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Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - UPSC MCQ

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25 Questions MCQ Test History for UPSC CSE - Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 for UPSC 2025 is part of History for UPSC CSE preparation. The Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 questions and answers have been prepared according to the UPSC exam syllabus.The Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 MCQs are made for UPSC 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 below.
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Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 1

Consider the following statement regarding Kabir:

1. Kabir’s teachings were based on tolerance towards major religious traditions.

2. The language of his poetry was a form of spoken Hindi widely understood by ordinary people.

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 1
  • Kabir’s teachings were based on a complete, indeed vehement, rejection of the major religious traditions. His teachings openly ridiculed all forms of external worship of both Brahmanical Hinduism and Islam, the pre-eminence of the priestly classes and the caste system.

  • The language of his poetry was a form of spoken Hindi widely understood by ordinary people. He also sometimes used cryptic language, which is difficult to follow.

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 2

In the context of dance forms, consider the following:

1. Bharatanatyam - Andhra Pradesh

2. Kathakali - Karnataka

3. Kuchipudi - Tamil Nadu

Which among these is/are not correctly matched?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 2
All are incorrect. Dance forms that are recognised as classical at present are: Bharatanatyam (Tamil Nadu), Kathakali (Kerala), Odissi (Orissa), Kuchipudi (Andhra Pradesh), Manipuri (Manipur).

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 3

Consider the following statement regarding Akbar Nama:

1. Written in three volumes by Abul Fazl.

2. The first two volumes dealt with Akbar’s ancestors.

3. Its third volume, Ain-I-Akbari deals with Akbar’s administration and other aspects also.

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 3
  • Akbar ordered one of his close friends and courtiers, Abul Fazl, to write a history of his reign.

  • Abul Fazl wrote a three-volume history of Akbar’s reign titled, Akbar Nama.

  • The first volume dealt with Akbar’s ancestors and the second volume recorded the events of Akbar’s reign. The third volume is Ain-I-Akbari.

  • It deals with Akbar’s administration, household, army, the revenues and geography of his empire. It also provides rich details about the traditions and culture of the people living in India. The most interesting aspect about the Ain-i Akbari is its rich statistical details about things as diverse as crops, yields, prices, wages and revenues.

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 4

Regarding the late ancient era consider the following statement:

1. Puranic stories and local deities became popular.

2. As per Puranas only Upper Caste devotees can receive the grace of God.

Which of the following statements is/are not correct?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 4
Local myths and legends became a part of the Puranic stories, and methods of worship recommended in the Puranas were introduced into the local cults.

Eventually, the Puranas also laid down that devotees could receive the grace of God regardless of their caste status.

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 5

Consider the following:

1. Sanskrit

2. Persian

3. Magadhi Prakrit

Which of the following influences evolution of Bengali language:

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 5
  • The modern Bengali vocabulary contains the vocabulary base from Magadhi Prakrit and Pali, also tatsamas and reborrowings from Sanskrit and other major borrowings from Persian, Arabic, Austroasiatic languages and other languages in contact with.

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 6

Consider the following statement:

1. In 1527 Babur defeated the Rajputs at Chanderi and established control over Agra and Delhi.

2. In 1526 Babur defeated Rana Sanga, Rajput rulers and allies at Khanwa.

Which of the following statements is/are correct in the context of Mughal history?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 6
BABUR 1526-1530 1526 – Defeated Ibrahim Lodi and his Afghan supporters at Panipat. 1527 – Defeated Rana Sanga, Rajput rulers and allies at Khanwa. 1528 – Defeated the Rajputs at Chanderi. Established control over Agra and Delhi before his death.

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 7

Consider the following statements:

1. Virashaiva movement was started by Ramanuja.

2. They were against idol worship.

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 7
Virashaiva movement initiated by Basavanna and his companions like Allama Prabhu and Akkamahadevi. The Virashaivas argued strongly for the equality of all human beings and against Brahmanical ideas about caste and the treatment of women. They were also against all forms of ritual and idol worship.

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 8

Regarding miniature art, consider the following statement?

1. They are small-sized paintings, generally done in watercolour on cloth or paper.

2. Mughal artists developed a bold and intense style of miniature painting called Basohli.

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 8
By the late seventeenth century Himachal Pradesh had developed a bold and intense style of miniature painting called Basohli. The most popular text to be painted here was Bhanudatta’s Rasamanjari. Miniatures (as their very name suggests) are small-sized paintings, generally done in watercolour on cloth or paper. The earliest miniatures were on palm leaves or wood.

