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KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - KVS PGT/TGT/PRT MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test KVS PGT Exam Mock Test Series 2025 - KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 for KVS PGT/TGT/PRT 2025 is part of KVS PGT Exam Mock Test Series 2025 preparation. The KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 questions and answers have been prepared according to the KVS PGT/TGT/PRT exam syllabus.The KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 MCQs are made for KVS PGT/TGT/PRT 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 below.
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KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 1

The following sentence has been broken into four parts with an error in one part. Identify that part and mark it as your answer. If there are no errors in any of the given parts, mark option 4 or ‘No error’ as your answer.

Q. The metro rail management apologized (1)/  for the inconsistency it had caused (2)/ to all the commuters. (3)/ No error (4).

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 1

The sentence seems to mean that the authorities apologized for the trouble it caused to passengers. Hence, the correct word to be used is 'inconvenience' and not 'inconsistency'.
Inconvenience means to cause trouble or problems whereas inconsistent means not to be regular.
Hence, the correct option is 2.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 2

The following sentence has been broken into four parts with an error in one part. Identify that part and mark it as your answer. If there are no errors in any of the given parts, mark option 4 or ‘No error’ as your answer.

Kajal was sitting within (1)/ between Prachi and Isha (2)/ at the party that night. (3)/ No error (4). 

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 2

The word 'between' is used when two things or persons are being compared or depicted.
Example-I had to select between the two destinations for the vacation.
Thus, the statement should read as 'Kajal was sitting between Prachi and Isha at the party that night.'

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 3

In the following question, an idiomatic expression and its four possible meanings are given. Find out the correct meaning of the idiom.

A drop in the bucket.

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 3

'A drop in the bucket' means that 'a very small amount compared with what is needed or expected'.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 4

In the following question, an idiomatic expression and its four possible meanings are given. Find out the correct meaning of the idiom.

Q. M.F. Hussain's works always paint a thousand words.

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 4

'Paint a thousand words' means that some form of art or work can at times speak a lot more than words.
Option 1 is hence correct as no other option expresses the same point.
Example- The sketchings of the young boy was so captivating that it painted a thousand words in the minds of the viewer.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 5
निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा सघोष वर्ण है?
Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 5

उपर्युक्त में से सघोष वर्ण है - ', घ, य'

  • वर्ग - (मूर्धा)
  • वर्ग - (कण्ठ)
  • वर्ग -(तालु)
    • वे व्यंजन जिनके उच्चारण में स्वर तंत्रियों के निकट आ जाने से उनके बीच से निकलने वाली वायु के कारण उनमें कम्पन्न या नाद उत्पन्न होता है, उन्हें घोष या सघोष व्यंजन कहते हैं।
    • प्रत्येक वर्ग (क, च, ट, त, प वर्ग) का तृतीय, चतुर्थ एवं पंचम वर्ण (ग,, ङ, ज, , ञ, , ढ, ण, द, ध, न, ब, भ,) तथा, र, ल, व, ह, ड, ढ़ वर्ण सघोष वर्ण हैं।

    • सभी स्‍वर वर्ण, अन्‍त:स्‍थ व्‍यंजन(य,र,ल,व) और 'ह' सघोष या घोष व्‍यंजन हैं।

Key Points

Additional Informationअघोष व्यंजन:-

  • वे व्यंजन जिनके उच्चारण में न तो स्वर-तंत्रियाँ निकट आती हैं और न ही उनमें किसी प्रकार का कम्पन्न उत्पन्न होता है, अघोष व्यंजन कहलाते हैं।
  • प्रत्येक वर्ग का (क, च, ट, त, प वर्ग) प्रथम एवं द्वितीय वर्ण (क, ख, च,, ट,, त, , प, ) तथा श, ष,, क, फ़ अघोष व्यंजन हैं।
KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 6
'ज्ञ' वर्ण किसके योग से बनता है?
Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 6

'ज्ञ' वर्ण के योग से बनता है - 'ज् + ञ'

  • ज् + ञ = ज्ञ
    • यह एक संयुक्त व्यंजन है
  • संयुक्त व्यंजन में जो पहला व्यंजन होता है वो हमेशा स्वर रहित होता है और इसके विपरीत दूसरा व्यंजन हमेशा स्वर सहित होता है।
  • जैसे -
    • ज् - स्वर रहित
    • - स्वर सहित (ञ् + अ = ञ)

Key Points

  • संयुक्त व्यंजन की हिंदी वर्णमाला में कुल संख्या 4 है-
    • क्ष - क् + ष = क्ष
    • त्र - त् + र = त्र
    • ज्ञ - ज् + ञ = ज्ञ
    • श्र - श् + र = श्र

