Texturally mature sediment is usually well rounded and well-sorted due to:
1. Rounding of sediment increases with transport distance and time.
2. Sorting gets better as larger chunks arc left behind and smaller chunks arc carried away.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Geologists study sedimentary rocks because
1. They provide a record of Earth’s history.
2. They may contain important mineral resources.
3. They may contain fossils, providing a history of life including human evolution.
Select the correct answer using the code below:
Sedimentary rocks can be directly formed from which of the following?
1. Magma
2. Igneous rocks
3. Mclamomhic rocks
Choose the correct answer using the codes below:
Consider the following:
1. Metamorphism
2. Convergent plate boundaries
3. Volcanic activity
Which of the following rocks is often associated with the above?
Metamorphic rocks are formed due to
1. Cementation of sedimentary rocks
2. Proximity of sedimentary rocks with molten magma
3. Cooling and solidification of lava
Select the correct answer using the codes below:
Which of the following are not sedimentary rocks?
1. Sandstone
2. Limestone
3. Marble
4. Slate
Choose the correct answer using the code below
All rocks whether igneous or sedimentary can become metamorphic rocks under great temperature and pressure. In this regard, which of the conversions to metamorphic rocks below is correct?
1. Clay to slate
2. Coal to graphite
3. Sandstone to quartzite
4. Shale to schist
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
The major characteristics of the Archaean rock system is that
Consider the following about the rock systems of India:
1. The Archaean rocks are found in the Deccan Peninsula and parts of the North-east.
2. The Dharwar rocks are rich in iron ore.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Despite such a large geographical spread, why is the Himalayan region poor in mineral resources?
The Siwalik series of rocks in India
1. Contain fine brown clays.
2. Belong to the Cenozoic era and thus considered to be bereft of fossil remains.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
In India, rocks of which of the following regions was formed the earliest?
Which of the following factors aid the weathering of rocks?
1. Intense heating during the day and rapid cooling at night
2. Pore pressure of water seeping into rocks
3. Thawing of rocks
Which of the following is/are correct?
Which of the following processes contributes to the enrichment of minerals in rocks?
How is the phenomenon of weathering important for us?
1. It aids in the formation of soil by eroding rocks and hard surfaces.
2. It helps in the enrichment of valuable minerals on Earth for their commercial extraction to be made possible.
3. It is responsible for shaping and denuding large landforms on Earth.
Select the correct answer using the codes below:
Regarding mass movements of soil, consider the following statements:
1. Soil creep is a fast, continuous movement of soil down hillslopes
2. Soil flow or solifluction is a slow, gradual movement of soil down hillslopes
3. In soil creep, soil acts as liquid and hence it creeps fast
Which of the above is/are incorrect?
Consider the following statements regarding rivers:
1. A river drains the water collected from a specific area, which is called its 'catchment area’.
2. An area drained by a river and its tributaries is called a drainage basin.
3. The boundary line separating one drainage basin from the other is known as the watershed.
4. Watersheds are small in area while the basins cover larger areas.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are incorrect?
Regarding river rejuvenation, consider the following statements:
1. A fall in sea level rejuvenates a river.
2. If there is submergence of land, it will also rejuvenate a river.
Which of the above is/are correct?
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