By selling a cap for Rs. 29.75, a man gains 6.25%. What will be the CP of the cap?
A machine costs Rs. 1025. If it is sold at a loss of 25%, what will be its cost price as a percentage of its selling price?
A feeding bottle is sold for Rs. 150. Sales tax accounts for one-fifth of this and profit one-third of the remainder. Find the cost price of the feeding bottle.
E owns a house worth Rs. 20,000. He sells it to R at a profit of 25%. After some time, R sells it back to E at 25% loss. Find E’s loss or gain per cent.
125 toffees cost Rs. 75. Find the cost of one million toffees if there is a discount of 40% on the selling price for this quantity.
A man sells a TV set for Rs. 33000 and makes a profit of 10%. He sells another TV at a loss of 20%. If on the whole, he neither gains nor loses, find the selling price of the second TV set.
E sold at table to R at a profit of 25%.R sold the same table to S for Rs. 90 thereby making a profit of 20%. Find the price at which E bought the table from Z if it is known that Z gained 25% in the transaction.
A man sells an article at 10% above its cost price. If he had bought it at 15% less than what he paid for it and sold it for Rs. 33 less, he would have gained 10%. Find the cost price of the article.
E sells a car priced at Rs. 1,80,000. He gives a discount of 5% on the first Rs. 1,00,000 and 12.5% on the remaining Rs. 80,000. His competitor R sells a car on the same market priced at Rs. 1,80,000. If he wants to be competitive what percent discount should R offer on the marked price.
A dishonest dealer marks up the price of his goods by 20% and gives a discount of 10% to the customer. Besides, he also cheats both his supplier and his buyer by 100 grams while buying or selling 1 kilogram. Find the percentage profit earned by the shopkeeper.
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