The central banking functions in India are performed by the
I. Central Bank of India
II. Reserve Bank of India
III. State Bank of India
IV. Punjab National Bank
Development expenditure of the Central government does not include
In India, rural incomes are generally lower than the urban incomes, which of the following reasons account for this?
i. A large number of farmers are illiterate and know little about scientific agriculture
ii. Prices of primary products are lower than those of manufactured products
iii. Investment in agriculture has been low when compared to investment in industry
In which among the following years, a new ” Liberalized Industrial Policy ” in India was announced for the first time?
In which among the following years, the MRTP act became effective?
In the Industrial Policy of 1991, how many industries were reserved only for Public Sector?
In an oligopolistic or monopolistically competitive market, firms do not raise their prices because even a small price increase will lose many customers. Which among the following is the most suitable terms used for this concept ?
In context with the two way trade of India with different regions, which among the following region is India’s largest trade partner?
Consider the following statements in context with the Free Market Economy:
1. The role of market forces and competition is eliminated by law
2. There is a high degree of competition in both commodity and factor markets
3. Private gains are the main motivating and guiding force for carrying out economic activities
Which among the above is/ are correct statements?
Which among the following was NOT a reason behind India’s poverty as pointed out by Dadabhai Naoroji in his famous work “Poverty and Un-British Rule in India” ?
Which among the following State/ UT / city has the highest per capita electricity consumption in the country?
Which among the following represents a decrease in the Owner’s equity?
Which among the following will be a debit entry in India’s balance of payments?
Which among the following states leads in the Infant Mortality Rate in India?
Yashaswini rural healthcare scheme is being implemented in which among the following states of India?
Which among the following states of India is running the Dhanwantari Yojana in the healthcare sector?
Which among the following sectors has largest contribution in Gross Domestic Savings in India?
In the initial stages of planned development starting from its Second Five Year Plan, the strategy of development adopted by India was based on which of the following?
1. Heavy industries
2. Export promotion
3. Light industries
4. Import substitution
Select the correct answer using the code given below’:
The World Bank’s Environmentally Sustainable Development Division hasdeveloped Green Index. Which one of the following is not a constituent of this index?
According to population experts, the possible demographic bonus mayaccrue to India by 2016 A.D. Which phenomenon are they referring to ?
What is the long-term objective of National Population Policy (NPP), 2000 ?
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