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KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - KVS PGT/TGT/PRT MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test KVS PGT Exam Mock Test Series 2025 - KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 for KVS PGT/TGT/PRT 2025 is part of KVS PGT Exam Mock Test Series 2025 preparation. The KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 questions and answers have been prepared according to the KVS PGT/TGT/PRT exam syllabus.The KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 MCQs are made for KVS PGT/TGT/PRT 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 below.
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KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 1

The following sentence has been broken into four parts with an error in one part. Identify that part and mark it as your answer. If there are no errors in any of the given parts, mark option 4 or ‘No error’ as your answer.

Q. The student, whom you (1)/ expected to win the prize, (2)/ had lost miserably.(3)/ No error (4).

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 1

The correct answer is 'who'. 'Who' is nominative and is used to refer to the subject. 'Whom' is objective and is used to refer to the object. The word 'whose' is possessive and is used to show belonging or association. The word 'which' is used for inanimate objects.
and in the given sentence you can see we are referring to a man who was on the continent so we are talking about the subject 
suppose the sentence is
The student, who  had lost miserably.
so in this we are talking about the student and not "you"
Example- This is Mr. Lee, who is the greatest martial art teacher of this era. But  Mr. Lee, whom you thought so highly of, has lost the fight.

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 2

Directions: Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.

Q. The Finance Minister presented data on the large sums of money (deposit into) some bank accounts, causing problems in the economy.

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 2

The correct option is Option 1, i.e., ‘deposited into’.
The correct tense of the bracketed phrase has to be used for the sentence to make proper sense. Therefore, ‘deposit into’ has to be replaced by ‘deposited into’, making Option 1 the correct choice

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 3

इनमें से कौन सा शब्द-भेद अव्यय कहलाता है?

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 3

सही उत्तर 'क्रिया-विशेषण' है।

  • 'क्रिया-विशेषण' शब्द-भेद अव्यय कहलाता है।
  • वे शब्द जिनमे लिंग, कारक, वचन, पुरुष आदि के कारण कोई विकार/ परिवर्तन उत्पन्न नहीं होता है, अव्यय शब्द कहलाते है।
  • जैसे – आज, कब, इधर, किन्तु आदि।
  • अव्यय के पांच भेद हैं –क्रिया-विशेषण, सम्बन्धबोधक, समुच्चयबोधक, विस्मयादिबोधक और निपात।​

Key Pointsअन्य विकल्पों का विश्लेषण:

  • संज्ञा - किसी प्राणी, वस्तु, स्थान, गुण या भाव के नाम को संज्ञा कहते है।
  • जैसे -राम, गंगा, पटना, नदी, पर्वत, लड़की आदि।
  • सर्वनाम वे शब्द होते हैं जो संज्ञा के स्थान पर प्रयोग किये जाते हैं
  • जैसे - तू, तुम, वे आदि।
  • विशेषण-जो शब्द संज्ञा या सर्वनाम शब्द की विशेषता बताते है उन्हें विशेषण कहते है।
    • जैसे:- राम काला है।
    • राम :- संज्ञा
    • काला:- विशेषण

Additional Informationअव्यय के पांच भेद हैं

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 4
Which among Akbar's Navratna was involved in creating a land revenue system?
Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 4

The correct answer is Todar Mal.

  • As Akbar's finance minister, Raja Todar Mal has implemented a new revenue system called zabt, and a tax system called dahshala.
    • He took a careful survey of crop yields and cultivated prices for a ten-year 1570–1580 era
    • On this basis, the tax has been set in cash on each harvest.
    • Each province was divided into income circles with its own tax rates and an individual crop schedule.
    • There was a prevalence of this method where the Mughal administration could survey the land and keep careful records.

Important Points 

  • The Akbar territory was divided into 15 Subahs for the revenue system, further subdivided into a total of 187 Sarkars across 15 subahs, and those 197 sarkars (sirkar) were subdivided into a total of 3367 Mahals or Pargana.
KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 5
The idea of a Constituent Assembly was given by:
Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 5

The correct answer is  M.N Roy.

Key Points

  • The idea of Constituent Assembly was given by Manabendra Nath Roy​ or M.N.Roy
  • In 1934, M.N.Roy put forth the idea of the Constituent Assembly.
  • The constituent assembly was formed in 1946 on the basis of the cabinet mission plan.
  • Temporary Chairman - Dr. Sachchidananda Sinha.
  • Permanent Chairman - Dr. Rajendra Prasad 
  • Vice Chairman - Harendra Kumar Mukherjee
  • Constitutional adviser - B. N. Rau
  • Dr. B.R Ambedkar was the head of the Drafting Committee.
  • Constitution was adopted by Constituent Assembly on 26 November 1949.
  • It became effective on 26 January 1950.

