Which of the following statements is/are correct?
Choose from the codes below:
Which of these pairs are correctly matched ?
1. Minamata convention : mercury
2. Stockholm convention : persistant organic pollutants
3. Basel convention : lead
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
In context of environment, the term “dirty dozen” refers to
A biofertilizer helps in increasing the supply of primary nutrients to plants. Which of the following is/are examples of biofertilizers?
1. Azotobacter
2. Rhizobium
3. Azospirillium
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Some regions are marked as ‘biodiversity hotspots’ on account of their endemism and threat. Which of the following regions in India is/are a biodiversity hotspot?
1. Western Ghats
2. Eastern Ghats
3. Eastern Himalayas
4. Western Himalayas
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Atmospheric nitrogen can undergo nitrogen fixation by
1. cynabacteria
2. Lightning
3. Ultraviolet rays
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Consider the following statements :
1. No human activity is allowed inside tiger reserves.
2. Tourism is allowed in national parks.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
With reference to oil spills, consider the following statements :
1. They make the water deficient in oxygen.
2. They can cause algal blooms.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 provides for various categories of protected areas. These include:
1. National parks
2. Wildlife sanctuaries
3. Biosphere reserve
4. Tiger reserves
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Increased level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would impact the plants in many ways. These can be:
1. decrease in photosynthetic productivity of plants.
2. Proliferation of weeds.
3. Increase in number of insects and other pests.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Which of following statement is true about the Ecotone?
Consider following statement about the estuary
1. Estuary is place where the river fresh waster meets with ocean water
2. This area is highly productive
3. This area is highly unproductive
4. All of the above
Which of above the statements is/are true?
Which of following statement is incorrect about the Biosphere?
Methane (CH4) is one of the six greenhouse gases under the Kyoto protocol. Which of the following is/are sources of methane?
1. Combustion of fossil fuels
2. Wetlands
3. Automobiles
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Relative contributions of CO2, CH4, CFCs and N2O towards global warming are:
Which of following can be used for controlling Gaseous Pollutant?
What does the high Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) indicates?
What percent of area in the plain should be under forest?
Biodiversity Hotspot are characterized on the basis of:
As per tiger census report 2014, the population of tigers in India has increased by
Lantana – know as Phool Lakhri in local parlance, is a shrub found in abundance in Himachal Pradesh.
1. It is a toxic weed and has affected the mountain diversity of the state.
2. Lantana species are widely cultivated for their flowers.
3. It is endemic to India.
4. It is considered as potential fire hazard and it is combustible even when green.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct about it?
Which decade has been designated as the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity?
Consider the following statements
1. The UN General Assembly declared 2014 the International Year of Soils (IYS)
2. The IYS 2015 aims to increase awareness and understanding of the importance of soil for food security and essential ecosystem functions.
Which of the statements given above is/are are correct?
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