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 9

Regarding the history of Mughals, consider the following:

1. Bakhshi - Military paymaster

2. Faujdars – Military commanders

3. Sadr - Town police commander

Which among these is/are correctly matched?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 9
  • Bakshi, Faujdar, Sadr, Kotwal were the officers who supported subedars in carrying out the functions during Mughal Emperor Akbar’s rule. Bakshi was a paymaster, Sadr was the minister in-charge of religious and charitable patronage, faujdar was a military commander and kotwal was the town police commander. All these were discussed by Abul Fazl in his book, the Akbarnama.  




Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 10

Which of the following statements is not correct in the context of Nayanars and Alvars?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 10
  • Statement B is incorrect as they were sharply critical of the Buddhists and Jainas. So they had no regards for their traditions. They believed in the broad-based social partition as their members came from all castes including those considered “untouchable” like the Pulaiyar and the Panars.

  • Nayanars (saints devoted to Shiva) and Alvars (saints devoted to Vishnu). They drew upon the ideals of love and heroism as found in the Sangam literature (the earliest example of Tamil literature, composed during the early centuries of the Common Era) and blended them with the values of bhakti.

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 11

Regarding 18th century India, consider the following statement:

1. Richest merchants and bankers were gaining a stake in the new political order of states like Awadh and Bengal.

2. During Alivardi Khan’s reign the rich bankers of Kansari Community became extremely prosperous.

Which of the following statements is/are not correct?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 11
  • Kansaris were bell metalworkers. Many of the modest brick and terracotta temples in Bengal were built with the support of several “low” social groups, such as the Kolu (oil pressers) and the Kansaris. Regional states were emerging relationships with rich bankers and merchants.

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 12

In the context of Mughal economy, consider the following statement:

1. International travellers described it as the derided land of wealth due to poverty.

2. Income inequality was very high in this period.

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 12
  • The administrative and military efficiency of the Mughal Empire led to great economic and commercial prosperity.

  • International travellers described it as the fabled land of wealth. A mere 5.6 per cent of the total number of mansabdars – received 61.5 per cent of the total estimated revenue of the empire as salaries for themselves and their troopers. This shows that Income inequality was very high in that period.

  • These people lent money to revenue farmers, received land as security and collected taxes from these lands through their agents. Throughout India, the richest merchants and bankers were gaining a stake in the new political order.

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 13

Who among them did not preach in the Marathi language?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 13
Narsi Mehta was a famous Gujarati saint. He did not preach in Marathi. Mehta is a pioneer poet of Gujarati literature.

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 14

Consider the following Statements:

1. Lilatilakam is a compilation of stories about Rajput heroes in poetic style.

2. The ijaradari System was introduced in Bengal as new administrative machinery for maintaining a huge army.

Which of the following is/are correct?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 14
  • Lilatilakam is a 14th-century Sanskrit-language treatise on the grammar and poetics of the Manipravalam language form, a precursor of the modern Malayalam language spoken in the Kerala state of India.

  • It has no connection with Rajputs. The Ijaradari system was associated with the collection of revenue.

According to this the right to collect revenue was given to the highest bidder.

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 15

Regarding Mughals, which of the following statement is not correct:

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 15
  • By Aurangzeb’s reign, the actual revenue collected was often less than the granted sum. There was also a huge increase in the number of mansabdars which meant a long wait before they received a jagir. These and other factors created a shortage in the number of jagirs.

The term mansabdar refers to an individual who holds a mansab, meaning a position or rank. It was a grading system used by the Mughals to fix (1) rank, (2) salary and (3) military responsibilities. Rank and salary were determined by a numerical value called zat.

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 16

Which of the following is true as per Philosophy of Shankara?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 16
  • A and C are part of dvaita philosophy but Shankara advocated Advaita philosophy.

  • He was an advocate of Advaita or the doctrine of the oneness of the individual soul and the Supreme God which is the Ultimate Reality.

  • He taught that Brahman, the only or Ultimate Reality, was formless and without any attributes. He considered the world around us to be an illusion or Maya and preached renunciation of the world and adoption of the path of knowledge to understand the true nature of Brahman and attain salvation.

