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 Page 1

Date:                           Class: XI 
English Core  
Time:3 hrs                                               MM:80 
General Instructions: 
1. This paper is divided into THREE sections 
Section –A                                 20Marks 
Section – B                               30Marks 
section –C                                 30Marks 
All sections are compulsory. 
2. Do not exceed the word limit while answering the questions. 
                                        SECTION-A( READING) 
 Read the passage given below and answer the questions given below. 
India’s economy is doing well and we have the right to celebrate it. But what 
we do not like to acknowledge, let alone address, is another fact: our 
economy and society, is still extremely biased against women. Perhaps 
paying attention to such inconvenient truths would distract us as we march 
towards superpower status. In the latest gender gap index report released by 
the World Economic Forum (WEF), India keeps company with the worst in 
the world. Among the 28 countries that have been evaluated by the WEF, 
India is ranked 114 ,  followed among others by Yemen, Chad, Pakistan and 
Saudi Arabia. Even China, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Botswana fare much 
better than us. 
The survey contains the proportions of resources and opportunities made 
available to women on educational, economic, political and health fronts. It is 
only in the realm of political empowerment that we seem to have done 
somewhat OK, ranking 21
. That’s also thanks to a long spell of prime 
ministership by Indira Gandhi. It raises the question why women are badly 
off in our country if they are politically empowered.  
To begin with, we are still largely a feudal and patriarchal society. In many 
parts of our country, especially in UP, Bihar, Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab 
– women are often treated as if they are a piece of property. In these parts, 
the sex ratio is most skewed because families often snuff out the lives of girl 
children before, or immediately after, they are born, In many parts of  India, 
women are viewd as an economic liability despite contributing in several 
ways to our society and economy. 
The state has not covered itself with glory either in bridging the gender 
divide Its policies and projects for women are woefully inadequate. For 
instance, the literacy rate for females is a mere 48 per cent against 73 per cent 
for males. Unless we put more of our girl children in school and equip them 
Page 2

Date:                           Class: XI 
English Core  
Time:3 hrs                                               MM:80 
General Instructions: 
1. This paper is divided into THREE sections 
Section –A                                 20Marks 
Section – B                               30Marks 
section –C                                 30Marks 
All sections are compulsory. 
2. Do not exceed the word limit while answering the questions. 
                                        SECTION-A( READING) 
 Read the passage given below and answer the questions given below. 
India’s economy is doing well and we have the right to celebrate it. But what 
we do not like to acknowledge, let alone address, is another fact: our 
economy and society, is still extremely biased against women. Perhaps 
paying attention to such inconvenient truths would distract us as we march 
towards superpower status. In the latest gender gap index report released by 
the World Economic Forum (WEF), India keeps company with the worst in 
the world. Among the 28 countries that have been evaluated by the WEF, 
India is ranked 114 ,  followed among others by Yemen, Chad, Pakistan and 
Saudi Arabia. Even China, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Botswana fare much 
better than us. 
The survey contains the proportions of resources and opportunities made 
available to women on educational, economic, political and health fronts. It is 
only in the realm of political empowerment that we seem to have done 
somewhat OK, ranking 21
. That’s also thanks to a long spell of prime 
ministership by Indira Gandhi. It raises the question why women are badly 
off in our country if they are politically empowered.  
To begin with, we are still largely a feudal and patriarchal society. In many 
parts of our country, especially in UP, Bihar, Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab 
– women are often treated as if they are a piece of property. In these parts, 
the sex ratio is most skewed because families often snuff out the lives of girl 
children before, or immediately after, they are born, In many parts of  India, 
women are viewd as an economic liability despite contributing in several 
ways to our society and economy. 
The state has not covered itself with glory either in bridging the gender 
divide Its policies and projects for women are woefully inadequate. For 
instance, the literacy rate for females is a mere 48 per cent against 73 per cent 
for males. Unless we put more of our girl children in school and equip them 
with quality education – as opposed to making them merely literate – we can 
forget about sustainable progress. Public health is another area of failure. 
Hundreds of women in rural area die every year during childbirth for want of 
medical attention. There are thousands more who do not even have access to 
a primary health centre. Importantly, reforming property laws more 
rigorously so that gender parity becomes a reality must rank among the 
government’s top priorities. While these changes are necessary, they will 
amount to nothing if we, as a society continue to deny our women the 
dignity, liberty and opportunities that are rightfully theirs. No society will 
ever prosper as a whole as long as half of it is constantly treated as somehow 
less than the other half. 
