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Page 1 LASER 1. LASER 2. Incoherent Light 3. Coherent Light 4. Atomic Interactions Related to LASER - Induced Absorption - Spontaneous Emission - Stimulated Emission - Population Inversion and Optical Pumping 5. Components of Laser Devices 6. Principle of Laser 7. Diode Laser 8. Characteristics of Laser Light 9. Applications of Laser 10. Elementary Principles of Light Modulation Page 2 LASER 1. LASER 2. Incoherent Light 3. Coherent Light 4. Atomic Interactions Related to LASER - Induced Absorption - Spontaneous Emission - Stimulated Emission - Population Inversion and Optical Pumping 5. Components of Laser Devices 6. Principle of Laser 7. Diode Laser 8. Characteristics of Laser Light 9. Applications of Laser 10. Elementary Principles of Light Modulation LASER LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser is a very intense, concentrated, highly parallel and monochromatic beam of light. Coherence is very important property of Laser. Incoherent Light: The light emitted from the Sun or other ordinary light sources such as tungsten filament, neon and fluorescent tube lights is spread over a wide range of frequencies. For eg. Sunlight is spread over Infra Red, Visible light and Ultra Violet spectrum. So, the amount of energy available at a particular frequency is very less and hence less intense. Such light is irregular and mixed of different frequencies, directions and durations, and is incoherent. Incoherent light is due to spontaneous and random emission of photons by the atoms in excited state. These photons will not be in phase with each other. Incoherent Light Page 3 LASER 1. LASER 2. Incoherent Light 3. Coherent Light 4. Atomic Interactions Related to LASER - Induced Absorption - Spontaneous Emission - Stimulated Emission - Population Inversion and Optical Pumping 5. Components of Laser Devices 6. Principle of Laser 7. Diode Laser 8. Characteristics of Laser Light 9. Applications of Laser 10. Elementary Principles of Light Modulation LASER LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser is a very intense, concentrated, highly parallel and monochromatic beam of light. Coherence is very important property of Laser. Incoherent Light: The light emitted from the Sun or other ordinary light sources such as tungsten filament, neon and fluorescent tube lights is spread over a wide range of frequencies. For eg. Sunlight is spread over Infra Red, Visible light and Ultra Violet spectrum. So, the amount of energy available at a particular frequency is very less and hence less intense. Such light is irregular and mixed of different frequencies, directions and durations, and is incoherent. Incoherent light is due to spontaneous and random emission of photons by the atoms in excited state. These photons will not be in phase with each other. Incoherent Light Coherent Light: Coherent light is uniform in frequency, amplitude, continuity and constant initial phase difference. Coherent beam of light is obtained due to stimulated emission of photons from the atoms jumping from meta-stable state to lower energy state. Coherent Light Various Atomic Interactions related to LASER: a) Induced Absorption: Photons of suitable size (energy) are supplied to the atoms in the ground state. These atoms absorb the supplied energy and go to the excited or higher energy state. IF E i and E j are energies of ground state (lower energy) land excited state (higher energy), then the frequency of required photon for absorption is where ‘h’ is Planck’s constant E 1 E 0 Before absorption Atom h? E 1 E 0 After absorption Atom ? = E j - E i h Page 4 LASER 1. LASER 2. Incoherent Light 3. Coherent Light 4. Atomic Interactions Related to LASER - Induced Absorption - Spontaneous Emission - Stimulated Emission - Population Inversion and Optical Pumping 5. Components of Laser Devices 6. Principle of Laser 7. Diode Laser 8. Characteristics of Laser Light 9. Applications of Laser 10. Elementary Principles of Light Modulation LASER LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser is a very intense, concentrated, highly parallel and monochromatic beam of light. Coherence is very important property of Laser. Incoherent Light: The light emitted from the Sun or other ordinary light sources such as tungsten filament, neon and fluorescent tube lights is spread over a wide range of frequencies. For eg. Sunlight is spread over Infra Red, Visible light and Ultra Violet spectrum. So, the amount of energy available at a particular frequency is very less