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MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - UPSC MCQ

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25 Questions MCQ Test Environment for UPSC CSE - MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 for UPSC 2025 is part of Environment for UPSC CSE preparation. The MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 questions and answers have been prepared according to the UPSC exam syllabus.The MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 MCQs are made for UPSC 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 below.
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MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 1

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

  1. Worms are detritivores.
  2. Detritivores are scavenger organisms that feed off of other dead organisms and their waste.

Choose from the codes below:

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 1
  • Worms are detritivores, meaning they consume dead organic material, aiding in decomposition.
  • Detritivores are organisms that feed on dead matter and waste, playing a key role in breaking down organic material.

Both statements are correct.Therefore, Correct Answer - Option C

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 2

Which of these pairs are correctly matched ?

1. Minamata convention : mercury

2. Stockholm convention : persistant organic pollutants

3. Basel convention : lead

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 2

Ans: a

Explanation: The Basel Convention is for the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal. It was designed to reduce the movements of hazardous waste between nations, and specifically to prevent transfer of hazardous waste from developed to less developed countries (LDCs). It does not, however, address the movement of radioactive waste. The Minamata Convention on Mercury is an international treaty designed to protect human health and the environment from anthropogenic emissions and releases of mercury and mercury compounds. Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants is an international environmental treaty that aims to eliminate or restrict the production and use of persistent organic pollutants (POPs).


MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 3

In context of environment, the term “dirty dozen” refers to

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 3

Ans: c

Explanation: These were the 12 initial compounds that were listed under the Stockholm convention. UPSC might not go into their details, so just remember what the dirty dozen are related to.


MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 4

A biofertilizer helps in increasing the supply of primary nutrients to plants. Which of the following is/are examples of biofertilizers?

1. Azotobacter

2. Rhizobium

3. Azospirillium

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 4

Ans: d

Explanation: Rhizobium is used for leguminous crops. Azotobacter can be used with crops like wheat, maize, mustard, cotton, potato and other vegetable crops. Azospirillum inoculations are recommended mainly for sorghum, millets, maize, sugarcane and wheat. Bio-fertilizers add nutrients through the natural processes of nitrogen fixation, solubilizing phosphorus, and stimulating plant growth through the synthesis of growth-promoting substances.

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 5

Some regions are marked as ‘biodiversity hotspots’ on account of their endemism and threat. Which of the following regions in India is/are a biodiversity hotspot?

1. Western Ghats

2. Eastern Ghats

3. Eastern Himalayas

4. Western Himalayas

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 5

Ans: b

Explanation: A biodiversity hotspot is a biogeographic region with a significant reservoir of biodiversity that is under threat from humans. To qualify as a biodiversity hotspot on Myers 2000 edition of the hotspot-map, a region must meet two strict criteria: 1. it must contain at least 0.5% or 1,500 species of vascular plants as endemics, and 2. it has to have lost at least 70% of its primary vegetation. India has two BH – western ghats & eastern himalays.


MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 6

Atmospheric nitrogen can undergo nitrogen fixation by

1. cynabacteria

2. Lightning

3. Ultraviolet rays

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 6

Ans: d

Explanation: Nitrogen fixation (NF) is a process in which nitrogen (N2) in the atmosphere is converted into ammonium (NH4+). Nitrogen fixation occurs naturally in the air by means of lightning. Biological nitrogen fixation is carried by cyanobacteria (e.g. the highly significant Trichodesmium and Cyanothece), green sulfur bacteria, Azotobacteraceae, rhizobia and Frankia. NF also takes place in presence of UV rays.

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 7

Consider the following statements :

1. No human activity is allowed inside tiger reserves.

2. Tourism is allowed in national parks.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 7

Ans: b

Explanation: The second statement is a simple fact, which you must know. A tiger reserve has two zones – core and buffer. In the buffer zone, human activity is allowed.


MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 8

With reference to oil spills, consider the following statements :

1. They make the water deficient in oxygen.

2. They can cause algal blooms.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 8

Ans: a

Explanation: Oil Spills make the water deficient in oxygen. This causes problem for the marine animals. Algal bloom is associated with eutrophication, and oil spills have no role here. On the contrary, oil spills kills algae. Spilled oil can harm the environment in several ways, including the physical damages that directly impact wildlife and their habitats (such as coating birds or mammals with a layer of oil), and the toxicity of the oil itself, which can poison exposed organisms.

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 9

The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 provides for various categories of protected areas. These include:

1. National parks

2. Wildlife sanctuaries

3. Biosphere reserve

4. Tiger reserves

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 9

Ans: d

Explanation: Very important point to be remembered – biosphere reserves are created by merely a notification and they DO NOT require legislation. National parks, wildlife sanctuaries, tiger reserves, community reserves, conservation reserves are backed up by the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. UPSC often asks question on the basis of differences of these protected areas.

tiger reserves, community reserves, conservation reserves are backed up by the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. UPSC often asks question on the basis of differences of these protected areas.


MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 10

Increased level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would impact the plants in many ways. These can be:

1. decrease in photosynthetic productivity of plants.

2. Proliferation of weeds.

3. Increase in number of insects and other pests.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 10

Ans: c

Explanation: Most of you might have marked statement 1 as correct. However, remember that increase in CO2 will increase photosynthesis. UPSC has a habit of forming question on exceptions like these. Increased CO2 concentration in the atmosphere may increase photosynthetic productivity of plants. This in turn produces more organic matter. It may seem a positive effect. But, 1. Weeds may proliferate rapidly and that too at the expense of useful plants. 2. Insects and other pests that feed on plants may also increase in number. 3. Survival of other organisms gets affected.


MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 11

Which of following statement is true about the Ecotone?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 11

Ans: a

Explanation: Ecotone is a place where two different eco systems meet each other. Mangrove and terrestrial eco system is an example of Ecotone. This area is very rich is in species.

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 12

 Consider following statement about the estuary
1.    Estuary is place where the river fresh waster meets with ocean water
2.    This area is highly productive
3.    This area is highly unproductive
4.    All of the above

Which of above the statements is/are true?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 12

Ans: c

Explanation:  Estuary is place where the river or stream fresh water meets with ocean water. And this place provides the conducive conditions for development of different species. 

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 13

Which of following statement is incorrect about the Biosphere?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 13

Biosphere is combination of lithosphere, hydrosphere and Atmosphere. Biosphere is not found everywhere some areas do not support the conditions required for Biosphere. Hence Organisms are not uniformly distributed throughout the world. 

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 14

What is the carbon credit?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 14

Ans: a

Explanation: Carbon credit shows that country or any entity emit the carbon below the limit prescribed by the government, hence country or entity can sell it in Exchange where carbon credits are traded.

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 15

Methane (CH4) is one of the six greenhouse gases under the Kyoto protocol. Which of the following is/are sources of methane?

1. Combustion of fossil fuels

2. Wetlands

3. Automobiles

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 15

Ans: d

Explanation: All three are sources of methane. Natural gas and petroleum systems are one of the largest source of CH4 emissions. Methane is the primary component of natural gas. Some CH4 is emitted to the atmosphere during the production, processing, storage, transmission, and distribution of natural gas. Methane emissions from passenger cars (automobiles) have however dropped, as the use of catalytic converters increased. Methane is generated in landfills as waste decomposes and in the treatment of wastewater. As one of the most significant natural sources of atmospheric methane, wetlands remain a major area of concern with respect to climate change. 


MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 16

What is the meaning of coral bleaching?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 16

Ans: a

Explanation: Coral Bleaching is being caused by the climate change. Increase in surface temperature of ocean due to climate change is increasing the decline of zooxanthellae. Zooxanthellae is responsible for photosynthesis. 


MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 17

Relative contributions of CO2, CH4, CFCs and N2O towards global warming  are:

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 17

Global warming potential (GWP) is a measure of how much heat a greenhouse gas traps in the atmosphere up to a specific time horizon, relative to carbon dioxide. It compares the amount of heat trapped by a certain mass of the gas in question to the amount of heat trapped by a similar mass of carbon dioxide and is expressed as a factor of carbon dioxide an index of global warming potential for methane, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide and CFCs relative to that of carbon dioxide. The major contribution is from CO2​ (60%),CH4​ (20%), CFC and N2​O attributes to 14% and 6% respectively.

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 18

Which of following can be used for controlling Gaseous Pollutant?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 18

Ans: c

Explanation: Absorption technique is used for controlling Gaseous pollutant. These pollutants are brought into contact with liquid such as water. It may either become solvent or capture it through the chemical reaction. 


MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 19

What does the high Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) indicates?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 19

Ans: a

Explanation: Oxygen is demanded for decomposition related activities under the water. Increase in waste and pollution enhances the decomposition activities and thereby reduces the availability of oxygen for other organic activities under the water body.


MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 20

What percent of area in the plain should be under forest?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 20

Ans: d

Explanation: National Forest Policy has recommended that for maintaining the ecological balance there should be 33 % area under the forest in plain areas. But present forest cover in Indian is around 21-22 %. 

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 21

Biodiversity Hotspot are characterized on the basis of:

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 21

Ans.  a 

Explanation: These areas are rich of plant species and these are endemic to this area. Endemism implies the presence of species in particular area only.

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 22

As per tiger census report 2014, the population of tigers in India has increased by

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 22

Ans: (b)

Explanation: As per tiger census report 2014, the population of tigers in India has increased by 30 %. According to the census, India is home to 70 % of the world’s tigers. Tiger census is carried out after a gap of every three years by the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA).

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 23

Lantana – know as Phool Lakhri in local parlance, is a shrub found in abundance in Himachal Pradesh.

1.    It is a toxic weed and has affected the mountain diversity of the state.

2.    Lantana species are widely cultivated for their flowers.

3.    It is endemic to India.

4.    It is considered as potential fire hazard and it is combustible even when green.

 Which of the statements given above is/are correct about it?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 23

Ans: a

Explanation:  Lantana is not endemic to India. It is an invasive species.

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 24

 Which decade has been designated as the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 24

Ans: a

Explanation: At the initiative of Japan, COP10 recommended to the United Nations General Assembly to declare 2011-2020 as the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity. The General Assembly declared the period 2011-2020 as United Nations Decade on Biodiversity to promote the implementation of a strategic plan on biodiversity and its overall vision of living in harmony with nature. Throughout the Decade, governments are encouraged to develop, implement and communicate the results of national strategies for implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity.


MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 25

Consider the following statements

1. The UN General Assembly declared 2014 the International Year of Soils (IYS)

2. The IYS 2015 aims to increase awareness and understanding of the importance of soil for food security and essential ecosystem functions.

Which of the statements given above is/are are correct?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 1 - Question 25

Ans: b

Explanation: The 68th UN General Assembly declared 2015 the International Year of Soils (IYS).  The IYS 2015 aims to increase awareness and understanding of the importance of soil for food security and essential ecosystem functions.

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