Additional Information

  • The Indian Constituent Assembly represented fully representative of the States and Provinces in India.
  • Initially, the number of members was 389, after the partition 299 members left.
  • Out of this 299, 229 were from the British provinces and 70 were nominated from the princely states.
  • It aimed at providing opportunities to each and every community.
  • Representatives from princely states and British Indians were also a part of it.
KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 6
Under the Right to Education Act 2009, a child has a fundamental right to get admission in a __________school.
Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 6

The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 passed by the Indian Parliament mandates free and compulsory education of all children of 6-14 years of age until they complete elementary education in a neighborhood school. There is also a reference for children with disabilities in the Act, who are to be given elementary education in the age range of 6-18 year.

Key Points

Various important provisions in the Act are:  

  • Under the Right to Education Act 2009, a child has a fundamental right to get admission in all the schools whether it is private, public, or government-aided.
  • Completion of elementary education for children even after fourteen years of age.
  • Reservation of  25% seats for children belonging to economically weaker sections in private schools.
  • Right of child to seek transfer to any other school
  • Prohibition of holding back and expulsion of the child
  • No child is denied admission because of lack of proof of age
  • Formulating standards and norms for school management committees
  • Qualification, terms, and conditions of services of teachers
  • Filling of vacancies of teachers
  • Pre-school education (states/UTs may provide for this )
  • Duties of teachers, redress of grievances 
  • Prohibition of physical punishment and mental harassment
  • Laying down the curriculum and evaluation procedures
  • Monitoring a child’s right to education

Hence, we can conclude that under the Right to Education Act 2009, a child has a fundamental right to get admission in all the schools.

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 7
Till what age does the ‘National Early Childhood Care and Education’ (ECCE) Policy aim to promote optimal development and active learning capacity of children?
Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 7

The first six years of life are critical years of human life since the rate of development in these years is more rapid than at any other stage of development. Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) makes a positive contribution to children’s long-term development and learning by facilitating an enabling and stimulating environment in these foundation stages of lifelong learning. 

Important Points

  • The National ECCE Policy visualizes nurturance and promotion of holistic development and active learning capacity of all children below 6 years of age by promoting free, universal, inclusive, equitable, joyful, and contextualized opportunities for laying the foundation and attaining full potential.
  • The vision for an Indian child reflects our beliefs about children and childhood and what is possible and desirable for human life at the individual and societal levels. While putting forward a shared image of a child, full of potential, it is accepted that children differ in their strengths and capabilities, there is diversity in views about childhood and children, and that not all children have the same opportunities to develop their potential. 
  • It views children as happy, healthy, and confident; each child with a unique identity, grounded in their individual strengths and capacities; and with respect for their unique social, linguistic, and cultural heritage and diversity.

Thus, it is concluded that the ‘National Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Policy aims to promote optimal development and active learning capacity of children below six years of age.

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 8
A child of class-4 is always suffers with anxiety and frustration, you will
Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 8

​All of us, quite often, face environmental or personal obstacles in life which cause anxiety and lead to stress. Psychologists have given different names to stress such as frustration, conflict, pressure, etc.

  • Anxiety refers to a chronic condition caused by the feeling of stress, worry, uneasiness, nervousness, etc. It includes some tensed and worried thoughts coming into a person's mind which is visible through his physical behavior.
  • Frustration refers to the blocking of behavior directed towards a goal. If motives are frustrated or blocked, emotional feelings and behavior often result. People who cannot achieve their important goals, feel depressed, fearful, anxious, guilty, or angry. 
  • The teacher is a pillar in the teaching-learning process. In the present context, a teacher is not merely a disseminator of knowledge, rather plays a variety of roles. They have to tackle many problems associated with students as children with numerous problems of behavior are found in every educational program.

Key Points

  • Counselling is a process of enabling the individual to know himself and his present and possible future situations in order that he may make substantial contributions to society and to solve his own problems through a face-to-face relationship with the counselor.
  • In the above-mentioned situation, the teacher should do the role of a counselor by providing counselling to the child the teacher can:
    • become more vigilant towards the child. 
    • recognize the root of the child's problem.
    • better relate to the child's unacceptable behavior.
    • assist the child with proper guidance in the right way.