and hence less intense. Such light is irregular and mixed of different frequencies, directions and durations, and is incoherent. Incoherent light is due to spontaneous and random emission of photons by the atoms in excited state. These photons will not be in phase with each other. Incoherent Light Coherent Light: Coherent light is uniform in frequency, amplitude, continuity and constant initial phase difference. Coherent beam of light is obtained due to stimulated emission of photons from the atoms jumping from meta-stable state to lower energy state. Coherent Light Various Atomic Interactions related to LASER: a) Induced Absorption: Photons of suitable size (energy) are supplied to the atoms in the ground state. These atoms absorb the supplied energy and go to the excited or higher energy state. IF E i and E j are energies of ground state (lower energy) land excited state (higher energy), then the frequency of required photon for absorption is where ‘h’ is Planck’s constant E 1 E 0 Before absorption Atom h? E 1 E 0 After absorption Atom ? = E j - E i h b) Spontaneous Emission: An excited atom can stay in the higher energy state only for the time of 10 -8 s. After this time, it returns back to the lower energy state by emitting a photon of energy h? = E 1 – E 0 . This emission is called ‘spontaneous emission’. During spontaneous emission, photons are emitted randomly and hence they will not be in phase with each other. Therefore, the beam of light emitted is incoherent. E 1 E 0 Before emission Atom h? E 1 E 0 Atom After emission Page 5 LASER 1. LASER 2. Incoherent Light 3. Coherent Light 4. Atomic Interactions Related to LASER - Induced Absorption - Spontaneous Emission - Stimulated Emission - Population Inversion and Optical Pumping 5. Components of Laser Devices 6. Principle of Laser 7. Diode Laser 8. Characteristics of Laser Light 9. Applications of Laser 10. Elementary Principles of Light Modulation LASER LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser is a very intense, concentrated, highly parallel and monochromatic beam of light. Coherence is very important property of Laser. Incoherent Light: The light emitted from the Sun or other ordinary light sources such as tungsten filament, neon and fluorescent tube lights is spread over a wide range of frequencies. For eg. Sunlight is spread over Infra Red, Visible light and Ultra Violet spectrum. So, the amount of energy available at a particular frequency is very less and hence less intense. Such light is irregular and mixed of different frequencies, directions and durations, and is incoherent. Incoherent light is due to spontaneous and random emission of photons by the atoms in excited state. These photons will not be in phase with each other. Incoherent Light Coherent Light: Coherent light is uniform in frequency, amplitude, continuity and constant initial phase difference. Coherent beam of light is obtained due to stimulated emission of photons from the atoms jumping from meta-stable state to lower energy state. Coherent Light Various Atomic Interactions related to LASER: a) Induced Absorption: Photons of suitable size (energy) are supplied to the atoms in the ground state. These atoms absorb the supplied energy and go to the excited or higher energy state. IF E i and E j are energies of ground state (lower energy) land excited state (higher energy), then the frequency of required photon for absorption is where ‘h’ is Planck’s constant E 1 E 0 Before absorption Atom h? E 1 E 0 After absorption Atom ? = E j - E i h b) Spontaneous Emission: An excited atom can stay in the higher energy state only for the time of 10 -8 s. After this time, it returns back to the lower energy state by emitting a photon of energy h? = E 1 – E 0 . This emission is called ‘spontaneous emission’. During spontaneous emission, photons are emitted randomly and hence they will not be in phase with each other. Therefore, the beam of light emitted is incoherent. E 1 E 0 Before emission Atom h? E 1 E 0 Atom After emission c) Stimulated Emission: When photon of suitable size (energy) is showered (made to fall) on an excited atom in the higher energy state, the atom falls back to the ground state by emitting a photon of energy h? = E 1 – E 0 which is in phase with the stimulating (incident) photon. Thus, it results in the appearance of one additional photon. This process is called ‘stimulated or induced emission’. E 1 E 0 Before emission Atom h? E 1 E 0 Atom After emission h? h? h?Read More
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