Which one of the following was not a consequence of the Revolt of 1857? The British Raj:
Which of the following act abolished all laws affecting the rights of persons converting to another religion or caste?
Who among the following analysed the causes of the uprising of 1857 advocating a reconciliation between the British and the Muslims?
What is the correct sequence of the following events?
I. Annexation of Oudh
II. Abolition of Peshwa’s Pension
III. Pensioning off the Rani of Jhansi
What is the correct chronological order of the following revolts?
I. Kacha Nagas revolt of Cachar
II. Thadoe Kukis revolt of Manipur
III. Munda revolt of Chotanagpur
The simmering discontent among the masses in India culminated in a violent outburst in 1857. The most important causes of the popular discontent was
Lord Dalhousie’s annexations had caused suspicion and uneasiness in the minds of most ruling princes in India. Which one of the following states was not annexed by the British under Dalhousie’s Doctrine of Lapse?
The annexation of Avadh by Lord Dalhousie in 1856 was widely resented. Why did this action anger the Company’s sepoys?
I. The sepoys felt that Dalhousie had no grounds for having annexed Avadh.
II. Most of the company’s sepoys came from Avadh
III. The sepoys possessed regional and local patriotism.
IV. The sepoys had to pay higher taxes on the land their families held in Avadh.
The Nawab of Avadh was deposed and the British system of administration was introduced in Avadh. What was its bad effect?
Why did the taluqdars (zamindars) of Avadh become the most dangerous opponents of British rule?
In the 1850s, why did the political prestige of the British suffer?
The fear of the greased cartridge can be accepted as a temporary, accidental and immediate cause. Why can’t it be regarded as a major political cause responsible for the outbreak of the revolt of 1857?
Two all-lndia confederacies had the strength to drive out the British from India. But in the 1850s they were struck by an internal rebellion. They were
Before the revolt of 1857, there were sepoy rebellions. Match them with the years in which they broke out:
How did the British hurt the sentiments of the Muslims before the Mutiny of 1857?
I. They did not recognise the successor of Bahadur Shah, Faqir-ud-din.
II. In 1849, Dalhousie announced that the successor to Bahadur will have to leave Red Fort and move to the Qutab.
III. In 1856, Canning announced that after Bahadur Shah’s death the Mughals would lose the title of kings and would be known as mere princes.
IV. A son of Bahadur Shah was killed by the British.
Which of the following leaders regard the nonadmission of Indians into the legislative and administrative branches of the government of India as the primary cause of the Mutiny of 1857?
The religious sentiments of many Indians were hurt when the Government enacted a law which enabled a convert to Christianity to inherit his ancestral property. This law was enacted in
Before 1857, Christian missionaries tried to convert Indians to their faith. The right of unrestricted entry of Christian missionaries into India was conceded by
Which social legislation was disliked by many Hindus which made them dislike the British?
Some historians opine that some military causes were responsible for the outbreak of the revolt of 1857. The General Service Enlistment Act provided that all fresh recruits for the Bengal Army would have to serve any where including abroad. According to current religious beliefs of the Hindus, travel across the sea was forbidden and led to loss of caste. This Act hurt the sepoys’ sentiments. It was passed in
Who openly declared that “the Christianization of India was to be the ultimate end of one continued possession of it”
Before the Revolt of 1857, the Inam Commission at Bombay, appointed by Lord Dalhousie, investigated the titles of landowners. What was the result of this investigation?
Which of the following was not a major cause of the Revolt of 1857?
The privilege of the postage so long enjoyed by the sepoys in the Company’s army was withdrawn with the passing of the Post Office Act of
The premature outburst of the Revolt of 1857, instead of a later date fixed for the general uprising (31st May), was a reason for the Revolt’s failure.The Revolt began at Meerut on
Which factor was not responsible for the failure of the Revolt of 1857?
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