Indus Valley Civilization belongs to which of the following periods?
Who said, “The Indus Civilization perished as a result of internal decay accelerated by the shock of barbarian raids”?
Which one of the following Harappan sites does suggest ploughing?
Not far from Lothal there is a place, where it is noticed that the mature Harappa culture degenerated and transformed itself later into other cultures. Identify that place.
The skeletal remains in the burials show that the population comprised of:
1. Mediterranean
2. Alpines
3. Proto-Australoids
4. Mongoloids
The upper layers unearthed at Mohenjodaro, Harappa, Kalibangan and a few other places reveal that the construction was carried out without any prescribed plan, public buildings were in decay and water supply fell into disarray.What does it mean?
Which of the following evidences of Indus Valley Civilization suggests that the Aryans could not have originated in the Harappan age?
Consider the following statements:
1. Change in the rainfall patterns
2. Over utilisation of resources
3. Ecological degradation
4. Earthquakes and drying of rivers due to tectonic shifting
5. Natural calamities like recurring floods
6. Aryan Invasion
Which of the above are possible reasons for the decline of Indus Valley Civilization?
Which of the following evidence found in the IVC sites to supporting the Aryan Invasion theory?
Consider the following statements:
1. Continuity of standard weights and measures which were used till recently
2. Basic unit of measurement became the basic unit of the Indian rupee that is 16 anna
3. Construction of an artificial dock
Which of the statements above is/are supporting the continuity of IVC in contemporary culture?