Raja Rammohan Roy died on 7th September 1833 at
Bengali intellectuals started a trend which was more modern than Rammohan Roy’s. Its leader was an Anglo Indian H.V. Derozio. This trend is known as
Derozio taught at Hindu College from 1826 to 1831. He followed the most radical views of the time and drew his inspiration from
The Derozians thought rationally, attacked old customs and loved liberty and equality. But they could not succeed in creating a movement because
The Derozians failed to take up the cause of
Who described the Derozians as “the pioneers of the modern civilization of Bengal, the conscript fathers of our race whose virtues will excite veneration and whose failings will be treated with gentlest consideration”?
When did Debendranath Tagore, father of Rabindranath Tagore, found the Tatua bodhini Subha to propagate Rammohan Roy’s ideas?
Which Independent thinker was not a member of a Tatvabodhini Sabha?
Debendranath Tagore reorganised the Brahmo Samaj and put new life into it in
Which of the following were supported by the Tatvabodhini Sabha?
I. Widow remarriage and women’s education
II. Temperance
IlI. Abolition of polygamy
IV. Improvement of the ryot’s condition
Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar became the principal of the Sanskrit College in
What was introduced by Vidyasagar in the Sanskrit College to free Sanskrit studies from the harmful effects of self-imposed isolation?
Vidyasagar did a lot for women. Due to his efforts, the Hindu Widow Remarriage Act was passed in
The Bethune School was the outcome of the powerful movement for women’s education that arose in the 1840’s and 1850’s. Vidyasagar was Secretary to this school which was founded in Calcutta in
The founders of the Paramhansa Mandali believed in one God and were primarily interested in breaking caste rules. At its meetings, members took food cooked by low caste people. This mandali was founded in 1849 in
In 1849, many educated youngmen formed the Student’s Literary and Scientific Society, which had two branches, namely
Which of the following was a pioneer of the widow remarriage movement in Maharashtra?
Which social reformer and his wife started a girl’s school at Poona in 1851?
Who founded the Widow Remarriage Association in the 1850’s?
Who started the Satya Prakash in Gujarati in 1852 to advocate widow remarriage
Which of the following advocated the reorganisation of Indian society on rational principles and modern humanistic and secular values ?
Who became famous by the pen-name of ‘Lokahitawadi’?
Which of the following was born in a low caste mali family and all his life carried on a campaign against upper caste domination and Brahmanical supremacy?
Which of the following was one of the founders of an association to reform the Zoroastrian religion and the Parsi Law Association which agitated for the grant of a legal status to women and for uniform law of inheritance and marriage for the Parsis?
J.S. Seth and Bhau Daji are best remembered for
Who established the Satya Shodak Samaj in 1873?
Who founded the Dinbandhu Sarvajanik Sabha in 1884?
The Act of 1860, which raised the age of consent for girls to ten, was passed due to the efforts of
The 19th century reawakening in India was generally confined to the
Who set up a madrasa at Calcutta in 1781 where Arabic and Persian were taught?
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