Fold mountains are formed due to large- scale movements in the Earth’s surface when stresses are set up in the Earth’s crust. What is/are the possible reason(s) for this?
1. Increased load of overlying rocks
2. Flow movements in the mantle
3. Magnetic intrusions in the crust
Choose the correct answer using the codes below:
Regarding fold mountains, consider the following statements:
1. Alpine mountain building phase is the recent phase to which the Himalayan mountains belong to.
2. The Ural Mountains were formed during Alpine orogeny (mountain building phase) too.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?
Why a very large thickness of sedimentary rocks is found in the Fold Mountains?
Which of the following are examples of Young FOLD mountains?
1. Himalayas
2. Alps - Europe
3. Appalachians - North America
4. Ural-Russia
5. Aravalli - India
Which of the above is/are correct?
Which of the following are true with respect to fold mountains?
1. Their tops are often buried beneath snow and ice.
2. They are caused by the contraction of the earth's crust.
3. They form rugged peaks.
4. Fold mountains are mostly found along continental margins facing oceans
Tectonic plateaus are formed due to Earth movements that cause uplifts. Consider the following statements:
1. Meseta of Central Iberia
2. Harz of Germany
3. Bolivian plateau found between two ranges of Andes
Which of the following are tectonic plateaus found on Earth?
In humid highlands, several dissected plateaus like the Scottish Highlands are found. Which of the forces are responsible for the formation of such dissected plateaus?
1. Stream action
2. Cuts done due to glaciation
3. Abrasion by wind
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?
Which river borders Meghalaya-Mikir Uplands in the east?
Which one of the following forms the real watershed of the Peninsula?
The Eastern Ghats form the eastern boundary of which region?
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