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 17

Who among them was appointed as Governor of Awadh by Mughal Emperor Farrukh Siyar?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 17
Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah, the founder of Hyderabad state, was one of the most powerful members at the court of the Mughal Emperor Farrukh Siyar. He was entrusted first with the governorship of Awadh, and later given charge of the Deccan. Burhan-ul-Mulk Sa‘adat Khan was appointed subadar of Awadh in 1722 by Md. Shah Rangeela.

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 18

Consider the following statement:

1. Bandanawaz Gisudaraz of Gulbarga belongs to the Qadiri tariqa Sufi order.

2. Mirabai was a disciple of Ravidas.

Which of the following statements is/are not correct?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 18
Statement 2 is correct. Bandanawaz Gisudaraz of Gulbarga belongs to Chishti silsila (sufi order) mainly popular in indian subcontinent. Qadiri tariqa Sufi order, with its many offshoots, is widespread, particularly in the Arabic-speaking world.

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 19

Consider the following statement:

1. The Sisodiya Rajputs were defeated by Mughals and their empire was annexed.

2. The Mughals believed in the rule of primogeniture.

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 19
  • The Mughals did not believe in the rule of primogeniture, where the eldest son inherited his father’s estate. Instead, they followed the Mughal and Timurid custom of coparcenary inheritance or a division of the inheritance amongst all the sons.

  • The Sisodiya Rajputs refused to accept Mughal authority for a long time. Once defeated, however, they were honourably treated by the Mughals, given their lands (Watan) back as assignments (Watan jagir).

  • The Sisodias were the last Rajput dynasty to ally with the Mughals, and unlike other Rajput clans, never intermarried with the Mughal imperial family.

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 20

The two taxes chauth and sardeshmukhi were introduced by:

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 20
Chauth and Sardeshmukhi were taxes conceived during the times of the Great Maratha Ruler Shivaji Maharaj. ‘Chauth’ means 1/4th i.e 25% of gross revenue or produce to be paid to jagirdars of Maratha empire from the hostile or alien state.

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 21

Regarding Sikhs, consider the following statement?

1. Policies of Mughals was an immediate reason for the politicisation of Sikhs

2. Gurmukhi was developed by Guru Arjan.

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 21
  • In 1606, Guru Arjan was tortured and killed by the Mughal emperor Jahangir, for refusing to convert to Islam. His martyrdom is considered a watershed event in the history of Sikhism.

  • After the martyrdom of Guru Arjan, his son Guru Hargobind at age eleven became the sixth Guru of the Sikhs and Sikhism dramatically evolved to become a political movement in addition to being religious.

  • So we can conclude that Policies of Mughals was the immediate reason for the politicisation of Sikhs. Gurmukhi was developed by Guru Angad.

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 22

Consider the following statement:

1. Todar Mal was Akbar’s revenue minister.

2. Four revenue circles were created under Zabt system.

3. Tax was fixed on each crop and was collected in medium production.

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 22
  • Akbar’s revenue minister, Todar Mal, carried out a careful survey of crop yields, prices and areas cultivated for ten years, 1570-1580.

  • Based on this data, the tax was fixed on each crop in cash.

  • Each province was divided into revenue circles with its schedule of revenue rates for individual crops. This revenue system was known as zabt.

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 23

Consider the following pairs:

1. Sindhias. - Indore

2. Gaekwad. - Baroda

3. Bhonsle. - Nagpur

Which of the following statements is/are not correctly matched?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 23
Indore was under control of Holkars. Maratha chiefs (sardars) like Sindhia of Gwalior, Gaekwad of Baroda and Bhonsle of Nagpur had the resources to raise powerful armies.

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 24

Who was not a contemporary of Akbar?

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 24
Russian ruler, Czar Ivan VI ruled between 1740-1741 Akbar’s contemporaries- the ruler of Ottoman Turkey, Sultan Suleyman, also known as “al Qanuni” or the lawgiver (1520 1566); the Safavid ruler of Iran, Shah Abbas (1588 1629); and the more controversial Russian ruler, Czar Ivan IV Vasilyevich, also called “Ivan the terrible” (1530 1584), Queen Elizabeth I (1558 1603) of England.

Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 25

Consider the following:

1. Sufis

2. Siddhas

3. Nathpanthis

Rejection of rituals and practice of breath control to train mind was common in:

Detailed Solution for Test: Class 7 History NCERT Based- 2 - Question 25
The Sufis often rejected the elaborate rituals. Discussion of parables, breath control, etc. under the guidance of a master or pir was essential for training the mind. These were common in Nathpanthis, Siddhas and Yogis too.
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