Rammohan Roy did:
I. Attack polygamy and the degraded conditions of widows.
II. Champion women’s rights like right of inheritance and property.
III. Campaign against the practice of Sati and succeed in getting it abolished by the British Government.
IV. Fight for the spread of traditional education through the medium of sanskrit.
Which of the following options is/are correct-
Rammohan Roy did:
I. Pass away in India in 1833
II. Initiate public agitation on political questions like the need for reforms in the British administration, etc.
III. Pioneer Indian Journalism in order to educate the public on current issues.
IV. Strive to bring about national consciousness in India.
Who said, “So long as the millions live in hunger and ignorance, I hold every man a traitor, who having been educated at their expense, pay not the least head to them”?
What is the chronological order of the following events in the life of Swami Vivekananda?
I. Establishment of a monastery at Baranagar
II. First extensive tour of India
III. Speech at the World Parliament of Religions at Chicago
IV. Speech at the Congress of the History of Religions at Paris
Arrange the following events in the life of Rammohan Roy in chronological sequence:
I. His publication of a book entitled “The Precepts of Jesus, the Guide to Peace and Happiness”.
II. His visit to England as an ambassador of the titular Mughal emperor.
III. His publication of a Persian treatise called “Tuhfat-ul-Muwahidin”.
IV. Establishment of the Atmiya Sabha.
Which of the following statements about the Prarthana Sabha are true?
I. M.G. Ranade and R.G. Bhandarkar joined it in 1870 and infused new strength in it.
II. It was an offshoot of the Brahmo Samaj of India.
III. It was a reform movement outside Hinduism.
IV. It concentrated on social reforms like interdining, inter-marriage, remarriage of widows, and upliftment of women and depressed classes.
In the beginning of the 19th century, Indian society suffered from many social and religious ills. What exposed the weakness and decay of Indian society ?
Why did some Indians feel that modem Western thought provided the key to the regeneration of their society?
The main figure in the awakening was Raja Rammohan Roy who is regarded as the first great leader of modem India. He joined the service of the East India Company in
What is true about Rammohan Roy?
In which languages was Rammohan Roy proficient ?
In 1809 Rammohan Roy wrote Gift to Monotheists in which he put forward the idea that people must worship a single God. This work was written in
Rammohan Roy settled in Calcutta in 1814. He got the cooperation of youngmen and started an organisation to fight religious and social evils which were widely prevalent among Hindus in Bengal. This organisation was called
Rammohan Roy held that the principal ancient Hindu texts preached monotheism or the worship of one God. To prove his point, he published the Bengali translation of
Rammohan Roy opposed the
Rammohan Roy published his Precept of Jesus in which he attempted to separate the moral and philosophic message of the New Testament, which he praised, from its miracle stories. This work was published in
Rammohan Roy wanted the high moral message of Christ to be incorporated in Hinduism. This got him the hostility of the
Which is true about Rammohan Roy?
I. Surprisingly, the orthodoxy supported him for his philosophic admiration of Christianity and Islam.
II. He wanted reform of Hinduism and opposed its supersession by Christianity.
III. Other tha n Hinduism, Rammohan Roy adopted an extremely friendly attitude towards only Christianity.
Rammohan Roy founded a new religious society, the Brahmo Samaj. Its purposes was to purify Hinduism and to preach theism (worship of a single God). This society was founded in
The Brahma Sabha was to be based on the twin pillars of
What is true about the Brahmo Samaj?
I. It laid emphasis on human dignity.
II. It opposed idol worship.
III. It criticised social evils like Sati.
IV. lt incorporated the teachings of other religions.
Rammohan Roy set out to arouse public opinion on the question of sati as early as
What did Rammohan Roy demanded in order to raise the status of women?
Rammohan Roy was given the title of ‘Raja’ by Mughal emperor
A foreigner came to India in 1800 as a watchmaker. He spent his entire life in the promotion of modem education in India and got enthusiastic support from Rammohan Roy. His name was
Who founded the famous Hindu College?
Raja Rammohan Roy was a pioneer of Indian journalism. He published journals in
Rammohan Roy protested against
Which of the following was Rammohan Roy’s foremost Indian associate?
Which of the following organizations were founded by Pandita Ramabai?
1. Bharat Stree Mahamandal
2. Arya Mahila Samaj
3. Mukti Mission
4. Sharda Sadan
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