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KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - KVS PGT/TGT/PRT MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test KVS PGT Exam Mock Test Series 2025 - KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 for KVS PGT/TGT/PRT 2025 is part of KVS PGT Exam Mock Test Series 2025 preparation. The KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 questions and answers have been prepared according to the KVS PGT/TGT/PRT exam syllabus.The KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 MCQs are made for KVS PGT/TGT/PRT 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 below.
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KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 1

Directions: Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.

Q. The Finance Minister presented data on the large sums of money (deposit into) some bank accounts, causing problems in the economy.

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 1

The correct option is Option 1, i.e., ‘deposited into’.
The correct tense of the bracketed phrase has to be used for the sentence to make proper sense. Therefore, ‘deposit into’ has to be replaced by ‘deposited into’, making Option 1 the correct choice

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 2

Directions: In the following question, one part of the sentence may have error(s). Find out the part of the sentence having an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select 'No error' as your answer.

Q. The rich man (1)/ killed him (2)/ and his own children (3)/ No error (4)

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 2

The correct option is 2.
The sentence talks about a rich man killing himself and his own children. From the phrase, ‘his own children’, we can derive that the ‘him’ in the sentence refers to the rich man. The phrase is wrong as it should be ‘himself’ instead of ‘him’.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 3

निम्न में से कौन-सा शब्द निपात का उदाहरण नहीं है?

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 3

सही उत्तर "मैं" है।

  • दिए गए विकल्पों में, 'मैं' शब्द निपात का उदाहरण नहीं है।
  • 'मैं' शब्द 'उत्तम पुरुष सर्वनाम' है।
  • किसी भी बात पर अधिक भार देने के लिए जिन शब्दों का प्रयोग किया जाता है निपात कहलाता है।
  • जैसे- भी, तो, तक, केवल, ही, मात्र आदि।

Key Points

अन्य विकल्पों का विश्लेषण:


  • राधा ने मुझसे बात तक नहीं की।
  • कल से मैं भी आपके साथ स्कूल आऊंगा।
  • राम को आज रात रुकना ही पड़ सकता है।
  • उपरोक्त उदाहरणों में तक, ही, भी शब्द वाक्यों को बल दे रहे हैं।

Important Points


  • वे शब्द जिनमे लिंग, कारक, वचन, पुरुष आदि के कारण कोई विकार/ परिवर्तन उत्पन्न नहीं होता है, अव्यय शब्द कहलाते है।
  • जैसे – आज, कब, इधर, किन्तु आदि।
  • अव्यय के पांच भेद हैं

Additional Information

  • ​संज्ञा के स्थान पर प्रयुक्त होने वाले शब्दों कोसर्वनामकहते हैं।
  • जैसे - मैं, वह, वे, उन्हें, अपने तुम, हम आदि।
  • पुरुषवाचक सर्वनाम के प्रकार:
    • हिंदी में पुरुषवाचक सर्वनाम तीन प्रकार के होते है:
    • उत्तम पुरुष सर्वनाम- जिस सर्वनाम का प्रयोग वक्ता/बोलने वाला लिखने वाला खुद के बारे में बताने के लिए करता है।
    • जैसे: मैं, मुझे, मुझको, मेरा, मेरी, हमारी, हम, हमारा, हमें आदि।
    • मध्यम पुरुष सर्वनाम- जिस सर्वनाम का प्रयोग वक्ता सुनने वाले व्यक्ति के लिए करता है।
    • जैसे: तुम, तुमको, तुझे, तू, आप, आपने आदि।
    • अन्य पुरुष सर्वनाम- जिस सर्वनाम का प्रयोग वक्ता किसी तीसरे व्यक्ति के बारे में बताने के लिए करता है, तब इस सर्वनाम का प्रयोग होता है।
    • जैसे: यह, वह, ये, वे, आदि।
KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 4
वह लाचार है, क्योंकि वह अंधा है।" इस वाक्य में कौन-सा अव्यय है ?
Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 4

सही उत्तर 'कारणवाचक' है।

Mistake Pointsसमुच्चयबोधक के भेद-

समुच्चयबोधक अव्यय के 2 भेद होते हैं- (i) समानाधिकरण, (ii) व्यधिकरण
व्यधिकरण के भेद

