Banking Exams Syllabus:
1. Banking Exams IBPS PO Prelims & Mains - Documents, Videos & Tests:
- Overview of IBPS PO Prelims and Mains exams
- Study materials including documents, videos, and practice tests
- Detailed analysis of previous year question papers
2. Banking Exams General Awareness:
- Current affairs and banking awareness topics
- History, geography, and economy related to the banking sector
- Financial and banking terms and concepts
- Important national and international organizations
3. Banking Exams Quantitative Aptitude:
- Number series and sequences
- Simplification and approximation
- Data interpretation and analysis
- Time, speed, and distance
- Profit and loss, percentage, and ratio
- Probability and permutation combination
4. Banking Exams English Language:
- Grammar rules and usage
- Reading comprehension
- Vocabulary and word usage
- Sentence correction and improvement
- Para jumbles and fill in the blanks
5. Banking Exams Reasoning Ability:
- Verbal and non-verbal reasoning
- Coding-decoding and blood relations
- Seating arrangement and puzzles
- Syllogism and logical reasoning
- Input-output and data sufficiency
6. Banking Exams Previous Year Papers:
- Analysis of previous year question papers
- Practice papers for better understanding of exam pattern
- Tips and tricks to solve questions quickly and accurately
7. Banking Exams Tips & Tricks for IBPS PO Prelims & Mains:
- Time management strategies for effective exam preparation
- Tips for improving speed and accuracy in solving questions
- Techniques to handle difficult sections and topics
- Mock tests and sample papers for practice
8. Banking Exams Computer:
- Basic computer knowledge and terminology
- Computer hardware and software
- Internet and networking concepts
- Security and data privacy in banking operations
9. Banking Exams Cheatsheet:
- Quick reference guide for important formulas, concepts, and shortcuts
- Handy tips and tricks for solving different types of questions
- Revision notes for last-minute preparation
By following this comprehensive syllabus, candidates can prepare effectively for banking exams like IBPS PO Prelims and Mains. The syllabus covers all the important topics and provides resources for practice and revision.
This course is helpful for the following exams: Bank Exams, Agriculture Exams