Which of the following is correct with regard to the Speaker?
Which one of the following statements related to Money Bills is not correct?
The Finance Bill has to be considered and passed by the Parliament and assented to by the President within
Which of the following are described as the starred questions?
The quorum to hold a meeting of a House of the State Legislature shall be
The Upper Chamber of the State Legislature, besides other members, consists of
Which of the following is exclusively Lok Sabha committee?
What will follow if a Money Bill is substantially amended by the Rajya Sabha?
Which of the following expenditures shall be charged on the Consolidated Fund of India?
1. The emoluments and allowances of the President and other expenditures relating to this office.
2. The emoluments and allowances of the Prime Minister and other expenditure relating to his office.
3. The salaries and allowances of the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the Council of State.
4. The salaries and allowances of the Speaker and the Deputy speaker of the Lok Sabha.
Match List I with List II
List-I List-II
A. Vote on account 1. Lumpsum money granted without detailed estimates
B. Vote on credit 2. Additional expendutire not covered in the approved budget
C. Supplementary 3. Amount spent in grants excess demand for grants
D. Excess demand 4. Grants in advance for grants pending budgetary approval
(a) 1 4 3 2
(b) 1 4 2 3
(c) 4 1 2 3
(d) 4 1 3 2
Which of the following statements regarding Judiciary in India are correct?
1. In India Judiciary is not part of the State.
2. In India pattern and designation of sub-ordinate courts in the States are not uniform.
3. Munsiff's courts have both civil and criminial jurisdiction
4. The pattern of subordinate courts in metropolitan area is the same as that in districts.
Which of the following statements regarding 'the advisor jurisdiction' of the Supreme Court are correct?
1. The opinion of the Supreme Court may be sought by the President on any question of law or fact.
2. In case the opinion of the Supreme Court is sought it is bound to give it.
3. The advice given by the Supreme Court on a matter referred to it is binding on the President since the 42nd amendment.
4. Advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court can also be exercised over disputes arising out of reference made over pre-constitutional treaties.
Which of the following statements regarding the exercise of judicial review in India is not correct?
In which of the following categories of cases the Supreme Court of India has the power to decide?
1. A reference made by the President on a question of law or fact.
2. A case involving interpretation of the Constitution.
3. A case involving a substantial questions of law of general importance.
4. A case where the constitutionality of any law has been challenged.
A writ of Prohibition is an order issued by the Supreme Court or High Court which
Which of the following statements regarding Supreme Court of India are correct?
1. It has the power of entertain appeal from any court or tribunal within India.
2. It has the power to deliver advisory opinion on question of fact or law referred to it by the President
3. Salaries of the Judges of the Supreme Court subject to vote by the Parliament.
4. Its jurisdiction is binding on all other courts within India.
Consider the following statements regarding the Advisory Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court:
1. The reference for advice may be made to the Supreme Court on a question of law or fact by the President of India.
2. Disputes arising out of pre-constitution treaties and agreements excluded from the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court may also be referred to it.
3. The advice given by the Supreme Court is binding on the Government
4. One of the cases referred to the Supreme Court for its advice was the constitutionality of theKerala Education Bill.
Q. Which of these are correct?
Restriction of the writ jurisdiction of the High Courts under Articel 226 of the Constitution is only possible through
Arrange the following Chief Justices of India in the chronological order and select the corrcet code
1. Ranganath Mishra
2. Mehr Chand Mahajan
3. H.J. Kania
4. B.N. Kirpal
Which of the following is correct regarding 'Deendayal Upadhya Gram Jyotic Yojana'?
Which of the following is not correct?
I. The idea of 'Biosphere Reserves' was initiated by UNESCO in 1970-71.
II. Man and Biosphere Programme of UNESCO was launched in 1970.
III. The Government identified 38 mangrove and 4 croral reef sites throughout the country for intensive conservation and management of mangroves and coral reefs.
IV. The scheme on Biodiversity Conservation in India was initiated during 1991-92 to ensure coordination among various agencies dealing with the issues.
Consider the following statements:
(i) Sterilization is a monetary policy tool
(ii) Sterilization is a Market Stabilization Scheme
(ii) Open Market Operation is a monetary policy tool
(iv) Open Market Operations take place in secondary market
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
Which of the following agencies conducts ‘inflation expectation survey’ of households in India?
Consider the following statements regarding Foreign Direct Investment (FDI):
(i) FDI investment happens through secondary market
(ii) FDI investment is about equity securities
(iii)FDI investment is about debt securities
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
Consider the following statements regarding Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI):
(i) FPI investment happens only in equity shares
(ii) FPI investment happens only in debt securities
(iii) FPI is mainly into primary market
(iv) FPI investment may happen through primary market
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
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