व्यधिकरण के 4 भेद होते हैं-

  • (a) कारणवाचक/हेतुबोधक - क्योंकि, जोकि, इसलिए कि आदि।
  • (b) उद्देश्यवाचक- कि, जो, ताकि, इसलिए कि आदि।
  • (c) संकेतवाचक- जो-तो, यदि-तो, यद्यपि-तथापि, चाहे-परन्तु, कि आदि।
  • (d) स्वरूपवाचक- कि, जो, अर्थात, याने, मानो आदि।

Key Points

  • "वह लाचार है, क्योंकि वह अंधा है।" इस वाक्य में कारणवाचक अव्यय है।
  • प्रस्तुत वाक्य में कारण बताया जा रहा है कि वह अँधा है इसलिए लाचार है।
  • यहाँ 'क्योंकि' कारणवाचक अव्यय है।
  • ऐसे शब्द जिसमें लिंग , वचन , पुरुष , कारक आदि के कारण कोई विकार नहीं आता अव्यय कहलाते हैं। यह सदैव अपरिवर्तित , अविकारी एवं अव्यय रहते हैं। इनका मूल रूप स्थिर रहता है , वह कभी बदलता नहीं है जैसे – इधर, किंतु, क्योंकि, जब, तक, इसलिए आदि।

Additional Information

अव्यय के चार भेद माने जाते हैं-

  • क्रिया विशेषण
  • संबंधबोधक
  • समुच्चयबोधक
  • विस्मयादिबोधक

Important Pointsअन्य विकल्प -

  • संकेतवाचक - जो अव्यय संकेत या शर्त एक वाक्य में बताकर दूसरे वाक्य में उसका फल संकेतित करें, उन्हें संकेतवाचक कहते हैं।
  • उदाहरण- मैं वहाँ इसलिए गया था ताकि पुस्तक ले आऊँ।
  • परिणावाचक - ऐसे अविकारी शब्द जो हमें क्रिया के क्रिया के परिमाण या उसकी मात्र, संख्या के बारे में बताते हैं वे शब्द परिमाणवाचक क्रियाविशेषण कहलाते हैं।
  • जैसे: तुम्हे अधिक खाना चाहिए।
  • संबंधवाचक - वे शब्द जो संज्ञा/सर्वनाम को अन्य संज्ञा/सर्वनाम के साथ संबंध का बोध कराते हैं उसे संबंधबोधक अव्यय कहते हैं।
  • जैसे- किताबें टेबल पर हैं, उसके बिना मेरा काम नहीं चलता
KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 5
Chromosomes are present in ________
Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 5


The nucleus of the Cell

  • The cell is the basic building block of all living beings. 
  • The nucleus is the special structure located generally at the center of the cell. 
  • The nuclear membrane separates the cytoplasm from the nucleus. 
  • The nucleus contains a central part called nucleolus and chromosomes. 
  • Chromosomes and nucleolus coexist in the nucleus. Chromosomes are not present in the nucleolus.

Chromosomes and Genes

  • Chromosomes carry genes and help in the inheritance or transfer of characters from the parents to their children. 
  • The chromosomes can be seen only when the cell divides.
  • The credit for the discovery of chromosomes goes to Strasburger as he first described the chromosome structure seen in the nucleus during cell division.
  • Usually, chromosomes are rod-shaped, elongated, or dot-like in shape with sizes varying from 0.5 to 32 micrometer.
  • In humans, 23pairs of chromosomes are found i.e. 46 in numbers.


  • Chromosomes are present in the nucleus of the cell. So, all the given options are wrong. 
  • The correct option is None of these.

Additional Information

  • The cell membrane is also known as the plasma membrane. 
    • It is a porous structure that allows the exit and entry of certain materials according to its requirement. 
    • This is the major function of the cell membrane. 
  • The cytoplasm is between the cell and the nucleus.
    • Cell organelles like mitochondria, Golgi bodies, ribosomes, etc. are present in the cytoplasm. 
    • Mitochondria is called the powerhouse of cells and is responsible for cellular respiration. 
    • vacuole is open space between cell which is used for storing food. 
  • Plastids are double-membrane organelles found in the plant cell. They contain pigments that help the plant in photosynthesis. 
KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 6
The principal food crop of the world is
Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 6


  • We know that all living organisms need food.
  • Food supplies proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals, all of which we require for body development, growth, and health.
  • Both plants and animals are major sources of food for us.
  • We obtain most of this food from agriculture and animal husbandry.
  • Cereals such as wheat, rice, maize, millets, and sorghum provide us carbohydrates for energy requirements.


