With reference to the Banks Board Bureau (BBB), consider the following statements:
1. It is an autonomous recommendatory body of the Government of India, which started functioning in 2010.
2. The amendment to the Nationalised Banks (Management and Miscellaneous Provisions) Scheme, 1980 provides for the legal framework for composition and functions of the BBB.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
With reference to the Nitrogen, consider the following statements:
1. Nitrogen is one of the most important macronutrients needed for development of a plant.
2. It is a part of chlorophyll, amino acids and nucleic acids, among others.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
With reference to the earthquakes, consider the following statements:
1. According to the theory of plate tectonics, the Earth’s crust and upper mantle are made of large rigid plates that can move relative to one another.
2. The point inside the Earth where the earthquake rupture starts is called epicentre.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
With reference to the Internet shutdowns, consider the following statements:
1. According to the Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC), since 2012 there have been 665 Internet shutdowns in India to date.
2. Jammu and Kashmir has had more than 411 shutdowns since 2012.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Consider the following statements regarding the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act:
1. The Ministry of Finance is the nodal ministry of the regulation of foreign contribution.
2. It is mandatory to open a bank account in State Bank of India (SBI) branch in Delhi to receive foreign contributions.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
With reference to the National Investigation Agency, consider the following statements:
1. State governments can directly refer the cases pertaining to the scheduled offences to the National Investigation Agency.
2. The jurisdiction of NIA extends only within the territorial region of India.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Consider the following statements regarding ‘World Food Programme’:
1. It was given the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020.
2. It was founded in 1961 and headquartered in Rome.
3. It is a member of the United Nations Sustainable Development Group (UNSDG).
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
With reference to the Vice President of India, consider the following statements:
1. He/She is the second highest constitutional office in India.
2. He/She cannot continue office after the expiration of his/her term.
3. Only the elected members of Rajya Sabha make the electoral college for election of the Vice President of India.
Which of the statements given is/are correct?
With reference to the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), consider the following statements:
1. USCRIF is a U.S. federal government commission created by International Religious Freedom Act of 1998.
2. The commission has nine commissioners out of which three are appointed by US president, four by the opposition and two by the ruling party.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
With reference to the BRICS, consider the following statements:
1. The term BRIC was coined by Goldman Sachs economist Jim O’Neill in 2001 to describe the startling rise of Brazil, Russia, India, and China.
2. South Africa joined in 2005.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?