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Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - UPSC MCQ

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15 Questions MCQ Test History for UPSC CSE - Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization

Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization for UPSC 2025 is part of History for UPSC CSE preparation. The Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization questions and answers have been prepared according to the UPSC exam syllabus.The Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization MCQs are made for UPSC 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization below.
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Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 1

Consider the following statements about the Harappan Civilization:

1. The Harappan Civilization was discovered first in the modern site of Mohenjo-Daro in Sindh, Pakistan.

2. The civilization extended from Jammu in the north to the Daimabad in the south.

3. Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were connected by the Ganges River.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

Detailed Solution for Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 1
  • The Harappan Civilization was discovered first in the modern site of Mohenjo-Daro in Sindh, Pakistan.
    This statement is incorrect. While Mohenjo-Daro is a major site of the Harappan Civilization, the first discovery was actually at Harappa (in present-day Pakistan) in 1921 by archaeologist Daya Ram Sahni, and Mohenjo-Daro was discovered later, in 1922 by R. D. Banerji.

  • The civilization extended from Jammu in the north to Daimabad in the south.
    This statement is correct. The Harappan Civilization extended over a vast area, from the northwest (modern-day Jammu) to the south (Daimabad in Maharashtra).

  • Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were connected by the Ganges River.
    This statement is incorrect. Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro are located in the Indus Valley, and they were connected by the Indus River, not the Ganges.

Therefore,Correct Answer-Option B

Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 2

Consider the following pairs:

How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?

Detailed Solution for Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 2

  • Bronze tools were indeed used in agriculture among other applications in the Harappan Civilization.
  • Terracotta figurines are thought to have been used in religious practices as well as for toys.
  • Seals were used for trade and administrative purposes, possibly for marking goods or for ceremonial purposes. Thus, all pairs are correctly matched.


Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 3

Consider the following statements about the end of the Harappan Civilization:

Statement -I: The decline of the Harappan Civilization can be attributed solely to the invasion by the Aryans.
Statement- II: Environmental factors, such as changes in climate and river courses, played a significant role in the decline of the Harappan Civilization.

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?

Detailed Solution for Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 3
  • Statement-I is incorrect as the decline of the Harappan Civilization is now understood to be multifaceted, with no conclusive evidence to suggest a singular cause like an Aryan invasion. Indeed, the theory of an Aryan invasion playing a significant role in the civilization's decline has been largely contested and is not supported by archaeological evidence.
  • Statement-II is correct, as there is considerable evidence to suggest that environmental factors, such as changes in climate, shifts in the courses of rivers, and possibly earthquakes, significantly impacted the Harappan Civilization, contributing to its decline. These environmental changes likely affected agriculture, trade, and the overall sustainability of urban centers, leading to gradual abandonment or transformation of these cities.
Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 4

Consider the following statements:

  1. The Harappan Civilization is older than the chalcolithic cultures found in the region.
  2. The area covered by the Harappan Civilization was approximately 1,299,600 square kilometers.
  3. The Harappan Civilization used metal money for trade.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

Detailed Solution for Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 4
  • Statement 1: Correct. The Harappan Civilization (Indus Valley Civilization) is older than the chalcolithic cultures, even though it is far more developed.
  • Statement 2: Correct. The Harappan Civilization covered an area of approximately 1,299,600 square kilometers, spanning parts of modern-day India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.
  • Statement 3: Incorrect. The Harappan Civilization did not use metal money; trade was conducted through barter and possibly using seals as trade tokens.

 Therefore Correct Answer- Option B

Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 5

Consider the following statements regarding the Harappan Civilization:

  1. The civilization had a sophisticated system of weights and measures based on the multiples of 16.
  2. The script of the Harappan Civilization has been fully deciphered and understood.
  3. More than 1500 Harappan sites have been discovered across the Indian subcontinent.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

Detailed Solution for Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 5
  • Statement 1: Correct. The Harappan Civilization used a sophisticated system of weights and measures, often based on multiples of 16, which indicates their advanced understanding of standardization and trade.
  • Statement 2: Incorrect. The script of the Harappan Civilization remains undeciphered. Despite numerous efforts, the meaning of the symbols is still unknown.
  • Statement 3: Correct. Archaeologists have discovered over 1500 sites associated with the Harappan Civilization across the Indian subcontinent.

Thus, only two statements are correct.

Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 6

Consider the following statements regarding the religious practices of the Harappan Civilization:

Statement -I: The Harappans worshipped a male deity who is often identified with modern Hindu god Shiva.
Statement -II: Evidence of temple structures has been found in Harappan cities, indicating a space dedicated to religious rituals.

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?

Detailed Solution for Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 6

  • Statement-I is correct as the male deity depicted on the Pashupati seal is often compared to Shiva, known as Pashupati (Lord of Animals) in later Hindu traditions, due to his yogic posture and association with animals. However, this interpretation is subject to scholarly debate.
  • Statement-II is incorrect because, unlike ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, there is no definitive evidence of temple structures in Harappan cities. Religious activities might have been conducted in homes or at altars rather than in dedicated temple complexes, indicating a different form of religious practice.


Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 7

Consider the following pairs:

How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?

