Satish Kalsekar, who has passed away recently was a renowned poet of which language?
The book titled “An Ordinary Life: Portrait of an Indian Generation” has been authored by __________
RBI has increased the limit of loan that can be sanctioned by banks to director or associates of other banks, without board approval. What is the enhanced limit?
Saikhom Mirabai Chanu, has opened India’s medal tally at the ongoing Tokyo Olympics 2020, by winning a silver medal. She represents the country in which event?
The ‘Jogajog’ is a platform similar to Facebook. The new platform is being developed by which country?
Which institute has launched a technology innovation hub ‘C3i Hub’ to find cyber security solutions for anti-drones technologies?
In which state is the Rudreswara Temple located?
Shiv Nadar has stepped down as the Managing Director from which country?
Which among these countries is the latest to formally join the International Solar Alliance (ISA) in July 2021?
The historic Paseo del Prado boulevard and Retiro Park are among the newly inducted UNESCO World Heritage Sites for 2021. They are located in which city?