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Page 1 BUDGET AT A GLANCE 2022-2023 ¤ÉVÉ] BÉEÉ ºÉÉ® ÉÊ´ÉkÉ àÉÆjÉÉãÉªÉ MINISTRY OF FINANCE ¤ÉVÉ] |É£ÉÉMÉ BUDGET DIVISION ºÉiªÉàÉä´É VɪÉiÉä {ÉE®´É®ÉÒ / February, 2022 £ÉÉ®iÉ ºÉ®BÉEÉ® GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Page 2 BUDGET AT A GLANCE 2022-2023 ¤ÉVÉ] BÉEÉ ºÉÉ® ÉÊ´ÉkÉ àÉÆjÉÉãÉªÉ MINISTRY OF FINANCE ¤ÉVÉ] |É£ÉÉMÉ BUDGET DIVISION ºÉiªÉàÉä´É VɪÉiÉä {ÉE®´É®ÉÒ / February, 2022 £ÉÉ®iÉ ºÉ®BÉEÉ® GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Page 3 BUDGET AT A GLANCE 2022-2023 ¤ÉVÉ] BÉEÉ ºÉÉ® ÉÊ´ÉkÉ àÉÆjÉÉãÉªÉ MINISTRY OF FINANCE ¤ÉVÉ] |É£ÉÉMÉ BUDGET DIVISION ºÉiªÉàÉä´É VɪÉiÉä {ÉE®´É®ÉÒ / February, 2022 £ÉÉ®iÉ ºÉ®BÉEÉ® GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Page 4 BUDGET AT A GLANCE 2022-2023 ¤ÉVÉ] BÉEÉ ºÉÉ® ÉÊ´ÉkÉ àÉÆjÉÉãÉªÉ MINISTRY OF FINANCE ¤ÉVÉ] |É£ÉÉMÉ BUDGET DIVISION ºÉiªÉàÉä´É VɪÉiÉä {ÉE®´É®ÉÒ / February, 2022 £ÉÉ®iÉ ºÉ®BÉEÉ® GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ¤ÉVÉ] BÉEÉ ºÉÉ® Budget at a Glance (` BÉE®Éä½) (In ` crore) 2020-2021 2021-2022 2021-2022 2022-2023 ´ÉɺiÉÉÊ´ÉBÉE ¤ÉVÉ] ºÉƶÉÉäÉÊvÉiÉ ¤ÉVÉ] +ÉxÉÖàÉÉxÉ +ÉxÉÖàÉÉxÉ +ÉxÉÖàÉÉxÉ Actuals Budget Revised Budget Estimates Estimates Estimates 1. ®ÉVɺ´É |ÉÉÉÎ{iɪÉÉÆ 2. 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Total Expenditure (10+13) 3509836 3483236 3770000 3944909 10.On Revenue Account 3083519 2929000 3167289 3194663 of which 11. Interest Payments 679869 809701 813791 940651 12.Grants in Aid for creation 230865 219112 237685 317643 of capital assests 13.On Capital Account 2 426317 554236 602711 750246 14. Effective Capital Expenditure (12+13) 3 657182 773348 840396 1067889 15. Revenue Deficit 1449599 1140576 1088352 990241 (10-1) (7.3) (5.1) (4.7) (3.8) 16. Effective Revenue Deficit 1218734 921464 850667 672598 (15-12) (6.2) (4.1) (3.7) (2.6) 17.Fiscal Deficit 1818291 1506812 1591089 1661196 [9-(1+5+6)] (9.2) (6.8) (6.9) (6.4) 18. 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Revenue Receipts 1633920 1788424 2078936 2204422 2. Tax Revenue (Net to Centre) 1426287 1545396 1765145 1934771 3. Non Tax Revenue 207633 243028 313791 269651 4. Capital Receipts 1875916 1694812 1691064 1740487 5. Recovery of Loans 19729 13000 21975 14291 6. Other Receipts 37897 175000 78000 65000 7. Borrowings and Other Liabilities 1 1818291 1506812 1591089 1661196 8. Total Receipts (1+4) 3509836 3483236 3770000 3944909 9. Total Expenditure (10+13) 3509836 3483236 3770000 3944909 10.On Revenue Account 3083519 2929000 3167289 3194663 of which 11. Interest Payments 679869 809701 813791 940651 12.Grants in Aid for creation 230865 219112 237685 317643 of capital assests 13.On Capital Account 2 426317 554236 602711 750246 14. Effective Capital Expenditure (12+13) 3 657182 773348 840396 1067889 15. Revenue Deficit 1449599 1140576 1088352 990241 (10-1) (7.3) (5.1) (4.7) (3.8) 16. Effective Revenue Deficit 1218734 921464 850667 672598 (15-12) (6.2) (4.1) (3.7) (2.6) 17.Fiscal Deficit 1818291 1506812 1591089 1661196 [9-(1+5+6)] (9.2) (6.8) (6.9) (6.4) 18. 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