Which of the following are correct regarding the Parliamentary System?
1. It is governed by experts.
2. It is an unstable government.
3. It is against separation of powers.
4. It can lead to despotism.
5. It is a responsible government.
Due to which of the following reasons the founding fathers preferred the British parliamentary system?
1. Familiarity with the system.
2. More responsibility.
3. Separation of power.
4. Heterogeneous Indian Society.
Which of the following is/are correct?
1. Both India and Britain allow only members of Parliament to be appointed as minister.
2. Both India and Britain can have a PM from the lower or upper house.
Which of the following are the features on the basis of which the parliamentary system of government in India operates?
Which of the following are judicial and electoral powers and functions of the Parliament?
1. It can impeach the President.
2. The Parliament is authorized to make laws to regulate the elections.
3. It can amend the constitution.
4. It can punish its members for the breach of its privileges or its contempt.
Which of the following are legislative and executive powers and functions of the Parliament?
1. Parliament can make laws on the subjects enumerated in the State List.
2. Parliament exercises control over the Executive through question-hour.
3. Lok Sabha can express lack of confidence in the government by no confidence motion.
4. It can recommend removal of judges.
Which of the following statements is not correct?
Who participates in the Presidential election?
Which of the following is true regarding vacating a seat of Member of Parliament?
1. If elected to both Parliament and state legislature, the member’s seat in Parliament becomes vacant if he does not resign his seat in the state legislature within 14 days.
2. If a person is elected to both the Houses of Parliament, he must intimate within 14 days in which House he desires to serve.
3. The Constitution has no provision to declare the election void, if a disqualified candidate gets elected.
In an election where you are an eligible voter but if your "Right to Vote" is infringed, then what remedy do you have?
Consider the following Fundamental Rights:
1. Right against discrimination on grounds of religion
2. Right to conserve one's culture
3. Right to life and liberty
4. Right to freedom of speech and expression
Which of the above Fundamental Rights are conferred to the Indian citizens but not to the foreign citizens living in India?
By the 44th Amendment to the Constitution, the right to property was removed as a Fundamental Right and has been made as a legal right. This has which of the following implication(s)?
1. Now it can be regulated by an ordinary law of the Parliament without needing a Constitutional amendment Act.
2. Now private property is protected against the executive action but not against the legislative action.
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
In India, which of the following institutions have the authority to expand and increase the scope of Fundamental Rights of the Constitution?
1. President of India
2. Supreme Court
3. High Courts
4. Parliament
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
Consider the following statements regarding Fundamental Rights.
1. They limit the authority of the government, and arbitrary laws of the legislature.
2. Fundamental Rights are not absolute and can be suspended.
3. They secure vital political rights to the citizens of India.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Which of the following is the difference between fundamental rights and rights secured by other provisions of the constitution?
1. Fundamental rights are immune from constitutional amendments.
2. If the rights follow from other provision of constitution, other aggrieved person may have his relief by ordinary suit only
Select the correct answer from the following codes.
Which Article is for “Protection of interests of Minorities”:
Which of the following about IXth Schedule, is true:
Which of the following are correctly matched:
1. Certiorari - to forbid
2. Mandamus - we command
3. Quo-Warranto - by what authority
Which article provides protection against arrest and detention:
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