The principal food crop of the world is wheat.

  • Wheat is a Rabi crop that belongs to the Gramineae family.
  • The scientific name of rice is Triticum aestivum.
  • Wheat is the principal crop for millions of people in the world.
  • Wheat grain is used for cooking.
  • So, it is the principal cereal crop compared to rice, maize, and barley. 

Additional Information

  • The major food crop of the world that belongs to the family is Gramineae
  • Gramineae is also known as the Poaceae is the family that contains all the major crops that belong to the grass family.
  • Poaceae or Gramineae is the most economically important plant family, providing staple foods from domesticated cereal crops as well as feed for meat-producing animals. 
  • Examples such as maize, wheat, rice, barley, and millets, etc.
KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 7

What is the systematic display of data along with graphics, sounds, movies, etc., called?

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 7

The systematic display of data along with graphics, sounds, movies, etc., is called multimedia. It combines various forms of media to present information in an interactive and engaging manner. Here is a detailed explanation of each option:
A: A presentation
- A presentation refers to the act of presenting information to an audience.
- While multimedia can be used in presentations, it is not limited to just presentations.
B: Multimedia
- Multimedia is the correct answer as it encompasses the use of various media elements such as graphics, sounds, movies, etc., to display data.
- It provides a more dynamic and interactive way of presenting information.
C: Information
- While data is presented through multimedia, information refers to the knowledge or facts derived from the data.
- Multimedia helps in conveying information effectively, but it is not the term used specifically for the display of data.
D: Processing
- Processing refers to the manipulation or transformation of data.
- Multimedia involves the presentation of data rather than the processing of data.
In conclusion, the correct answer is B: Multimedia as it best describes the systematic display of data along with graphics, sounds, movies, etc.
KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 8
Which of the following is not an element of counselling?
Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 8

Counseling is a process of enabling the individual to know himself and his present and possible future situations in order that he may make substantial contributions to the society and to solve his own problems through a face to face relationship with the counselor.

  • In educational settings, counselling refers to the process which gives importance to recognize the root of the learner's problems.
  • Counseling helps the teacher to better relate to the unacceptable behavior of learners and to help them with the proper guidance.

Important Points

For effective counseling, the counselor should keep in mind the element of counseling which includes:

  • Interview
    • The interview is one of the main techniques employed in assisting the individual to understand himself. It is the fundamental operation in the counseling process.
    • By interview, the actual causes can be listed, and then the counselor should take efforts to eliminate the effects of the factors that cause the problem and should work for a permanent solution.
  • Confidence
    • An expert counselor can arouse confidence in the counsellee that they are close enough for his free expression of any of his feelings which he cannot talk openly with others.
    • The counselor builds up the confidence of the counsellee through positive strokes, warmth, acceptance, support, and encouragement, and makes him see the more positive side of himself. 
  • Communication
    • Counselling provides a relationship and communications which help the client to develop understanding, explore options, and start the change.
    • Counselor is responsible to establish a helping relationship based on trust, freedom, positive regard and mutual respect, genuineness, accurate empathy, etc.

Hence, it could be concluded that professional growth is not an element of counselling.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 9

In which of the following National Education Policy the concept of socially useful productive work was introduced?

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 9

The National Policy on Education 1986, put forward a 10+2+3 pattern of education for the country, with 10 years of a common curriculum for all.

Key Points

  • It recommended the bifurcation of the secondary stage of school education into vocational and academic streams.
  • National Education Policy 1986 accepted the concept of Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW) and deemed it as purposeful, meaningful physical work.
  • It was recommended that it should be considered an important factor at all levels of education which should be provided as, well organized and systematic program.
  • The work-oriented education is offered at the elementary level under one of the various nomenclatures, e.g. work experience/work education/life-oriented education/craft education/socially useful productive work. 

Hence, we conclude that NEP 1986 introduced the concept of socially useful productive work.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 10

How does NEP 2020 propose to address the flexibility in subject choices for students in higher education?

