Card: 1 / 36 |
True or False: Environmental ethics treats the environment as separate from society. |
Card: 5 / 36 |
Business ethics involves a set of ethical principles applied in a ___ environment. |
Card: 7 / 36 |
True or False: Business ethics only focus on the legal aspects of business operations. |
Card: 8 / 36 |
False. Business ethics encompass moral responsibilities beyond legal requirements, addressing how businesses should operate ethically in various situations. |
Card: 9 / 36 |
The principle of ___ emphasizes the need for conservation efforts to be comprehensive rather than fragmented. |
Card: 11 / 36 |
Firms should maintain ethical standards in the production of goods and services to ensure ___ for consumers. |
Card: 13 / 36 |
True or False: Ethical management includes enforceable legal rules that all managers must follow. |
Card: 14 / 36 |
False. Ethical management is guided by a company's ethics code and does not include enforceable legal rules. |
Card: 15 / 36 |
What is the primary difference between business ethics and ethical management? |
Card: 16 / 36 |
Business ethics focuses on the impact of business actions on external parties, while ethical management emphasizes personal behavior standards for managers in relation to employees and stakeholders. |
Card: 17 / 36 |
Cosmopolitanism promotes the idea that all human beings belong to ___ with a similar set of moral principles. |
Card: 19 / 36 |
True or False: Urbanization and cosmopolitanism are solely responsible for increased ethical conflicts without any positive outcomes. |
Card: 20 / 36 |
False. While urbanization and cosmopolitanism can lead to ethical conflicts, they also provide enhanced job opportunities, economic progress, and promote values such as inclusivity and cultural diversity. |
Card: 23 / 36 |
Rising economic inequality has primarily benefited ___ while leaving behind the ___ and vulnerable populations. |
Card: 25 / 36 |
True or False: The conflict of resources in urban areas is exacerbated by the migration of people seeking a cosmopolitan culture. |
Card: 27 / 36 |
Explain the Salad bowl versus Melting pot model of society in the context of globalization. |
Card: 28 / 36 |
The Salad bowl model suggests that various cultures coexist while maintaining their distinct identities, whereas the Melting pot model implies that different cultures blend into a single, dominant culture. Globalization has led to a loss of cultural identity for many, as they are subsumed by dominant cultures, leading to tensions and a push for cultural preservation. |
Card: 30 / 36 |
Ethics help us navigate the area between what is right and morally wrong, providing a framework for determining our values and actions. |
Card: 31 / 36 |
Fill in the blank: Environmental ethics studies the relationship between human actions and the ___ environment. |
Card: 33 / 36 |
True or False: Environmental ethics only considers the needs of current human generations without regard to future generations or the environment itself. |
Card: 34 / 36 |
False. Environmental ethics considers obligations to both current and future generations, as well as to the environment itself. |
Card: 35 / 36 |
What are the two fundamental questions that environmental ethics must address? |
Card: 36 / 36 |
The duties humans have concerning the environment and the rationale behind these duties. |