Leap day is always added to the month of
How many Solstices are there in every year
Earth's movement around sun is called
The sun rays are vertical over the ________ during ______
Seasons change due to the change in the position of the earth around the
Which of the following is NOT the season
Which of the following is responsible for the change of seasons
I. Revolution of the earth
II. Inclination of the axis of the earth
III. Rotation of the earth
IV. Revolution of moon
Options are as follows:
The Circle of illumination divides Earth into two parts known as:
The axis of the earth which is an imaginary line, makes an angle of 661/2° with its
The portion facing the sun experiences ___ while the other half away from the sun experiences ___
______, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun .
The movement of Earth on its axis is called
In Australia Christmas is celebrated in the season:
There is a continuous daylight at the South Pole during the ______________
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