Prove that any date in March of a year is the same day of the week corresponding date in November that year.
Given that on 9th August 2016 is Saturday. What was the day on 9th August 1616 ?
Second & fourth Saturdays and every Sunday is a holiday. How many working days will be there in a month of 31 days beginning on a Friday ?
On 17th March, 1997 Monday falls. What day of the week was it on 17th March, 1996?
What is 90 days from today?
(Hints : Today is 20th January 2017, Sunday)
On 24th Nov, 2007 Thursday falls. What day of the week was it on 10th Nov, 2006 ?
The year next to 2003 will have the same calendar as that of the year 2003?
On 19th June, 1984 Monday falls. What day of the week was it on 19th June, 1985?
Suppose today is Friday, what day of the week will it be 65 days from now?
What will be your age in the year 2019 if you were born in 1995?
67 videos|50 docs|151 tests
67 videos|50 docs|151 tests