Which of the following banks were nationalized in 1980?
Consider the following statements and identify the right ones.
i. Post nationalization, banks were supposed to open more branches in rural and semi-urban areas
ii. Banks had to provide credit facilities to areas that come under priority sector.
Consider the following statements and identify the right ones.
i. The lead bank scheme owes its origin to Nariman Committee
ii. Under this scheme, SBI and its subsidiaries only were given the responsibility of development of districts
In 2001, RBI issued a set of guidelines for private sector. Which of the following is true?
In 2001, RBI issued a set of guidelines for private sector. Which of the following is true?
In 2001, RBI issued a set of guidelines for private sector. Accordingly which bank was issued licence?
Which of the following is a reason for inflation?
Which of the following is an effect of inflation?
Consider the following statements and identify the right ones.
i. Government can reduce indirect taxes to control inflation
ii. There is trade-off between growth and inflation in India
Which of the following is not a reason for inflation?
Which of the following can be undertaken to control inflation?
Consider the following statements and identify the right ones.i. For measuring overall inflation in the economy, CPI is used.ii. WPI was first published in 1942 for 23 commodities
Consider the following statements and identify the right ones.
i. There are 697 items divided into 3 parts in the WPI
ii. All the 3 parts are given equal weightage
Which group constitutes maximum weightage in WPI?
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