Which of these is a Quantitative Method of Credit control?
Monitory policy is announced in India by _________
When the bank rate increases the demand for loans _______:
Which of the following is not a qualitative method of credit control?
Which of the following methods cannot be used as an instrument of quantitative control of credit by the central Bank?
Which system of issue of currency note is followed by RBI?
The Reserve Bank of India issues all currency notes except:
Who is the custodian of national reserves of international currency?
Who is the custodian of National reserves of international currency?
Which of the following is not a quantitative measure of credit control?
Which of the following is not a selective credit control method :
The Reserve Bank of India was nationalized in the year:
The rate at which discounting of bills of first class is done by RBI is called
Which of the following is not qualitative credit control measure of the RBI?
The portion of total deposit which a commercial bank has to keep with itself in liquid assets is known as
_________ control affect indiscriminately all sectors of the economy.
Which of the following is instrument of credit control?
Central Bank of a country does not deal with ________.
Identify the selective instruments used by RBI for Controlling Credit.
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