Additional Informationसंयुक्त व्यंजन:-

  • जो व्यंजन 2 या 2 से अधिक व्यंजनों के मिलने से बनते हैं उन्हें संयुक्त व्यंजन कहा जाता है।
  • संयुक्त व्यंजन एक तरह से व्यंजन का ही एक प्रकार है।
KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 7
निम्नांकित व्यंजनों में महाप्राण व्यंजन नहीं है।
Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 7

सही उत्तर '' है।

  • 'त' व्यंजन अल्पप्राण व्यंजन है।
  • जिन वर्णों के उच्चारण में मुख से कम श्वास निकले उन्हें 'अल्पप्राण' कहते हैं।
  • सभी स्वर वर्ण अल्पप्राण हैं।
  • प्रत्येक वर्ग का पहला, तीसरा और पाँचवाँ वर्ण अल्प- प्राण होता है ।
  • जैसे-क वर्ग – क ग ङ , च वर्ग – च ज ञ, ट वर्ग – ट ड ण, त वर्ग – त द न, प वर्ग - प ब म
  • उष्म व्यंजन अल्पप्राण नहीं होते हैं।

Key Points

अन्य विकल्पों का विश्लेषण:

  • महाप्राण व्यंजन उन्हें कहते हैं जिनके उच्चारण में मुख से अधिक हवा निकलती है।
  • हिंदी भाषा में क वर्ग आदि पाँचों वर्गो के दूसरे और चौथे वर्ण महाप्राण हैं तथा ऊष्म वर्ण भी महाप्राण हैं। अर्थात् ख्‌, घ्‌, छ्‌, झ्‌, ठ्‌, ढ़्, थ्‌, ध्‌, फ्‌, भ्‌, श्‌, ष्‌, स्‌, ह्‌ महाप्राण ध्वनियाँ हैं।​
KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 8
In India, the maximum amount of rainfall is received from
Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 8

The correct answer is South-West Monsoon.

  • Air moves from the high-pressure area over the southern Indian Ocean, in a south-easterly direction, crosses the equator and turns right towards the low-pressure areas over the Indian subcontinent. 
  • These are known as the Southwest Monsoon winds responsible for widespread rainfall in mainland India.
  • Due to the shift of ITCZ, the trade winds of the southern hemisphere cross the equator between 40° and 60°E longitudes and start blowing from southwest to northeast due to the Coriolis force. It becomes southwest monsoon.
  • In winter, the ITCZ moves southward, and so the reversal of winds from northeast to south and southwest takes place. They are called northeast monsoons.
  • The western cyclonic disturbances are weather phenomena of the winter months brought in by the westerly flow from the Mediterranean region.
  • They usually influence the weather of the north and north-western regions of India
  • The season of retreating monsoon (October and November) is a period of transition between the warm rainy monsoon and the dry cool winter.
KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 9

A word with letters jumbled has been given. Choose the correct order of letters which are required to form the correct word.

Jumbled word: PTIOISCL

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 9

1) 8, 4, 3, 7, 1, 5, 2, 6

2) 5, 2, 7, 3, 4, 1, 8, 6

3) 3, 1, 6, 8, 4, 5, 2, 7

4) 1, 4, 8, 3, 2, 5, 7, 6

'POLITICS' is a meaningful English word.

Hence, '1, 4, 8, 3, 2, 5, 7, 6' is the correct answer.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 10

Which figure from the answer figures will replace the question mark (?) in the problem figures?

Problem Figures:

Answer Figures:

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 10

The logic followed here is:

The figure in image 2 is water image of the figure in image 1. The figure in image C of answer figure will be the water image of the figure in image 3.

Hence, image C of answer figure is the correct answer.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 11

Which of the statements given below is NOT TRUE for corporal punishment?  

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 11

A punishment can never help in making an emotional connect with the children. So, this option is NOT TRUE for corporal punishment.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 12

Which of the following statements is true, according to the principle of unequal development rate ?

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 12

The term ‘development’ refers to qualitative changes in an individual such as a change in personality or other mental and emotional aspects. The process of development continues even after the individual has attained physical maturity (growth).

  • Development takes place in all aspects such as physical, cognitive, language, social, emotional, and others. Development is governed by certain principles which are applicable to all individuals.

Key Points

Development occurs at different rates for different parts of the body or unequal development rate:-

  • The development of different physical and mental traits is continuous but all parts of the body do not grow at the same rate.
  • In some areas of the body, growth may be rapid while in others, growth will be slow.
  • Development does not take place at the same rate during ten to fifteen years of age as it takes place during five to ten years of age.
  • For example, the brain attains its full maturity around the age of 6 to 8 years, feet, hands, and nose reach their maximum size in early adolescence, whereas the heart, liver, and digestive system grow during adolescence also.