Hence it could be concluded that in the above-mentioned situation, the teacher should do the role of a counselor. 


  • Remaining options are inappropriate in the context as they could lead to low self-esteem and more anxiety & frustration in learners.
KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 9
The main goal to increase the discipline in the classroom is:
Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 9

The teacher is responsible to keep the students active, disciplined, attentive, participative during the teaching-learning process. For all this, the teacher has to keep the students motivated so that they remain self-disciplined and actively perform in the classroom activity.

  • In a broader sense, discipline mainly denotes self-discipline which is a process whereby a student comes to regulate his own behavior to fit in with his own purposes or the needs of others.

Key Points

  • The first thing that is expected from a teacher is to create situations and opportunities for encouraging learning for each and every student in the class.
  • The classroom environment should be such that each and every student feels comfortable, joyful, and feel encouraged to use his potentials in a maximum way for learning.
  • The main goal of increasing discipline in the classroom is to develop self-discipline among students to make the students realize their responsibilities and feel accountable for their actions.
  • Discipline not just only means keeping the class silent but to conduct the teaching-learning process smoothly and engaging all the students actively in the process.
  • When the activities are conducted in discipline i.e., pre-defined order and systematically then the peace and order of the class will be self-maintained and the students will be able to learn good behavioral patterns as well.
  • This type of systematically organized learning process where the learning is facilitated in such a way, will make the environment of the class learner-friendly. 
  • For example, when the students learn in a well-structured class where all the activities are done in a pre-defined and organized manner then they will develop a habit of performing and doing tasks in an organized manner.

So, it is concluded that the main goal to increase discipline in the classroom is to develop self-discipline among the students.

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 10
The term "Curriculum" has been derived from a Latin word "Currere" which means :-
Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 10

Attempts have been made to fix the meaning of ‘curriculum’ as a technical term, but by and large, a unique commonly agreed-upon definition of the term will need some more time to be arrived at. Etymologically, the term curriculum has been derived from a Latin root that means ‘race course’.Key Points

  • The word ‘race course’ is suggestive of the course, i.e., the path; and the time (suggested by the prefix race) in which the path could/must be covered.
  • A curriculum is a planned activity undertaken in an educational institution. It is a planned learning outcome of an institution, otherwise called “thinking before doing.”
  • Any curriculum has four basics, viz; social forces, knowledge of human development as provided by the accepted theory/theories, the nature of learning, and the nature of knowledge and cognition.
  • A curriculum is all of the experiences that individual learners have in a program of education whose purpose is to achieve broad goals and related specific objectives, which is planned in terms of a framework of the theory.

Hence, it can be concluded that the term "Curriculum" has been derived from a Latin word "Currere" which means race course.

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 11

What is the cardinality of the set of odd positive integers less than 10?

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 11

Set S of odd positive an odd integer less than 10 is {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}.
Then, Cardinality of set S = |S| which is 5.

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 12

The area bounded by the curves y = √x, 2y+3 = x and the x- axis in the first quadrant is

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 12

To find area the curves y = √x and x = 2y + 3 and x – axis in the first quadrant., We have ; y2−− 2y −− 3 = 0 (y – 3) (y + 1) = 0 . y = 3 , - 1 . In first quadrant , y = 3 and x = 9.
Therefore , required area is ;

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 13

If   then

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 13

⇒ z is purely real.
∴ Im (z) = 0

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 14

Find the unit vector in the direction of vector  where P and Q are the points (1, 2, 3) and (4, 5, 6), respectively

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 14

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 15

For real x, let f (x) = x3 + 5x + 1, then

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 15

Given that f (x) = x3 + 5x + 1

⇒ f (x) is strictly increasing on R
⇒ f (x) is one one
∴ Being a polynomial f (x) is cont. and inc.

Hence f is onto also. So, f is one one and onto R.

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 16

General solution of a given differential equation

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 16

General solution of a given differential equation contains arbitrary constants depending on the order of the differential equation.

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 17

Unit Vector is

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 17

The vector whose magnitude is always 1 or unity is called a Unit Vector.

