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KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - KVS PGT/TGT/PRT MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test KVS TGT Exam Mock Test Series 2025 - KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3

KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 for KVS PGT/TGT/PRT 2025 is part of KVS TGT Exam Mock Test Series 2025 preparation. The KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 questions and answers have been prepared according to the KVS PGT/TGT/PRT exam syllabus.The KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 MCQs are made for KVS PGT/TGT/PRT 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 below.
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KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 1

Direction: In the following questions choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.


Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 1

The word Grotesque (Adjective) means: strange in a way that is unpleasant: extremely ugly, unusual
Hence, the words grotesque and natural are antonyms. 

KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 2

Direction: In the following question, the sentences have been given in Active/ Passive Voice. From the given alternatives, choose the one that best expresses the given sentence in Passive/ Active Voice.

The doctor advised the patient not to eat rice.

Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 2

Use structure “subject + auxiliary + past participle + by + object”
As per the given above sentence is given in Passive Voice.
The patient was advised by the doctor not to eat rice.
Therefore ,required answer will be option A .

KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 3

निम्नांकित व्यंजनों में महाप्राण व्यंजन नहीं है।

Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 3

सही उत्तर '' है।

  • 'त' व्यंजन अल्पप्राण व्यंजन है।
  • जिन वर्णों के उच्चारण में मुख से कम श्वास निकले उन्हें 'अल्पप्राण' कहते हैं।
  • सभी स्वर वर्ण अल्पप्राण हैं।
  • प्रत्येक वर्ग का पहला, तीसरा और पाँचवाँ वर्ण अल्प- प्राण होता है ।
  • जैसे-क वर्ग – क ग ङ , च वर्ग – च ज ञ, ट वर्ग – ट ड ण, त वर्ग – त द न, प वर्ग - प ब म
  • उष्म व्यंजन अल्पप्राण नहीं होते हैं।

Key Points

अन्य विकल्पों का विश्लेषण:

  • महाप्राण व्यंजन उन्हें कहते हैं जिनके उच्चारण में मुख से अधिक हवा निकलती है।
  • हिंदी भाषा में क वर्ग आदि पाँचों वर्गो के दूसरे और चौथे वर्ण महाप्राण हैं तथा ऊष्म वर्ण भी महाप्राण हैं। अर्थात् ख्‌, घ्‌, छ्‌, झ्‌, ठ्‌, ढ़्, थ्‌, ध्‌, फ्‌, भ्‌, श्‌, ष्‌, स्‌, ह्‌ महाप्राण ध्वनियाँ हैं।​
KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 4
आई तो रोजी नहीं तो रोजा"- इस लोकोक्ति का अर्थ क्या है?
Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 4

सही उत्तर है - “कमाया तो खाया नहीं तो भूखे”।

  • आई तो रोजी नहीं तो रोजा” लोकोक्ति का अर्थ है कमाया तो खाया नहीं तो भूखे
  • वाक्य प्रयोग : फेरी वाले का क्या, यदि कुछ माल बिक जाता है तो खाना खा लेता है वरना भूखा सो जाता है। सच है, आई तो रोजी नहीं तो रोजा

Key Pointsअन्य विकल्प:

  • ​​कोई वास्ता न होना लोकोक्ति का अर्थ - किसी प्रकार का संबंध न होना।
  • वाक्य प्रयोग - यदि भारत का कोई राष्ट्रीय चरित्र है तो यही कि ईमानदारी का हमसे फ़िलहाल कोई वास्ता नहीं
  • अंधेर करना मुहावरा का अर्थ है - अन्याय करना।
  • वाक्य प्रयोग - रमेश का सेठ हमेशा उस पर अन्याय करता रहता है।
  • धोखा देना का अर्थ : छलना या भ्रम में डालना।
  • वाक्य प्रयोग - धोखा देना तो गगन की पुरानी आदत है।

Additional Informationअन्य उदाहरण:

  • टाँग अड़ाना मुहावरे का अर्थ : अड़चन डालना।
    वाक्य प्रयोग - जो लोग दूसरों के कामो में टाँग अड़ाते हैं उन्हें कोई पसंद नहीं करता।
  • गढ़ फतह करना मुहावरे का अर्थ - कठिन काम करना।
    वाक्य प्रयोग - आई.पी.एस पास करके दीक्षा ने सचमुच गढ़ फतह कर लिया।
KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 5

'बेमिसाल' शब्‍द का पर्यायवाची है:

Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 5

'बेमिसाल' शब्‍द का पर्यायवाची अद्भुत है।

आचार्य - शिक्षक

यतीम - बेसहारा

योग्य -  श्रेष्ठ

KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 6

Which company has partnered with Adani Total Energies to set up EV charging infrastructure?

Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 6

Mahindra & Mahindra has collaborated with Adani Total Energies to establish a nationwide EV charging infrastructure. This partnership aims to enhance e-mobility solutions and improve customer experience in line with climate action goals.

KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 7

The ‘Cannes Award’ is given for excellence in which field?

Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 7

The Cannes Award, also known as the Palme d'Or, is one of the most prestigious awards in the film industry. It is awarded at the Cannes Film Festival held annually in Cannes, France, to recognize the best film in the competition.

KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 8

Select the correct option from the given options that can make a full square. (3 of the 5 images given below are given)

Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 8

The correct option from the given options that can make a full square is,

Hence, “2, 3 and 4” is the correct answer

KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 9

What is the term used when a clip art image changes the direction it faces?

Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 9
Term for changing the direction of a clip art image:
The term used when a clip art image changes the direction it faces is called flipping or mirroring.
When a clip art image changes its direction, it means that it is being reflected horizontally or vertically. This can be done to create a mirror image of the original clip art or to change its orientation.
- Flip: Flipping is the process of changing the direction of a clip art image. It can be done horizontally (left to right) or vertically (top to bottom).
- Rotate: Rotation refers to changing the angle or orientation of a clip art image. It involves rotating the image by a certain degree around a fixed point.
- Group: Grouping is a different concept and not related to changing the direction of a clip art image. Grouping refers to combining multiple objects or elements together to form a single unit.
In this case, the correct answer is option D: Both (a) and (b) - which means the term used is "flip" and it is also known as "group" when combined with other clip art images.
The term used when a clip art image changes the direction it faces is flipping or mirroring. This allows for horizontal or vertical reflection of the image. The term "rotate" refers to changing the angle or orientation of the image, while "group" refers to combining multiple clip art images together.
KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 10
The formation of personal identity and integration with society gives rise to conflicts. This statement is related to _________ development challenge in adolescence.
Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 10

Adolescence is a phase of life of a person when he is no more a child and not yet an adult. It is a period of transition between childhood and adulthood that involves a number of changes in body and mind.

Key PointsThe adolescent is no longer a child. He is a new person emerging into an adult. This process of understanding the self and seeking meaning and direction leads to identity formation. Challenges related to Psychosexual Development:

  • Conflicts result from the development of a person's identity and social integration.
  • Adolescents often find it difficult to control their emotional reactivity and instability, which can lead to behaviours that are at times inappropriately extreme, such as excitement, anger, sadness, depression, and embarrassment.
  • The development of personal identity is difficult for adolescents from underprivileged and minority groups.
  • They entered into serious relationships, experienced heartbreak, and felt stress as a result of exploring their own sexuality and sexual identity.

Thus, we conclude that the formation of personal identity and integration with society gives rise to conflicts. This statement is related to Psychosocial development challenge in adolescence.

KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 11

Which of the following pairings is correct with reference to community?

I.Community as a pressure group - To supervise the functioning of the school teachers, principals etc.

II. Community as a resource - Parents can give children practical knowledge and skills.

Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 11

A community is a group of two or more people who have been able to accept and transcend their differences regardless of the diversity of their backgrounds (social, spiritual, educational, ethnic, economic, political, etc.). This enables them to communicate effectively and openly and to work together toward goals identified as being for their common good.

Key PointsCommunity as a pressure group:

  • Pressure groups are organised associations, unions or organisation of people having common interest. Their aim is to seek better conditions for their members through organised efforts.
  • School is a sort of mini-community. Community as a pressure group supervise the functioning of the school teachers, principals etc.
  • Teachers are likely to work in a manner in which they receive stimulation through interaction with the community and the various ways in which people cope up with the problems of the school and carry on its activities in a constructive manner. 

