Dadabhai Naoroji first put forward his Theory of Drain of Wealth in his paper
Before the First World War nearly 97% of the British capital investment in India was made in
The commodity structure and direction of India‘s foreign trade was changed by
Who said: “The British rule was a bleeding drain from India”?
The British rulers put the blame for India‘s growing poverty on
The Lancashire cotton textiles were first introduced in India, in
Who of the following constituted the main body of the middle class in Bengal in British India?
Which of the following came to constitute the core of the rising middle class in India before the Battle of Plassey?
How did the East India Company directly organise the drain of Bengal after acquisition of its Diwani?
The Bengal famine of 1770 has been called “the English manufactured famine” because
The biggest British capital investment in India was made in
After 1833, the single biggest source of drain of Indian wealth to Britain was
A phase (1757-1813) of British exploitation of India was marked by direct plunder and the East India Company’s monopoly trade. This period is referred to as the
A phase (1813-1858) saw India convert rapidly into a market for Manchester textiles and a source for raw materials. This period is referred to as the
From about 1860, when British-controlled banks and export-import firms appeared in India, this country entered the
The trade monopoly of the East India Company in India was ended and trade with India was thrown open to all British subjects by the
The East India Company’s monopoly of tea trade andtrade with China was brought to an end by the
When did the East India Company change from a trading corporation to a colonial power
Till the mid-eighteenth century, profits of the East India Company primarily came from
Why did Indian rulers tolerate and even encourage the establishment of the Company’s factories in India?
Who remarked that Indian cloth had “crept into our houses, our closets and bed chambers; curtains, cushions, chairs, and at last beds themselves were nothing but calicos or Indian stuffs”?
Which of the following countries did not prohibit the import of Indian cloth or impose heavy duties?
Indian silk and cotton textiles still held their sway in foreign markets until the time when the English textileindustry began to develop on the basis of new and advanced technology. When did this happen?
After 1757, how did the Company exploit the weavers of Bengal?
Indian handicrafts lost not only their foreign markets but also their markets in India after
What impact did the rise of a powerful class of manufacturers have on India?
When was the East India Company forced by British industrialists to grant the latter the use of 3,000 tons of its shipping every year to carry their goods to India?
By 1813, the exports of British cotton goods to the East, mostly to India, increased by nearly
When was it decided that agricultural India was to be made an economic colony of industrial England?
Which Indian commodity, on entering Britain had to pay a duty that was over three times its cost price?
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