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 18

The number of ways in which three different rings can be worn in four fingers with at most one in each finger, are

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 18

The total number of ways is same as the number of arrangements of 4 fingers, taken 3 at a time.
So, required number of ways = 4P3 
= 4!/(4-3)!
= 4!/1!
= 4! => 24

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 19

If A is a non singular matrix of order 3 , then |adj(A3)| =

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 19

If A is anon singular matrix of order , then 

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 20

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 20

Let √(5 – 12i) = x + iy
Squaring both sides, we get
5 – 12i = x2 + 2ixy +(iy)2 = x2 – y2 + 2xyi.
Comparing real and imaginary parts , we get
5 = x2 – y2 ———– (1) and xy = – 6 ———— (2)
Squaring (1), we get
25 = (x2 – y2)2 = (x2 + y2)2 – 4x2y2
⇒ 25 = (x2 + y2)2 – 4(– 6)2
⇒ (x2 + y2)2 = 169
⇒ x2 + y2 = 13 ———- (3)
Adding (1) and (3) we get
2x2 = 18
⇒ x = ± 3.
Subtracting (1) from (3) we get
2y2 = 8
⇒ y = ± 2.
Hence, square root of √(5 – 12i) is (3 – 2i)
Similarly, √(5 + 12i) is (3 + 2i)
√(5 + 12i) + √(5 – 12i)
⇒ (3 + 2i) + (3 - 2i)
⇒ 6

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 21

C1 + 2C2.a+3.C3.a2 + .....+ 2n.C2na2n-1

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 21

(1 + a)2n = Co + C1a + C2a2 + … + C2n a2n
Differentiate both sides w.r.t. ‘a’.

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 22

In the rule method, the null set is represented by:

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 22
  • This method involves specifying a rule or condition which can be used to decide whether an object can belong to the set.
  • This rule is written inside a pair of curly braces and can be written either as a statement or expressed symbolically or written using a combination of statements and symbols.
  • {x :  x ≠ x}
    This implies a null set.
KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 23

A pendulum 36 cm long oscillates through an angle of 10 degrees. Find the length of the path described by its extremity.

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 23

= 6.280 cm

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 24

If z is a complex number such that  is purely imaginary, then what is |z| equal to ? 

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 24

If a number ω = a + ib is purely imaginary, then

  • a = 0 
  • and ω =

Given, z is a complex number such that is purely imaginary,
Let = a + ib, then a = 0

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 25

The figures 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 are written in every possible order. The number of numbers greater than 56000 is

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 25

There are in total 6 numbers, 4,5,6,7,8.
Now consider the number 56000
Consider the numbers of the form
Considering no repetitions we get
3×2×1 = 6 numbers.
Similarly for 57−−− and 58−−−.
Hence 3×6 = 18 numbers.
Now consider the numbers starting with 6.
We get 4×3×2×1 = 24.
Similarly for the numbers starting with 7 and 8 we get in total 24 numbers each.
Hence total number of numbers greater than 56000 will be
= (24×3)+18
= 72+18 = 90

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 26

Equation of common tangent of parabola y2 = 8x and x2 + y = 0 is

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 26

if it is common tangent, then m3 = 8 m = 2. 

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 27

The sum of 40 A.M.’s between two number is 120. The sum of 50 A.M.’s between them is equal to

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 27

Let A1, A2, A3, ........ , A40 be 40 A.M's between two numbers 'a' and 'b'.
a, A1, A2, A3, ........ , A40, b is an A.P. with common difference d  = (b - a)/(n + 1) = (b - a)/41
[ where n = 40]
now, A1, A2, A3, ........ , A40  = 40/2( A1 + A40)
A1, A2, A3, ........ , A40 = 40/2(a + b)
[ a, A1, A2, A3, ........ , A40, b is an Ap then ,a + b = A1 + A40]
sum of 40A.M = 120(given)
120= 20(a + b)
=> 6 = a + b ----------(1)
Again, consider B1, B2, ........ , B50  be 50 A.M.'s between two numbers a and b.
Then, a, B1, B2, ........ , B50, b will be in A.P. with common difference = ( b - a)/51
now , similarly,
B1, B2, ........ , B50 = 50/2(B1 + B2)
= 25(6) ----------------from(1)
= 150

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 28

The expansion [x + (x3 - 1)1/2]5 + [x + (x3 - 1)1/2]is a polynomial of degree

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 28

Expand using the formula 

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 29

If the roots of the equation  are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign, then their product is : 

Detailed Solution for KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 29

((x+b)+(x+a))c =(x+a)(x+b)
⇒ x2 +bx+ax-2cx+ab- bc- ca = 0 
Now, let roots are α and β, then
α + β = 0, αβ = ab - bc - ac
and αβ = ab - (b + a) c

KVS PGT Mathematics Mock Test - 8 - Question 30

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