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Test: World- Climatic Regions - UPSC MCQ

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10 Questions MCQ Test Oxford Student ATLAS: Maps & Tests - Test: World- Climatic Regions

Test: World- Climatic Regions for UPSC 2025 is part of Oxford Student ATLAS: Maps & Tests preparation. The Test: World- Climatic Regions questions and answers have been prepared according to the UPSC exam syllabus.The Test: World- Climatic Regions MCQs are made for UPSC 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Test: World- Climatic Regions below.
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Test: World- Climatic Regions - Question 1

Which of the following is true about climatic regions?

Detailed Solution for Test: World- Climatic Regions - Question 1

Climatic regions are defined by the similarity of various factors such as relief, temperature, rainfall, natural vegetation, and cultural environment. These regions are characterized by specific climate and weather patterns, which contribute to their distinct characteristics.

Test: World- Climatic Regions - Question 2

Which region is characterized by uniformly hot and wet climatic conditions throughout the year?

Detailed Solution for Test: World- Climatic Regions - Question 2

The equatorial region is situated roughly between 10 degrees south and north latitude to the equator. It experiences uniformly hot and wet climatic conditions throughout the year with low annual temperature range and minimal seasonal contrasts. The combination of high temperature and high humidity creates an unfavorable climate for sustained human effort but is favorable for the growth of vegetation.

Test: World- Climatic Regions - Question 3

Which region lies in the interior of the continents and experiences moderate rainfall and greater annual range of temperature?

Detailed Solution for Test: World- Climatic Regions - Question 3

The tropical deciduous forest region includes the eastern margins of the continents between 10°N to 30°N and 10°S to 30°S. It has moderate rainfall, except in coastal regions and mountainous tracts. The summers are hot and rainy, while winters are warm and dry. This region exhibits greater annual temperature variation and supports deciduous forests.

Test: World- Climatic Regions - Question 4

Which of the following regions is characterized by low annual precipitation and a high diurnal range of temperature?

Detailed Solution for Test: World- Climatic Regions - Question 4

Tropical deserts are located on the western margins of continents in the Trade Wind belt roughly between 20° and 30° N and S latitudes. They are known as hot or trade wind deserts and typically receive annual precipitation less than 25 cm. The region experiences clear skies, allowing for the passage of intense insolation during the day and high diurnal temperature variation.

Test: World- Climatic Regions - Question 5

In which side margin is the China type climate region found?

Detailed Solution for Test: World- Climatic Regions - Question 5

The China type climate region lies on the eastern margins of the continents in the subtropical belt between 20° and 48° latitude in both hemispheres. It experiences warm and moist summers, cold winters, and moderate rainfall during summer due to trade winds blowing from the adjoining ocean. In winter, westerly winds blow from the interior towards the oceans, resulting in dry conditions.

Test: World- Climatic Regions - Question 6

Which region lies poleward of the tropical deserts on the western margin of the continents?

Detailed Solution for Test: World- Climatic Regions - Question 6

The Mediterranean type region lies poleward of the tropical deserts on the western margin of the continents, roughly between 30° and 40° N and S latitudes. It experiences hot and dry summers and mild and rainy winters. In summer, trade winds blow from land to sea, bringing practically no rain. In winters, the region comes under the influence of moist westerlies, resulting in cyclonic rain.

Test: World- Climatic Regions - Question 7

Which type of climate region is characterized by greater extremes of temperature between summer and winter due to its interior location?

Detailed Solution for Test: World- Climatic Regions - Question 7

Mid-latitudes deserts are located in interior plateaus and basins in Asia and North America. They are surrounded by high mountain regions, such as Tibet and Gobi. These deserts receive scanty rainfall due to the interior location being surrounded by high mountains, which prevent the inflow of moist air. The interior location results in greater extremes of temperature between summer and winter.

Test: World- Climatic Regions - Question 8

Which region is characterized by warm, wet summers and cold, dry winters?

Detailed Solution for Test: World- Climatic Regions - Question 8

The St. Lawrence type region lies poleward of the Warm East Margin Region. It experiences warm, wet summers and cold, dry winters. The main areas included in this region are North Eastern United States, Canada, North China, Manchuria, Korea, and Northern Japan.

Test: World- Climatic Regions - Question 9

Which region is found on the western margins of the continents in the permanent zone of westerlies?

Detailed Solution for Test: World- Climatic Regions - Question 9

The Cool (Mid-Latitude) West European Type region is found on the western margins of the continents in the permanent zone of westerlies. It includes Western Europe from Northern Norway to the British Isles, North-West United States, Southern Chile in South America, and Tasmania Island of New Zealand in Australia.

Test: World- Climatic Regions - Question 10

Which region is characterized by coniferous forests and a short warm summer with a long cold winter?

Detailed Solution for Test: World- Climatic Regions - Question 10

The Taiga (coniferous) region occurs as a broad belt in Europe, Asia, and North America between the mid-latitude grassland region in the south and the Polar Tundra in the north. It has a cold and moist climate with a short warm summer and long cold winter. Coniferous forests dominate this region, containing softwood trees like oak, birch, and maple.

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