Choose the correct option  
1) India’s rank in the realm of political development is 21
due to 
(a) The resources and opportunities available to women 
(b) Long spell of prime ministership by Indira Gandhi 
(c) India is a patriarchal society 
(d) Women contribute in several ways to our society and economy. 
2) The sex ratio is most skewed in the following states of India 
(a) West Bengal, Odisha, Assam 
(b) Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh 
(c) U.P., Bihar, Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab 
(d) Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, U.P. 
3) The most important rights of women are  
(a) Dignity and liberty 
(b) Dignity and literacy 
(c) Dignity and well being 
(d) Dignity and health 
4) A society can prosper only if  
(a) Half of it is given the special rights 
(b) It recognizes the importance of women 
(c) It treats men and women differently 
(d) It constantly treats women no less than its other half. 
5) We can attain sustainable progress only if we 
(a) Equip girls with quality education 
(b) We make the girls literate 
(c) We don’t allow the girls get higher education 
(d) We make only 50 per cent girls educated 
6) It is not right to view women as economic liability because 
(a) They are expert in household work 
(b) They are mostly unskilled workers 
(c) They contribute in several ways to our society and economy 
(d) Women are considered unsuitable for most jobs. 
7) Why is India ranked 114
 by World Economic Forum? 
8) In which field are women in India empowered? 
9) What has been affected due to the killing of girl children before or 
after birth? 
10) How can you say that medical attention is very poor in rural India? 
Page 3

Date:                           Class: XI 
English Core  
Time:3 hrs                                               MM:80 
General Instructions: 
1. This paper is divided into THREE sections 
Section –A                                 20Marks 
Section – B                               30Marks 
section –C                                 30Marks 
All sections are compulsory. 
2. Do not exceed the word limit while answering the questions. 
                                        SECTION-A( READING) 
 Read the passage given below and answer the questions given below. 
India’s economy is doing well and we have the right to celebrate it. But what 
we do not like to acknowledge, let alone address, is another fact: our 
economy and society, is still extremely biased against women. Perhaps 
paying attention to such inconvenient truths would distract us as we march 
towards superpower status. In the latest gender gap index report released by 
the World Economic Forum (WEF), India keeps company with the worst in 
the world. Among the 28 countries that have been evaluated by the WEF, 
India is ranked 114 ,  followed among others by Yemen, Chad, Pakistan and 
Saudi Arabia. Even China, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Botswana fare much 
better than us. 
The survey contains the proportions of resources and opportunities made 
available to women on educational, economic, political and health fronts. It is 
only in the realm of political empowerment that we seem to have done 
somewhat OK, ranking 21
. That’s also thanks to a long spell of prime 
ministership by Indira Gandhi. It raises the question why women are badly 
off in our country if they are politically empowered.  
To begin with, we are still largely a feudal and patriarchal society. In many 
parts of our country, especially in UP, Bihar, Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab 
– women are often treated as if they are a piece of property. In these parts, 
the sex ratio is most skewed because families often snuff out the lives of girl 
children before, or immediately after, they are born, In many parts of  India, 
women are viewd as an economic liability despite contributing in several 
ways to our society and economy. 
The state has not covered itself with glory either in bridging the gender 
divide Its policies and projects for women are woefully inadequate. For 
instance, the literacy rate for females is a mere 48 per cent against 73 per cent 
for males. Unless we put more of our girl children in school and equip them 
with quality education – as opposed to making them merely literate – we can 
forget about sustainable progress. Public health is another area of failure. 
Hundreds of women in rural area die every year during childbirth for want of 
medical attention. There are thousands more who do not even have access to 
a primary health centre. Importantly, reforming property laws more 
rigorously so that gender parity becomes a reality must rank among the 
government’s top priorities. While these changes are necessary, they will 
amount to nothing if we, as a society continue to deny our women the 
dignity, liberty and opportunities that are rightfully theirs. No society will 
ever prosper as a whole as long as half of it is constantly treated as somehow 
less than the other half. 
Choose the correct option  
1) India’s rank in the realm of political development is 21
due to 
(a) The resources and opportunities available to women 
(b) Long spell of prime ministership by Indira Gandhi 
(c) India is a patriarchal society 
(d) Women contribute in several ways to our society and economy. 