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 10

NEP 2020 suggests a flexible higher education system with multiple entry and exit points, allowing students to choose their courses based on their interests and career goals.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 11
The student behaves aggressively in the classroom, he needs help in:
Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 11

Aggressive behavior is always interpreted as normal or abnormal with reference to the context of the socio-cultural, setting in which it occurs, and the developmental age of the child.

Key Points

  • The student behaves aggressively in the classroom, he needs help in the affective domain of learning.
  • Learning in the affective domain includes changes in interest, attitudes, and values. 
  • All these behaviors ultimately lead to better adjustment abilities in the student in society.
  • The main organizing principle in affective learning is the degree of internalization which is the extent to with the feelings or emotions are incorporated by the student as a part of his personality. 
  • The main organizing principles in affective learning are:
    • Receiving
    • Responding
    • Valuing
    • Organization
    • Characteristics

Hence, we can conclude that the student behaves aggressively in the classroom, and he needs help in the affective domain of learning.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 12
For the first time, in the global context, the ECCE got recognition with
Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 12

The term ECCE comprises of three key terms:- ‘Early Childhood’, ‘Care’, and ‘Education’. Early childhood is the period from birth to six years. The importance of ECCE has been recognized globally as well. It started in 1989 with the 'United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child' (UNCRC) which is an international agreement for child rights. It intended to protect and promote the wellbeing of children in terms of their survival, health, education and protection.

Key Points The 'World Conference on Education for All' held in Jomtien, Thailand in 1990 emphasized that ‘learning begins at birth’ and promoted early care and education as a must that needs to be provided through the involvement of families and communities. 

  • In addition, the 'World Education Forum' held in Dakar, Senegal in April 2000 also reiterated the importance of ECCE. It reaffirmed that education is a fundamental human right, and set objectives for achieving 'Education For All' (EFA) goals to ensure basic education for all children.
  • 'World Education Forum' held in 2015 at Incheon, Republic of Korea, set up the goal for sustainable development recognizing the important role of education as a main driver of development by 2030. The Sustainable Development Goal 4 targets that, “by 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education, so that they are ready for primary education”.

Hence, we conclude that for the first time, in the global context, the ECCE got recognition with ​United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 13
Educational and instructional objectives provide direction to:
Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 13
Educational objectives tells about what should be taught in the school to achieve those objectives.Based on that curriculum is planned and co curricular activities are included in the curriculum.
KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 14
Which of the following type of curriculum involves experiences which are intentionally planned by the school, college or university organization to be provided to the learners?
Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 14

A curriculum is a set of predetermined actions that are intended to carry out a certain educational goal. It comprises assertions of the selection criteria for the topic to be taught, as well as decisions about the techniques, resources, and assessment to be used.Key Points 

Overt curriculum:

  • The terms explicit curriculum and intended curriculum are also used to describe overt curriculum.
  • It covers all the extracurricular and co-curricular activities that the school, college, or university organization has purposefully designed to be provided to the learners.
  • It contains information that learners are explicit to be given, including knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values. An overt curriculum is created by keeping the school's aims and objectives in mind.
  • As a result, it is limited to written understandings that have been explicitly created by curriculum designers and administrators.

Hence, it is concluded that Overt Curriculum involves experiences that are intentionally planned by the school, college or university organization to be provided to the learners.

Additional Information

  • Implicit/hidden curriculum is all the things that student pick up throughout their academic career that is not explicitly taught as part of the formal curriculum.
  • Null curriculum is also known as an excluded curriculum which focuses on what not to teach in schools.
KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 15
The term "Curriculum" has been derived from a Latin word "Currere" which means :-
Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 15

Attempts have been made to fix the meaning of ‘curriculum’ as a technical term, but by and large, a unique commonly agreed-upon definition of the term will need some more time to be arrived at. Etymologically, the term curriculum has been derived from a Latin root that means ‘race course’.Key Points

  • The word ‘race course’ is suggestive of the course, i.e., the path; and the time (suggested by the prefix race) in which the path could/must be covered.
  • A curriculum is a planned activity undertaken in an educational institution. It is a planned learning outcome of an institution, otherwise called “thinking before doing.”
  • Any curriculum has four basics, viz; social forces, knowledge of human development as provided by the accepted theory/theories, the nature of learning, and the nature of knowledge and cognition.
  • A curriculum is all of the experiences that individual learners have in a program of education whose purpose is to achieve broad goals and related specific objectives, which is planned in terms of a framework of the theory.

