Let's say there are seven requests: 16, 24, 43, 82, 140, 170, and 190. Additionally, the disc arm is supposed to travel "towards the larger number" while the read/write arm is at 50. What is the total seek time?
Consider a disk that has 209 cylinders, starting from index 0. At some time, the disk arm is at the 57th cylinder from the end moving from largest to innermost cylinder. There is a queue of disk access requests for cylinders 5, 40, 75, 195, 145, 203, 106 and 122. The R/W head of the disk uses the Circular Scan algorithm to reach the disk and access the data. The disk arm requires 1 msec to move between adjacent cylinders and 9 msec to move between the largest and innermost cylinder. The total seek time is _______.
There are 200 tracks on a disk platter and the pending requests have come in the order - 36, 69, 167, 76, 42, 51, 126, 12, and 199, Assume the arm is located at the 100th track and moving towards track 200. If the sequence of disc access is 126, 167, 199, 12, 36, 42, 51, 69, and 76 then which disc access scheduling policy is used?
Consider a disk system having 60 cylinders. Disk requests are received by a disk drive for cylinders 10, 22, 20, 2, 40, 6, and 38, in that order. Assuming the disk head is currently at cylinder 20, what is the time taken to satisfy all the requests if it takes 2 milliseconds to move from one cylinder to an adjacent one and Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF) algorithm is used ?
Consider a storage disk with 4 platters (numbered as 0, 1, 2 and 3), 200 cylinders (numbered as 0, 1, … , 199), and 256 sectors per track (numbered as 0, 1, … , 255). The following 6 disk requests of the form [sector number, cylinder number, platter number] are received by the disk controller at the same time: [120, 72, 2] , [180, 134, 1] , [60, 20, 0] , [212, 86, 3] , [56, 116, 2] , [118, 16, 1] Currently the head is positioned at sector number 100 of cylinder 80, and is moving towards higher cylinder numbers. The average power dissipation in moving the head over 100 cylinders is 20 milliwatts and for reversing the direction of the head movement once is 15 milliwatts. Power dissipation associated with rotational latency and switching of head between different platters is negligible. The total power consumption in milliwatts to satisfy all of the above disk requests using the Shortest Seek Time First disk scheduling algorithm is _______.
Let disk request come to a disk driver for cylinders in the order 10, 22, 20, 2, 40, 6 and 38, at the time when the disk driver is reading from cylinder 20. If the seek time is 6 ms per cylinder, then the total seek time for the disk arm scheduling time algorithm (FCFS - First Come First Serve) is:
In Magnetic Disks Structures, The surface of a platter is logically divided into circular______
Consider the process track request are 98, 183, 37, 122, 14, 124, 14, 124, 65, 67 and the initial seek is 53. What is the total number of seeks for the C-Look algorithm?
Suppose that the rotating disk head is moving with 200 tracks numbered from 0 to 199 and is currently serving a request at track 65. Disk queue requests are as follows: 93, 173, 132, 20, 35, 150, 100, 175 and 55.Which of the following statements satisfies these requests for the SSTF (Shortest Seek Time First) algorithm?
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