2) The sex ratio is most skewed in the following states of India 
(a) West Bengal, Odisha, Assam 
(b) Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh 
(c) U.P., Bihar, Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab 
(d) Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, U.P. 
3) The most important rights of women are  
(a) Dignity and liberty 
(b) Dignity and literacy 
(c) Dignity and well being 
(d) Dignity and health 
4) A society can prosper only if  
(a) Half of it is given the special rights 
(b) It recognizes the importance of women 
(c) It treats men and women differently 
(d) It constantly treats women no less than its other half. 
5) We can attain sustainable progress only if we 
(a) Equip girls with quality education 
(b) We make the girls literate 
(c) We don’t allow the girls get higher education 
(d) We make only 50 per cent girls educated 
6) It is not right to view women as economic liability because 
(a) They are expert in household work 
(b) They are mostly unskilled workers 
(c) They contribute in several ways to our society and economy 
(d) Women are considered unsuitable for most jobs. 
7) Why is India ranked 114
 by World Economic Forum? 
8) In which field are women in India empowered? 
9) What has been affected due to the killing of girl children before or 
after birth? 
10) How can you say that medical attention is very poor in rural India? 
11) Find out the words in the passage having opposite meaning to 
1) Attract (para 1) 
2) Asset (Para 3) 
2 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 
Effective speaking depends on effective listening. It takes energy to 
concentrate on hearing and to concentrate on understanding what has been 
heard. Incompetent listeners fail in a number of ways. First, they may drift. 
Their attention drifts from what the speaker is saying. Second, they may 
counter. They find counter arguments to whatever a speaker may be saying. 
Third, they compete. Then, they filter. They exclude from their 
understanding those parts of the message which do not readily fit with their 
own frame of reference. Finally they react. They let personal feelings about 
speaker or subject override the significance of the message which is being 
What can a listener do to be more effective. They first key to effective 
listening is the art of concentration. If a listener positively wishes to 
concentrate on receiving a message his chances of success are high. 
It may need determination. Some speakers are difficult to follow, either 
because of voice problems, or because of the form in which they send a 
message. There is then a particular need for the determination of a listener to 
concentrate on what is being said.  
Concentration is helped by alertness. Mental alertness is helped by physical 
alertness. It is not simply physical fitness, but also positioning of the body, 
the limbs and the head. Some people also find it helpful to their concentration 
if they hold the head slightly to one side. One useful way for achieving this is 
intensive note-taking, by trying to capture the critical headings and sub 
headings the speaker is referring to. 
Note-taking has been recommended as an aid to the listener. It also helps the 
speaker. It gives him confidence when he sees that listeners are sufficiently 
interested to take notes; the patterns of eye-contact when the note taker looks 
up can be very positive is writing hard and can then make effective use of 
Posture too is important. Consider the impact made by a less competent 
listener who pushes his chair backward and slouches. An upright posture 
helps a listener’s concentration. At the same time it is seen by the speaker to 
be a positive feature amongst the listeners.  Effective listening skills have an 
impact on both the listener and  the speaker. 
(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it 
using headings and subheadings. Use recognizable abbreviations, 
wherever necessary. 
(b) Write a summary of the passage in not more than 80 words using the 
notes made and also suggest a suitable title. 
Labour day was celebrated in a unique way in your school. All workers who 
help in the running of the school like peons, maids, gardeners, security 
guards were honoured in the morning assemble. The Principal of the school 
Page 4

Date:                           Class: XI 
English Core  
Time:3 hrs                                               MM:80 
General Instructions: 
1. This paper is divided into THREE sections 
Section –A                                 20Marks 
Section – B                               30Marks 
section –C                                 30Marks 
All sections are compulsory. 
2. Do not exceed the word limit while answering the questions. 
                                        SECTION-A( READING) 
 Read the passage given below and answer the questions given below. 
India’s economy is doing well and we have the right to celebrate it. But what 
we do not like to acknowledge, let alone address, is another fact: our 
economy and society, is still extremely biased against women. Perhaps 
paying attention to such inconvenient truths would distract us as we march 
towards superpower status. In the latest gender gap index report released by 
the World Economic Forum (WEF), India keeps company with the worst in 
the world. Among the 28 countries that have been evaluated by the WEF, 
India is ranked 114 ,  followed among others by Yemen, Chad, Pakistan and 
Saudi Arabia. Even China, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Botswana fare much 
better than us. 