Hence, it can be concluded that the term "Curriculum" has been derived from a Latin word "Currere" which means race course.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 16

Comprehension Type

This section contains a passage describing theory, experiments, data, etc. Two questions related to the paragraph have been given. Each question has only one correct answer out of the given 4 options (a), (b), (c) and (d)


A handbook gives the concentration of water in a 2.772 M aqueous solution of NaOH as 998.0 g L-1.

Q. Molality of solution is

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 16

Molarity = 2.772 M =2.772 mol L-1  Thus, NaOH =2.772 mol


KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 17

Which of the following complex species is not expected to exhibit optical isomerism?

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 17

[CoNH3CI3] do not exhibit optical isomerism. Optical isomerism is shown by M(AA)2X2 type, M(AA)3 type , [M(AA) B2X2] type complexes containing hexadentate ligand and MLa Lb Lc Ld Left type.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 18

A proton accelerated from rest through a potential difference of 'V' volts has a wavelength λ associated with it. An alpha particle in order to have the same wavelength must be accelerated from rest through a potential difference of         

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 18

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 19

A biochemical catalyst is:

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 19

Enzymes are biological catalyst, they catalize different chemical reactions in body.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 20

Electron-rich hydrides has excess electrons that are present as

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 20

Electron –rich hydrides, as the name suggest, are compounds of hydrogen with other elements that have excess electrons present as lone-pairs. For example ammonia –NH3 is a hydride of nitrogen that has one lone pair, water (H2O) is a hydride of oxygen that has two lone pairs etc.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 21

The molar mass of C6H10O is

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 21

Molar mass = 6(12) + 10(1) + 5(16) = 162g

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 22

In which of the following pairs both the ions are coloured in aqueous solution? (Atomic number, Sc = 21, Ti = 22, Ni = 28, Cu = 29, Co = 27)

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 22

Ni2+ and Ti3+ ions are coloured in aqueous solution because they contain unpaired electrons.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 23

Fire extinguishers contain -?

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 23

NaHCO3 + H2SO4 →  Na2SO4 + H2O + CO2
extingusher fire

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 24

 most stableconfomer of product will be :

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 24

Most stable conformer of n - propane

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 25

In an atom, an electron is moving with a speed of 600m/s with an accuracy of 0.005%. Certainity with which the position of the electron can be located is (h = 6.6 ×10−34 Js)

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 25


KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 26

Consider the following compounds

I. K4[Fe(CN)6]
IV. [Ni (CO)4]

Ionic, covalent and coordinate bonds are present in 

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 26

*Answer can only contain numeric values
KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 27

An electrochemical cell was based on the following reaction:

Mn(OH)2(s) + H2O2(aq) → MnO2(s) + 2H2O (e)

During the opeartion of this for 1 min, 0.135 g of MnO2 was produced. What is the average electric current (in ampere ) produced by the cell?  

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 27

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 28

In a reaction, → Product, rate is doubled when the concentration of is doubled, and rate increases by a factor of 8 when the concentrations of both the reactants (Aand B) are doubled, rate law for the reaction can be written as 

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 28

The correct answer is option B
When conc. of B is doubled, the rate is doubled. 
So, Order w.r.t.  [B] is 1.
The rate increases by a factor of 8 when conc. of [A] and [B] are doubled.
So, Order w.r.t.  [A] is 2.
Overall Rate is 

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 29

Which of the following is nonpolar but contains polar bonds?

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 29

Carbon dioxide CO2 has polar bonds but is a nonpolar molecule. The structure of CO2 is linear. The individual bond dipoles cancel each other as they point in opposite direction and are equal in magnitude. Hence, the molecule is non polar with zero dipole moment.

KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 30

Azide ion exhibits an (N—N) bond order of 2 and may be represented by resonance structures I, II and III given below :

Select the correct statement(s) about more contributions, 

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 8 - Question 30

Structure with least formal charge on each atom, makes greater contributions. Also, structures with at least one neutral atom is also favoured II and III identical.

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