The duties envisaged by the Constitution for the Inter-state Council are to
I. Inquire into and advise on disputes between states
II. investigate matters of common interest for two or more states
III. make recommendations for coordination of policy and action relating to any subject
IV. enforce provisions relating to the freedom of trade and commerce
I. Some of the fundamental rights are not available to the armed forces.
II. The President alone can decide upon modifying the application of the fundamental rights to the armed forces.
Which of the following fundamental rights is available to citizens as well as aliens?
I. Equality before the law
II. Freedom as to payment of taxes for the promotion of any particular region
III. Freedom of speech and expression
IV. Cultural and educational rights of minorities
The Constitution of India
I. forbids the practice of untouchability
II. prescribes penalties for practising untouchability
III. defines untouchability as a vicious historical practice
(A) : "Preventive detention' is included in the chapter on Fundamental Rights of the Indian Cosntitution.
(B) : Preventive Detention is a Fundamental Right of the State against individuals.
Which of the following are listed among the Directive Principles in Part IV?
I. Equal pay for equal work
II. Uniform civil code
III. Small family norm
IV. Education through mother tongue at primary level
Which of the following were added to the Directive Principles by amendments to the Constitution?
I. To protect and improve the environment and safeguard wild life
II. Right of workers to participate in management of industires
III. Right to work
IV. To protect and maintain places of historical interest
If the State enacts a law to implement a Directive Principle calling for equitable distribution of the material resources of the community, it
Each member of Parliament who participates in the presidential election in India is entitled to cast as many votes as are obtained by dividing the total number of votes of the Legislative Assemblies of all the states by the total number of elected members of the two Houses of Parliament. This ensures
The President's legislative functions are
I. summoning and proroguing the two Houses of Parliament
II. convening a joint sitting to resolve deadlocks
III. dissolving the two House of Parliament
IV. addressing either House at the commencement of each session
Which of the following is/are correct with regard to the office of Attorney-General of India?
I. He is a member of the Cabinet
II. He can speak in either House of Parliament and vote on any issue
III. He must be qualified to become a judge of the Supreme Court
IV. His remuneration is fixed by Parliament
If an unqualified or disqualified person sits and votes in Indian Parliament
When a resolution for his removal is under consideration, the Speaker
I. does not take part in the proceedings of the House
II. has no right to vote
III. has the right to speak in the House even though he shall not preside
Which of the following is/are true?
I. A bill pending in the Rajya Sabha which has not been passed by the Lok Sabha lapses on the dissolution of Lok Sabha
II. If the President has notified about his intention to summon a joint sitting on a bill, the bill not lapse even if the Lok Sabha is dissolved after the notification
Which of the follwoing are dissimilarities between Indian and Australian federalism?
(i) Australia has no written constitution while India has a written constitution
(ii) In Australia, unlike India, the states possess separate constitution
(iii) In Australia, unlike India, all amendments to the constitution are submitted for the approval of the people and the states
(iv) In Australia all the states are given equal representation in the Senate
Regarding division of powers between the centre and units, the Canadian Constitution differs from its Indian counterpart
Which of the following features make the US federalism different from the Indian federal system?
(i) The States in USA have their own constitutions
(ii) There is a double judicial system in India
(iii) The US Constitution can be amended only with the consent of three-fourths of the States
(iv) The US Constitution stipulates the powers of the centre and states but remains silent about the residuary powers
Consider the following statements:
A: The Constitution of India is one of the largest in the world.
R: Indian Constitution contains not only broad principles but also the details of administration
Consider the following statements:
A: Citizenship defines those who are and those who are not members of a common society.
R: A political system of equal citizenship in reality less than equal if it is part of a society divided by unequal conditions.
Consider the following statements:
A: Every society in which the warranty of rights is not assured, nor the separation of powers determined, has no constitution. R: The Constitution of France is not only most administrative constitution in the world, but the only one
The British Parliament 'legitimates' but does not 'legislate'. This means that
The term "Nostro Account" recently seen in the news is related to:
(i) It is an account that one bank holds in another bank
(ii) It is used to facilitate international transactions
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
Which of the following statements are true regarding "Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO)":
(i) (i) It is under Dept. of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance
(ii) It is under Ministry of Corporate Affairs
(iii) It is an executive body established through government resolution
(iv) It has been established under an Act
Select the correct answer using the code given below
Which of the following statements are true regarding "Domestic Systemically Important Banks (DSIB)":
(i) These are also called "too big to fail"
(ii) They need to meet additional capital requirement
(iii) The list of DSIB should be declared annually by RBI
(iv) The list of DSIB is declared by the Ministry of Finance
Select the correct answer using the code given below
Which category of banks have the highest share in agricultural credit:
The recent changes in the Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Act 2015 allows:
'Demographic Dividend' is estimated/calculated in terms of which of the following:
Consider the following statements:
(i) Real per capita GDP is steadily increasing in the last five years
(ii) Real per capita income is steadily increasing in the last five years
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
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