The survey contains the proportions of resources and opportunities made 
available to women on educational, economic, political and health fronts. It is 
only in the realm of political empowerment that we seem to have done 
somewhat OK, ranking 21
. That’s also thanks to a long spell of prime 
ministership by Indira Gandhi. It raises the question why women are badly 
off in our country if they are politically empowered.  
To begin with, we are still largely a feudal and patriarchal society. In many 
parts of our country, especially in UP, Bihar, Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab 
– women are often treated as if they are a piece of property. In these parts, 
the sex ratio is most skewed because families often snuff out the lives of girl 
children before, or immediately after, they are born, In many parts of  India, 
women are viewd as an economic liability despite contributing in several 
ways to our society and economy. 
The state has not covered itself with glory either in bridging the gender 
divide Its policies and projects for women are woefully inadequate. For 
instance, the literacy rate for females is a mere 48 per cent against 73 per cent 
for males. Unless we put more of our girl children in school and equip them 
with quality education – as opposed to making them merely literate – we can 
forget about sustainable progress. Public health is another area of failure. 
Hundreds of women in rural area die every year during childbirth for want of 
medical attention. There are thousands more who do not even have access to 
a primary health centre. Importantly, reforming property laws more 
rigorously so that gender parity becomes a reality must rank among the 
government’s top priorities. While these changes are necessary, they will 
amount to nothing if we, as a society continue to deny our women the 
dignity, liberty and opportunities that are rightfully theirs. No society will 
ever prosper as a whole as long as half of it is constantly treated as somehow 
less than the other half. 
Choose the correct option  
1) India’s rank in the realm of political development is 21
due to 
(a) The resources and opportunities available to women 
(b) Long spell of prime ministership by Indira Gandhi 
(c) India is a patriarchal society 
(d) Women contribute in several ways to our society and economy. 
2) The sex ratio is most skewed in the following states of India 
(a) West Bengal, Odisha, Assam 
(b) Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh 
(c) U.P., Bihar, Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab 
(d) Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, U.P. 
3) The most important rights of women are  
(a) Dignity and liberty 
(b) Dignity and literacy 
(c) Dignity and well being 
(d) Dignity and health 
4) A society can prosper only if  
(a) Half of it is given the special rights 
(b) It recognizes the importance of women 
(c) It treats men and women differently 
(d) It constantly treats women no less than its other half. 
5) We can attain sustainable progress only if we 
(a) Equip girls with quality education 
(b) We make the girls literate 
(c) We don’t allow the girls get higher education 
(d) We make only 50 per cent girls educated 
6) It is not right to view women as economic liability because 
(a) They are expert in household work 
(b) They are mostly unskilled workers 
(c) They contribute in several ways to our society and economy 
(d) Women are considered unsuitable for most jobs. 
7) Why is India ranked 114
 by World Economic Forum? 
8) In which field are women in India empowered? 
9) What has been affected due to the killing of girl children before or 
after birth? 
10) How can you say that medical attention is very poor in rural India? 
11) Find out the words in the passage having opposite meaning to 
1) Attract (para 1) 
2) Asset (Para 3) 
2 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 
Effective speaking depends on effective listening. It takes energy to 
concentrate on hearing and to concentrate on understanding what has been 
heard. Incompetent listeners fail in a number of ways. First, they may drift. 
Their attention drifts from what the speaker is saying. Second, they may 
counter. They find counter arguments to whatever a speaker may be saying. 
Third, they compete. Then, they filter. They exclude from their 
understanding those parts of the message which do not readily fit with their 
own frame of reference. Finally they react. They let personal feelings about 
speaker or subject override the significance of the message which is being 
What can a listener do to be more effective. They first key to effective 
listening is the art of concentration. If a listener positively wishes to 
concentrate on receiving a message his chances of success are high. 
It may need determination. Some speakers are difficult to follow, either 
because of voice problems, or because of the form in which they send a 
message. There is then a particular need for the determination of a listener to 
concentrate on what is being said.  
