Which among the following are correct regarding the first Council of Ministers of independent India?
1. Jagjivan Ram as minister of labour
2. John Mathai is the minister of Food and Agriculture
3. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad as minister of education
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements.
1. The British government appointed the boundary Commission under the chairmanship of Sir Radcliff
2. The boundary commission consisted of two Muslims and two non-Muslim judges in each case
Which of these statements are not correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. The Sikhs demanded that all the Sikh Holy shrines be included in West Punjab
2. The religious demography was the only deciding factor to create a boundary line by the boundary Commission
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. To resolve the division of civil and military government amicably, a partition council, presided over by the governor-general and consisting of two representatives each of India and Pakistan, was set up.
2. The council was helped by a steering committee, consisting of H.M. Patel and Mohammad Ali, at the operational level
3. The Indian Civil Service members, if they wished to retire, they were entitled to early retirement
Which of these statements are not correct?
Consider the following statements about the division of finances after the partition.
1. The Indian government was not keen to release the money due to Pakistan as it was angry with Pakistan for having attempted to seize Kashmir by force
2. Gandhi succeeded in pressurizing the Congress leadership to decide not to give more cash resources to Pakistan
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. The Indian government established an emergency committee of the cabinet to deal with the crisis of refugees
2. For urban refugees, the government, started Industrial and vocational training schemes, by ignoring the rural refugees
3. Depressed classes were given little or no consideration
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. The agreement, known as the Delhi Pact on Minorities or Liaquat- Nehru Pact, envisaged the appointment of ministers from minority communities in both Pakistan and India at both central and provincial levels
2. Under the pact, minority commissions were to be set up, together with the Commissions of Inquiry to look into the probable causes behind the communal riots on both sides of the border
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. The idea to encourage refugees to return to their original homes failed because the two governments failed to restore confidence among the refugees
2. The properties of the refugees were declared as enemy property
Which of these statements are not correct?
Consider the following statements about the Nehru-Liaquat Pact.
1. Many Hindu Nationalists criticized it
2. Hindu Nationalists believed that the refugee problem could not be solved by though a transfer of population
3. Hindu Nationalists believed that this problem could be solved through the acquisition of certain territories from Pakistan
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements regarding Communists
1. They believed that a policy of class struggle and armed insurgency against the State-run by the Congress, was necessary to shift the attention of the masses from the politics of communal hatred that shrouded the country after partition.
2. At the Third-Party Congress of the CPU, it decided to withdraw the Telangana movement and forge an inclusive front of the peasants, workers and middle classes.
3. Indian communists did not participate in the general election of 1951-52
Which of these statements is/are correct?
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