Community as a resource:

  • Community resources provide first-hand experiences to the child and s/he is able to develop proper concepts about various aspects of processes of community life.
  • Since parents of school children are part and parcel of the community, they can pay informal visits to the school. They can provide practical knowledge and skills and participate in school administration.
  • Thus, education is supported by the community and becomes less expensive. Moreover, gap between education and community is bridged, making learning informal and interesting.

Hence, it is clear that both I and II pairings are correct with reference to community.

KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 12
According to the 'element of fatigue' principle of timetable construction, subjects like arts, crafts, writing, science practicals, and manual work, etc., should be pursued in the __________.
Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 12

Preparing a good timetable is really a complicated piece of work because a number of factors and conditions that change from school to school i determine it. Its construction, therefore, requires thorough concentration and perseverance of mind. While constructing a good timetable, important principles should always be kept in view.

Key PointsPrinciples of Timetable Construction: The element of fatigue:

  • Fatigue, in reality, is the state of inability to continue work after a prolonged activity of certain parts of the body. Fatigue weakens attention and perception and diminishes the power of insight and initiation. Hence the work rate is also diminished.
  • In school, some subjects are more fatiguing than others. They involve heavy mental strain and effort. Such subjects should be taught during the early hours when the brain is fresh.
  • It has been noted psychologically that the second and third periods on a school day are the best when the work curve reaches its highest point. Similarly, the second and the third days of the week are the best when momentum is the highest.
  • Monday is only the warming up day and Saturday is perhaps the worst. So subjects like English, regional languages, and Mathematics should be taught during the best periods of the day.
  • Similarly, subjects like arts, crafts, writing, science practicals and manual work, etc., that require less energy should be pursued in the last periods.
  • Lastly, the duration of periods must change according to age, physical condition, and season. In summer, periods should be of shorter duration as compared to winter.
  • Similarly, in the case of primary classes, periods should not be very long. Small children get fatigued very soon and, so they need frequent changes in activities and occupations.  

Hence, it is clear that according to the 'element of fatigue' principle of timetable construction, subjects like arts, crafts, writing, science practicals, and manual work, etc., should be pursued in the last period.

KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 13
Achievement data is collected with a focus on the science content that is most important for the students to learn. Which of the following facts leads to a contrary opinion?
Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 13

As science has increasingly pervaded our lives, it has become more than a sum of physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics. Using science in daily life improves life chances. Let's understand more about the nature of science below.

Key Points

  • Science is a dynamic expanding body of knowledge covering ever-new domains of experience.
  • It is an organized system of knowledge that is based on inquiry born out of natural curiosity, logical reasoning, and experimentation. Every student can understand the scientific content by employing the correct methods of teaching. 
  • The nature of science: is an objective way of looking at things that is not biased and based on empirical data.
  • There are several methods of conducting research in science namely action research, experimental research, survey method and etc.
  • Science relies on the fact, not on beliefs or opinion that is not dogmatic. It does not unreasonably insist on standing by preconceived notions, concepts, or ideas that have been proved wrong through careful experimentation. 
  • Science is a self-correcting enterprise, i.e. it is open to change. Many hypotheses proposed by scientists turn out to be wrong.  
  • Science progresses by disproving which means the scientific theories can be falsified. They can be challenged with facts and evidence that any scientific theory can be proved wrong. 

Therefore, by understanding the very nature of science, it can be said that it is not correct that only intelligent children could understand science.

KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 14

The functional group present in ethanol is

Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 14

Ethanol contains alcohol as the functional group.
Ethane + ol = Ethanol.

KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 15

Which of the following elements has 17 electrons and 17 protons?

Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 15

The atomic number is the number of electrons present in an atom. We know that an atom has the same number of electrons & Protons. Therefore Chlorine is the element that has 17 protons. Hence the element is Chlorine.

KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 16
Which gland is responsible for controlling calcium and phosphate ion levels in bones and blood?
Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 16
The Parathyroid Glands, located on the dorsal surface of the thyroid gland in the neck, produce the hormone parathormone. This hormone plays a vital role in regulating calcium and phosphate ion levels in both bones and blood. Imbalances in parathormone secretion can lead to conditions like tetany (hyposecretion) or osteoporosis (hypersecretion). ---
KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 17

Application of nitrogenous manure to a plant causes:

Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 17

Application of nitrogenous manure to a plant causes vigorous vegetative growth.

KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 18
What type of reflection occurs when light rays fall on a rough surface and are reflected in different directions?
Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 18
Diffused reflection is the type of reflection that occurs when light rays fall on a rough surface and are reflected in different directions. Unlike regular or specular reflection, which occurs on smooth surfaces, diffused reflection results in scattered light rays due to the surface's roughness.
KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 19
At what stage does the ovary release one egg every month in the female reproductive system?
Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 19
At the onset of puberty, one egg is typically released every month by one of the ovaries in the female reproductive system. This monthly process is known as ovulation and is a key part of the menstrual cycle.
KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 20

If the mass of earth is increased by 25% without any change in its size. Then, its acceleration due to gravity:

Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 20

The acceleration due to gravity on earth is given by g = GM/R2

From the above equation, we observe that acceleration is directly proportional to the mass of the earth. So, if the mass of the earth is increased by 25 % and R is kept constant, the value of g will also increase by 25%.

KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 21

Stars twinkle due to

Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 21

Stars appear to twinkle in night sky on account of atmospheric refraction.

KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 22

Aluminium is commonly used for making cooking utensils. What properties of aluminium make it suitable for this purpose?

(i) Good thermal conductivity

(ii) Good electrical conductivity

(iii) Ductility

(iv) High melting point

Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 22

(d) (i) and (iv)

Explanation: Aluminium is not suitable for utensil production due to its ductility and high electrical conductivity. The properties that make it suitable are its high melting point and good heat conductivity. Copper, steel (an alloy of iron), and aluminium are the most common metals used for making utensils because of their good heat conductivity.

KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 23
In the reaction between copper and oxygen to form copper(II) oxide, what is the oxidation state of copper in copper oxide?
Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 23
In copper(II) oxide (CuO), the oxidation state of copper is +2. This is because oxygen typically has an oxidation state of -2, and since the overall compound is neutral, the oxidation state of copper must be +2 to balance the charges.
KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 24
When a non-metallic oxide reacts with a base, what is typically formed?
Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 24
When a non-metallic oxide reacts with a base, the general outcome is the formation of salt and water. This reaction is crucial in understanding the properties of non-metallic oxides and their behavior when they come into contact with bases. It illustrates the acidic nature of non-metallic oxides and their reactions.
KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 25

The normal number of chromosomes in the progeny is maintained when the germ cells:

Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 25

Each cell has two copies of chromosome one inherited from each mother and father. Every germ cell is taking one chromosome from each pair that may from either maternal origin or paternal. When these two germ cell combine, they restore the normal no. of the chromosome in the progeny maintaining the stability of DNA

KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 26

Which of the following combination of crop will give maximum yield in mixed cropping?

Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 26

The practice of cultivating two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of land is called mixed cropping. During mixed cropping, if one crop faces adverse conditions or pathogen attack then the other crop can be saved.

Advantages of mixed cropping:
Increase in yield
Optimum utilization of soil
Minimum pest infestation
No risk of crop failure
Farmers can harvest varieties of produce at the same time

KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 27

Chlorine (17) belongs to which group and period

Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 27

Cl (17) 2,8,7 belongs to group 17 and 3rd period.

KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 28

Cerebral hemispheres are the centres of :-

Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 28

Cerebral is centre of thinking, will power, reasoning and memory, experience and learning knowledge and articulate speech.

KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 29

Pressure on the surface of a gas is increased. What will happen to the inter-particle forces?

Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 29

When the pressure on the surface of a gas is increased. The particles of gases come closer that increase the inter-particle force of attraction.

KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 30
What defines a concentrated acid solution?
Detailed Solution for KVS TGT Science Mock Test - 3 - Question 30
A concentrated acid solution is characterized by a high solute concentration. This means that there is a relatively large amount of acid dissolved in the solution compared to the amount of water present. Concentrated acids are often used in various chemical processes due to their high acid content, which can lead to more rapid reactions compared to dilute acid solutions.
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