Concentration is helped by alertness. Mental alertness is helped by physical 
alertness. It is not simply physical fitness, but also positioning of the body, 
the limbs and the head. Some people also find it helpful to their concentration 
if they hold the head slightly to one side. One useful way for achieving this is 
intensive note-taking, by trying to capture the critical headings and sub 
headings the speaker is referring to. 
Note-taking has been recommended as an aid to the listener. It also helps the 
speaker. It gives him confidence when he sees that listeners are sufficiently 
interested to take notes; the patterns of eye-contact when the note taker looks 
up can be very positive is writing hard and can then make effective use of 
Posture too is important. Consider the impact made by a less competent 
listener who pushes his chair backward and slouches. An upright posture 
helps a listener’s concentration. At the same time it is seen by the speaker to 
be a positive feature amongst the listeners.  Effective listening skills have an 
impact on both the listener and  the speaker. 
(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it 
using headings and subheadings. Use recognizable abbreviations, 
wherever necessary. 
(b) Write a summary of the passage in not more than 80 words using the 
notes made and also suggest a suitable title. 
Labour day was celebrated in a unique way in your school. All workers who 
help in the running of the school like peons, maids, gardeners, security 
guards were honoured in the morning assemble. The Principal of the school 
spoke on the dignity of. A short cultural program as held. At the end of the 
programme, each one was given a gift. Write a factual description of this 
event in about 100 words. 
4  You plan to join an advanced course in ‘Speaking English’ offered by the 
British Council. You are Anil/Shobha of Dhrona Appartments, 
Parparganj. Write a letter to the Manager, English Language Teaching 
Division, requesting to send you information on the courses offered, 
fees and duration of the courses.                                     
 The Thapar Group requires the services of a purchase engineer. The 
candidate should be an engineering graduate with an experience of six 
months to two years preferably in civil projects and general purchase. 
Computer literacy and MBA degree are desirable. Apply for this job to 
Deputy Chief Manager, HRD Thapar House, Nehru Place, New Delhi. 
5 You are Renu/Rohit. You have noticed a growing tendency towards violence 
among youth. Write an article regarding the same for the school magazine in 
not more than 200 words highlighting the role of the media.(TV/Media) 
India has been facing and fighting terrorism. In fact terrorism has disrupted 
the peace and harmony of the country and created panic and insecurity in 
some areas of the country. Write an article in about 150 words on terrorism : 
A curse to humanities. 
6 The following passage hasn’t been edited. There is on error in each of lines. 
Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet. 
                                                                                             Incorrect  Correct 
Due to shortage for land especially                            e.g.,         for          of 
in India, most of the discard plastics                          (a)    _______________ 
is either burns or buried. Some                                   (b)   _______________ 
countries uses the solid waste for                               (c)   ________________ 
landfilling. However, a volume of                              (d)   _______________ 
the garbage produced is as large that                          (e)   ________________ 
landfilling are no more the solution.                            (f)  ________________ 
Producing energy by use plastic                                  (g)  ________________ 
scrap as fuel had been in practice                                (h) ________________ 
in some countries. 
In the following passage one word has been omitted from each line. Write the 
omitted word and the word that comes before and the one that comes after it 
against the correct blank number. 
                                                                                       Before  Word   After 
A bicycle gets punctured when thorn                      e.g. when      a        thorn 
or nail runs into its tube. Puncture                           (a) _________________ 
needs to repaired. First of all                                   (b) _________________ 
the tube taken out of the tyre and                            (c) _________________ 
Page 5

Date:                           Class: XI 
English Core  
Time:3 hrs                                               MM:80 
General Instructions: 
1. This paper is divided into THREE sections 
Section –A                                 20Marks 
Section – B                               30Marks 
section –C                                 30Marks 
All sections are compulsory. 
2. Do not exceed the word limit while answering the questions. 
                                        SECTION-A( READING) 
 Read the passage given below and answer the questions given below. 
India’s economy is doing well and we have the right to celebrate it. But what 
we do not like to acknowledge, let alone address, is another fact: our 
economy and society, is still extremely biased against women. Perhaps 
paying attention to such inconvenient truths would distract us as we march 
towards superpower status. In the latest gender gap index report released by 
the World Economic Forum (WEF), India keeps company with the worst in 
the world. Among the 28 countries that have been evaluated by the WEF, 
India is ranked 114 ,  followed among others by Yemen, Chad, Pakistan and 
Saudi Arabia. Even China, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Botswana fare much 
better than us. 