Thus, it is concluded that development does not take place at the same rate during ten to fifteen years of age as it takes place during five to ten years of age, is a true statement according to the principle of unequal development rate.


  • The development follows a fixed pattern/sequence: Each child may have a different rate of development. However, the development of all human beings follows a similar pattern, similar sequence, or direction. Sequential patterns of development can be seen in two directions. The child gets control overhead first, then on hands and legs and First, the torso develops, then hands, head and legs develop.
  • There are individual differences in development: Interaction between heredity and environmental influences leads to individual differences in the developmental pattern. Development of different persons takes place in different ways.
KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 13
The conventional 10+2 structure of school curricula is to be replaced by a ______ curricular structure 
Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 13

Key Points

Early Childhood Care & Education with  new Curricular and Pedagogical Structure: 

  • With an emphasis on Early Childhood Care and Education, the 10+2 structure of school curricula is to be replaced by a 5+3+3+4 curricular structure corresponding to ages 3-8, 8-11, 11-14, and 14-18 years respectively.  
  • This will bring the hitherto uncovered age group of 3-6 years under the school curriculum, which has been recognized globally as the crucial stage for the development of the mental faculties of a child.
  • The new system will have 12 years of schooling with three years of Anganwadi/ pre-schooling.
  • NCERT will develop a National Curricular and Pedagogical Framework for Early Childhood Care and Education (NCPFECCE) for children up to the age of 8 .
  • ECCE will be delivered through a significantly expanded and strengthened system of institutions including Anganwadis and pre-schools that will have teachers and Anganwadi workers trained in the ECCE pedagogy and curriculum.
  • The planning and implementation of ECCE will be carried out jointly by the Ministries of HRD, Women and Child Development (WCD), Health and Family Welfare (HFW), and Tribal Affairs.

Hence, a 5+3+3+4 curricular structure will be the correct answer.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 14
Which commission suggested three language formula in Education?
Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 14

Kothari Commission (1964-66) was set up under the Chairmanship of Dr. D. S. Kothari to formulate a coherent education policy for India. The Commission was most comprehensive in nature, it reviewed almost all aspects of the education system without limiting itself to any one particular aspect.Key PointsKothari Commission recommended Three-Language Formula in education:

  • The First Language: It has to be studied must be the mother tongue or the regional language.
  • The Second Language: In Hindi-speaking States, the second language will be English or some other modern Indian language. In non-Hindi-speaking States, the second language will be Hindi or English.
  • The Third Language: The third language is taught at a later stage in school, and that too for a shorter time, as it is needed only in limited context i.e. in a social situation where neither first nor second language could help the child to communicate.

Hence, it could be concluded that Kothari Commission suggested three language formula in Education.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 15

______health committee was set up to assess the health condition of India.

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 15

Bhore Committee (Health Survey and Development Committee): The Govt. of India, in 1943 appointed the Bhore Committee with the Chairmanship of Sr. Joseph Bhore, to survey the existing health conditions and recommendations for future development in the country. The committee members met regularly for two years and submitted their reports in 1946.

Key Points

Some of the important recommendations of the Bhore Committee were:

  • Integration of preventive and curative services at all administrative levels.
  • The committee visualized the development of primary health centers in two stages:
    • As a shorter-term measure, it was proposed that each primary health center in the rural areas should cater to a population of 40, 000 with a secondary health center to serve as a supervisory, coordinating, and referral institution.
    • A long-term program of setting up primary health units with 75 bedded hospitals for each 10,000 to 20,000 population and secondary units with 650 bedded, hospitals, again regionalized around district hospitals with 2500 beds.
  • Major changes in medical education include 3 months of training in preventive and social medicine to prepare "social physicians".
  • The Committee's report even today continues to be a major national document and has provided guidelines for National Health Planning.  

Hence, we conclude that the Bhore committee 1943 was set up to assess the health condition of India.

Additional Information

  • Mudaliar committee was appointed to survey the progress made in the field of health since the submission of the Bhore Committee's report and to make recommendations for future development and expansion of health services. 
  • Yashpal committee: The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) established the Yashpal Committee, a higher education committee, in 2009. The chairman of the committee was Dr. Yash Pal, and it was created for assessing improvements to be brought about in higher education in India.
  • Kothari Commission: The Government of India established the Kothari Commission as an ad hoc commission to investigate all facets of the Indian educational system, create a general framework for education, and make recommendations for regulations and programs to further education in India.
KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 16

[Ti (H2O)6]3+ absorbs green and yellow region part of visible light. Then the transmitted colour of the compound is

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 16

We know that white light is composed of many different colours. When white light is allowed to fall on [Ti(H2O)6]3+ ion, this ion absorbs the light of green and yellow colour and transmits is almost purple colour.The purple colour of the transmitted light is called complimentary colour of that of absorbed light.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 17

The conditions favourable for the reaction :

2SO2(g)+O2(g)  2SO3(g) ; ΔH° = -198 kJ  are :

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 17

Exothermic reaction favourable at low temperature Δng < 0
⇒ favourable at high pressure

*Multiple options can be correct
KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 18

In the electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride solution, two types of reactions can take place at anode :

I. 2Cl- (aq) → Cl2(g) +2e-

II. 2H2O(l)g → O2 (g) + 4H+(aq) + 4e-

Select the correct statement(s) about these.

