In the programme ‘Partnership in excellence’ how many stations have been taken up for improving the efficiency
In order to meet the growing demand for electricity India needs to add ________ of new capacity whereas at present India is able to add only ______ a year
At present nuclear energy accounts for only _____ percent of total primary energy consumption
The census 2001 shows that in rural India only _____ percent households have an electricity connection and ___ percent still use Kerosene
Tap water availability is limited to only ____ percent of rural households about _____ percent of population drinks water from open source
Out of 65 percent of total energy consumption of commercial energy in India which of its source has largest share of consumption
What are the two categories into which infrastructure is divided
It is propensity to fall ill .It affects your work by making you temporarily disabled
When coal is used for electricity generation and electricity is consumed by industries than coal becomes the
Which of the following are the indicators of health (i) Infant mortality (ii) Morbidity (iii) Life expectancy. Options are
Which plan is to provide at least one community health worker for every village at a norm of 1000 population
Which of the following is related to six system of Indian medicine(AYUSH) (i) Ayurveda (ii) Samveda (iii) Yoga (iv) Unani (v) Naturopathy (vi) Homoeopathy. Options are
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