government, particularly in tax matters. Interesting fact: The proposed legislation aims to strike a balance between regulating charities and promoting their smooth functioning, ensuring that the voluntary sector can continue to make a positive impact in society.
Test: Social Capital - Question 2

What is the recommendation regarding corporate social responsibility projects taken up by corporate entities?

Detailed Solution for Test: Social Capital - Question 2
The recommendation states that when a corporate entity takes up a community benefit project as part of their corporate social responsibility, they should consult with the local government. This consultation is important to ensure that there is no unnecessary overlap with other similar development programs already being implemented in the area. The government's role should be that of a facilitator, creating an environment that encourages business and industry to take up projects and activities that have a positive impact on the quality of life in the local community. Interesting fact: Collaboration between corporate entities and local governments can lead to more coordinated and effective development efforts, avoiding duplication of initiatives and maximizing the benefits for the community.
Test: Social Capital - Question 3

What recommendation is given regarding the accreditation of voluntary organizations seeking funding from government agencies?

Detailed Solution for Test: Social Capital - Question 3
The recommendation suggests that there should be a system of accreditation or certification for voluntary organizations that seek funding from government agencies. To implement this, the government should take the initiative to enact a law that establishes an independent body called the National Accreditation Council. This council would be responsible for accrediting and certifying voluntary organizations, ensuring that they meet certain standards and criteria. This accreditation process would help in effective monitoring of activities and proper scrutiny of returns filed by these organizations. Interesting fact: Accreditation of voluntary organizations can enhance transparency, accountability, and credibility, ensuring that government funding is utilized effectively for the intended purposes.
Test: Social Capital - Question 4
What amendment is recommended for the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Bill, 2006?
Detailed Solution for Test: Social Capital - Question 4
The recommendation suggests amending the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Bill, 2006 to include a time limit for procedures falling under Section 11, which pertains to seeking registration or prior permission for receiving foreign contribution. This amendment aims to facilitate speedy disposal of registration and effective monitoring of activities. Additionally, the bill should decentralize and delegate some functions under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act to State Governments and District Administration. This would help in proper scrutiny of returns filed by organizations and ensure compliance with the law. Interesting fact: The amendment seeks to strike a balance between the purpose of the legislation and the smooth functioning of the voluntary sector, ensuring effective regulation without hindering the sector's activities.
Test: Social Capital - Question 5
What is the recommendation regarding professional education and self-regulatory authorities?
Detailed Solution for Test: Social Capital - Question 5
The recommendation suggests that professional education should be taken away from the existing regulatory bodies and handed over to specially created agencies, with one agency for each stream of higher/professional education. This separation would ensure a more focused and specialized approach to professional education. The recommendation also supports the reforms proposed by the National Knowledge Commission regarding the structure, governance, and functioning of universities. It emphasizes the need for a transparent and independent process for the appointment of Vice Chancellors and granting them adequate authority and flexibility to govern the universities. Interesting fact: Separating professional education from self-regulatory authorities can lead to greater autonomy and specialization in the field, ensuring that the education provided meets high standards and is relevant to the needs of various professions.
Test: Social Capital - Question 6
What recommendation is given regarding continuing professional education?
Detailed Solution for Test: Social Capital - Question 6
The recommendation suggests that every professional regulatory body, in coordination with the respective National Quality and Standards Council and academic institutions, should conduct continuing professional education programs periodically. These programs aim to update and enhance the skills of professionals in their respective fields. By participating in continuing professional education, professionals can stay updated with the latest developments, advancements, and best practices in their industries. Interesting fact: Continuing professional education is crucial for professionals to stay relevant, improve their skills, and adapt to the changing demands of their professions. It helps ensure that professionals provide high-quality services and maintain professional standards.
Test: Social Capital - Question 7
What is the recommendation regarding cooperative institutions in India?
Detailed Solution for Test: Social Capital - Question 7
The recommendation suggests that cooperative institutions in India should be autonomous, democratic, member-driven, and professional. It proposes that an Article be added to Part-IV of the Constitution, stating that the state should make laws to ensure such cooperative institutions in different areas of economic activity, particularly those related to agriculture. This recommendation aims to empower cooperative institutions and make them more accountable and member-centric enterprises. Interesting fact: Cooperative institutions play a significant role in promoting economic development, particularly in rural areas. By ensuring their autonomy, democracy, and professionalism, these institutions can effectively serve the interests of their members and contribute to inclusive growth.
Test: Social Capital - Question 8
What is the recommendation regarding the growth of the Self-Help Group (SHG) movement in India?
Detailed Solution for Test: Social Capital - Question 8
The recommendation states that the Self-Help Group (SHG) movement in India should be extended beyond rural areas and expanded to urban and peri-urban areas as well. Currently, a large number of rural households in certain states do not have adequate access to formal sources of credit, and the SHG movement can address this gap. The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) Act may need to be amended to bring urban and semi-urban areas under its refinance mandate. Additionally, there should be continuous innovation and design of new financial products by commercial banks, NABARD, and the State Government to support these groups. Interesting fact: Extending the SHG movement to urban areas can empower marginalized communities and provide them with access to financial services and opportunities for economic growth.
Test: Social Capital - Question 9
What is the recommendation regarding the revival of cooperative credit and banking institutions?
Detailed Solution for Test: Social Capital - Question 9
The recommendation states that the process of implementing the revival package for Short-Term Rural Cooperative Credit Structure (STCCS) should be completed immediately. This involves amending the Banking Regulation Act, NABARD Act, and State Cooperative Societies Acts to improve the management and governance of cooperative credit institutions. It also suggests enacting a model Cooperative Law that states can adopt to enhance the functioning of agricultural and rural credit societies. Similar steps should be taken for the Long-Term Cooperative Credit Structure (LTCCS) as well. Interesting fact: Cooperative credit and banking institutions play a crucial role in providing financial services to rural and agricultural communities. The recommended amendments and model laws aim to strengthen and streamline these institutions, ensuring their effective functioning and better service delivery.
Test: Social Capital - Question 10
What is the recommendation regarding the Micro Financial Sector (Development and Regulation) Bill, 2007?
Detailed Solution for Test: Social Capital - Question 10
The recommendation suggests amending the Micro Financial Sector (Development and Regulation) Bill, 2007 to substantially widen the scope of micro-finance services. This amendment aims to promote financial inclusion and provide access to affordable financial services for underserved and marginalized communities. The issue of interest rates charged by micro-finance institutions (MFIs) should be left to the regulatory authority established under the proposed bill. The bill should also ensure that MFIs are kept out of the purview of state laws on money-lending. Interesting fact: Micro-finance services play a crucial role in providing financial support to individuals and small businesses, especially in rural and economically disadvantaged areas. Expanding the scope of these services can contribute to poverty alleviation and economic development.
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