Detailed Solution for Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 7

  • Rice remains have been discovered at Lothal, indicating its cultivation.
  • Cotton, known to the Greeks as "sindon," was indeed produced in the region, with evidence found in areas like Mohenjo-Daro.
  • Wheat was a staple crop of the Harappan Civilization, with evidence of its cultivation found in various sites, including Harappa. Thus, all pairs are correctly matched.


Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 8

Consider the following statements:

  1. The Harappans were the earliest people to produce cotton, known to Greeks as sindon.
  2. The Harappan Civilization was horse-centered, with evidence of horses found in all major Harappan sites.
  3. Seals are considered the greatest artistic creations of the Harappan culture.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

Detailed Solution for Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 8
  • Statement 1: Correct. The Harappans were indeed among the earliest to produce cotton, known as "sindon" to the Greeks.
  •  Statement 2: Incorrect. The Harappan Civilization was not horse-centered, and there is limited evidence of horses at Harappan sites, making this statement false.
  • Statement 3: Correct. Seals are considered the greatest artistic creations of the Harappan culture due to their intricate designs and craftsmanship.

Therefore, only two statements are correct, making the answer A: Only two.


Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 9

Consider the following statements about the trade practices of the Harappan Civilization:

Statement -I: The Harappan Civilization engaged in extensive trade with Mesopotamia, as evidenced by the discovery of Harappan seals in Mesopotamia.
Statement -II: Trade within the Harappan Civilization was facilitated by the use of metal coins as currency.

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?

Detailed Solution for Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 9
  • Statement-I is correct as there is ample evidence of trade between the Harappan Civilization and Mesopotamia, including the discovery of Harappan seals in Mesopotamia.
  • Statement-II is incorrect because the Harappans likely practiced barter trade and did not use metal coins as currency. Their trade practices were sophisticated but did not involve the use of coined money.
Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 10

Consider the following statements about Harappan Civilization:

  1. The Great Bath of Mohenjo-Daro served a ritual purpose, likely related to religious ceremonies.
  2. The Harappan Civilization's urban centers like Mohenjo-Daro did not have a drainage system.
  3. Terracotta figurines in the Harappan culture served dual purposes: as toys and objects of worship.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

Detailed Solution for Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 10
  • Statement 1: Correct. 
    The Great Bath is believed to have had ritualistic significance, possibly for religious or ceremonial cleansing. Its meticulous construction with watertight bricks and drainage systems supports this interpretation.
  • Statement 2: Incorrect.
    One of the hallmarks of Harappan urban planning was its sophisticated drainage system. Almost every house had access to drains connected to a centralized system. This statement contradicts well-established archaeological evidence.
  • Statement 3: Correct.
    Terracotta figurines were used for multiple purposes. Some, like animal figurines with wheels, were likely toys, while others depicting deities or fertility symbols may have had religious or ritualistic significance.

Therefore, only two statements are correct, making the answer B: Only two.

Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 11

Consider the following pairs:

How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?

Detailed Solution for Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 11

  • Mohenjo-Daro is indeed known for the Great Bath, a large public bathing and ritual site.
  • Harappa is not known for a dockyard; that feature is attributed to Lothal, which had a dockyard that facilitated maritime trade.
  • Evidences of fire altars are found in Lothal and Kalibangan towards the Late Harappan phase

   Thus two pairs are correctly matched. Therefore, Correct answer- Option B



Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 12

Consider the following statements about the agricultural practices of the Harappan Civilization:

  1. The Harappans were among the first to cultivate rice and cotton.
  2. Barley and wheat were the main crops, but rice cultivation was unknown to the Harappans.

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?

Detailed Solution for Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 12
  • Statement-I is correct because the Harappans were indeed among the first to cultivate rice and cotton, with evidence from sites like Lothal for rice cultivation.
  • Statement-II is incorrect as it falsely claims that rice cultivation was unknown, contradicting historical evidence showing that rice was cultivated alongside barley and wheat.

Therefore, Correct Answer- Option C

Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 13

Consider the following statements regarding the town planning of the Harappan Civilization:

Statement-I: The grid system was a hallmark of Harappan urban design, with roads cutting across each other almost at right angles.
Statement-II: The Harappan cities lacked any form of drainage system, reflecting a minimal concern for public health and hygiene.

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?

Detailed Solution for Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 13
  • Statement-I is correct, highlighting the sophisticated urban planning of the Harappan cities, which indeed followed a grid system.
  • Statement-II is incorrect as the Harappan cities had a very advanced drainage system, demonstrating their high concern for public health and hygiene.
  • The drainage system was one of the most impressive aspects of their urban infrastructure.
Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 14

Consider the following pairs:

How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?

Detailed Solution for Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 14

  • The Dancing Girl is a famous bronze artifact from the Harappan Civilization.
  • Seals, while made of various materials including steatite, also included terracotta as a common material.
  • The Priest King statue is indeed made of steatite, a soft stone used for many Harappan carvings. Thus, all three pairs are correctly matched.


Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 15

Which of the following statements about the Indus Valley Civilization is incorrect?

Detailed Solution for Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization - Question 15
  • Statement B is incorrect. The Indus Valley Civilization primarily used baked bricks and stone for construction, not metal.
  • Metals like copper, bronze, and gold were used for tools and ornaments, not for building structures.
  • The civilization is famous for its urban planning, including advanced drainage systems and organized city layouts.
  • Evidence of trade with Mesopotamia, such as seals and artifacts, confirms interactions between these ancient societies.
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