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 18


(c) Experrnent indicates that the applied voltage required is always greater than the voltage calculated from the standard E0ox or E0red. The additional voltage required is called overvoltage. Due to this, Cl2 and not O2 s formed. This, (c) 6 correct. 

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 19

How many atoms of hydrogen are in 67.2 L of H2 at STP?

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 19

Standard temperature and pressure (STP) is defined as 0 degrees Celsius and 1 atmosphere of pressure. At STP, 1 mole of any gas occupies 22.4 liters.
First, calculate the number of moles of hydrogen gas (H2) in 67.2 liters:
67.2 L / 22.4 L/mole = 3 moles of H2
Each molecule of H2 contains 2 atoms of hydrogen. Therefore, 3 moles of H2 contains:
3 moles * (6.022 x 10^23 molecules/mole) * 2 atoms/molecule = 3.6132 x 10^24 atoms of hydrogen.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 20

The energies of activation for forward and reverse reactions for A2 + B2   2AB are 180 kJ mol–1 and 200 kJ mol–1 respectively. The presence of a catalyst lowers the activation energy of both (forward and reverse) reactions by 100 kJ mol–1. The enthalpy change of the reaction (A2 + B2 → 2AB) in the presence of catalyst will be (in kJ mol–1) –

 [AIEEE 2007]

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 20

The correct answer is Option D.
In presence of catalyst, 
E(forward) = 80kJ/mol  and, 
E(reverse) = 100kJ/mol.
Therefore, H(reaction) =E(reverse)−E(forward)

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 21

Chemical species present in the environment are either naturally occurring or generated by human activities. Their interrelation with the surroundings is called:

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 21

environmental chemistry basically deals with the interrelationship between chemical species generated by human activities or naturally.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 22

The constant k used in rate equation is known as

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 22

Rate constant is also known as velocity constant.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 23

Which of the following statements are not true for hydrogen?

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 23

The electronic configuration of the Hydrogen atom is 1s1.

It has one electron in the outermost shell. It exists as a diatomic molecule (H2​) by sharing its' electron with other hydrogen atom.


It cannot form ionic compounds because it cannot donate its' electron and can only form covalent compounds by sharing the electron. It cannot lose an electron to form a cation because the hydrogen atom cannot exist after losing an electron.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 24

 In the reaction:

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 24

∆Hr is called both enthalpy of combustion of hydrogen as well as enthalpy of formation of water.For the enthalpy of combustion of hydrogen, the reason is that 1 mole of Hydrogen is burnt in its pure state. For the formation of water, the reason is that 1 mole of water is formed from its constituent elements.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 25

Which of the following elements are called representative elements?

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 25

The elements of "s" and "p" blocks except "d" group elements are called as representative elements. Their outer shells are not completely filled with electrons. The elements get the nearest inert gas configuration by losing or gaining or sharing of electrons. 

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 26

Bond length of H— Cl is 1.2476 Thus, its dipole moment is

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 26

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 27

A solution was made by dissolving 2 g of a solute in 100 g of acetone. The solution boiled at 56.95° C. The boiling point of pure acetone is 55.95° C, and the Kb =1.71°C/m. What is the molecular weight of the solute?

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 27

The correct answer is Option B.
∆Tb =(Kb × 1000 × W2) / M2 × W1
⇒ M2 = (Kb × 1000 × W2) / ∆Tb × W1
= (1.71 × 1000 × 2) / 1 × 100
= 34.2g

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 28

The most and least reactive electrophiles respectively in a SN1 reaction are

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 28

Electron donating —CH3 gro up stabilises benzylic carbocation, hence increases reactivity of corresponding substrate. Electron withdrawing —NO2 decreases stability of carbocation, decreases reactivity of corresponding substrate in SN1 reaction

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 29

Type of isomerism exhibited by [Ir(OCN)2(H2O)3]

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 29

OCN is ambident ligand & it shows linkage isomerism.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 30

In which of the following compounds the carbon marked with asterisk is expected to have greatest positive charge?

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 30

In CH3 - CH- Cl, the carbon marked with asterisk has the greatest positive charge due to high electronegativity of Cl.

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