The survey contains the proportions of resources and opportunities made 
available to women on educational, economic, political and health fronts. It is 
only in the realm of political empowerment that we seem to have done 
somewhat OK, ranking 21
. That’s also thanks to a long spell of prime 
ministership by Indira Gandhi. It raises the question why women are badly 
off in our country if they are politically empowered.  
To begin with, we are still largely a feudal and patriarchal society. In many 
parts of our country, especially in UP, Bihar, Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab 
– women are often treated as if they are a piece of property. In these parts, 
the sex ratio is most skewed because families often snuff out the lives of girl 
children before, or immediately after, they are born, In many parts of  India, 
women are viewd as an economic liability despite contributing in several 
ways to our society and economy. 
The state has not covered itself with glory either in bridging the gender 
divide Its policies and projects for women are woefully inadequate. For 
instance, the literacy rate for females is a mere 48 per cent against 73 per cent 
for males. Unless we put more of our girl children in school and equip them 
with quality education – as opposed to making them merely literate – we can 
forget about sustainable progress. Public health is another area of failure. 
Hundreds of women in rural area die every year during childbirth for want of 
medical attention. There are thousands more who do not even have access to 
a primary health centre. Importantly, reforming property laws more 
rigorously so that gender parity becomes a reality must rank among the 
government’s top priorities. While these changes are necessary, they will 
amount to nothing if we, as a society continue to deny our women the 
dignity, liberty and opportunities that are rightfully theirs. No society will 
ever prosper as a whole as long as half of it is constantly treated as somehow 
less than the other half. 
Choose the correct option  
1) India’s rank in the realm of political development is 21
due to 
(a) The resources and opportunities available to women 
(b) Long spell of prime ministership by Indira Gandhi 
(c) India is a patriarchal society 
(d) Women contribute in several ways to our society and economy. 
2) The sex ratio is most skewed in the following states of India 
(a) West Bengal, Odisha, Assam 
(b) Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh 
(c) U.P., Bihar, Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab 
(d) Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, U.P. 
3) The most important rights of women are  
(a) Dignity and liberty 
(b) Dignity and literacy 
(c) Dignity and well being 
(d) Dignity and health 
4) A society can prosper only if  
(a) Half of it is given the special rights 
(b) It recognizes the importance of women 
(c) It treats men and women differently 
(d) It constantly treats women no less than its other half. 
5) We can attain sustainable progress only if we 
(a) Equip girls with quality education 
(b) We make the girls literate 
(c) We don’t allow the girls get higher education 
(d) We make only 50 per cent girls educated 
6) It is not right to view women as economic liability because 
(a) They are expert in household work 
(b) They are mostly unskilled workers 
(c) They contribute in several ways to our society and economy 
(d) Women are considered unsuitable for most jobs. 
7) Why is India ranked 114
 by World Economic Forum? 
8) In which field are women in India empowered? 
9) What has been affected due to the killing of girl children before or 
after birth? 
10) How can you say that medical attention is very poor in rural India? 
11) Find out the words in the passage having opposite meaning to 
1) Attract (para 1) 
2) Asset (Para 3) 
2 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 
Effective speaking depends on effective listening. It takes energy to 
concentrate on hearing and to concentrate on understanding what has been 
heard. Incompetent listeners fail in a number of ways. First, they may drift. 
Their attention drifts from what the speaker is saying. Second, they may 
counter. They find counter arguments to whatever a speaker may be saying. 
Third, they compete. Then, they filter. They exclude from their 
understanding those parts of the message which do not readily fit with their 
own frame of reference. Finally they react. They let personal feelings about 
speaker or subject override the significance of the message which is being 
What can a listener do to be more effective. They first key to effective 
listening is the art of concentration. If a listener positively wishes to 
concentrate on receiving a message his chances of success are high. 
It may need determination. Some speakers are difficult to follow, either 
because of voice problems, or because of the form in which they send a 
message. There is then a particular need for the determination of a listener to 
concentrate on what is being said.  
Concentration is helped by alertness. Mental alertness is helped by physical 
alertness. It is not simply physical fitness, but also positioning of the body, 
the limbs and the head. Some people also find it helpful to their concentration 
if they hold the head slightly to one side. One useful way for achieving this is 
intensive note-taking, by trying to capture the critical headings and sub 
headings the speaker is referring to. 
Note-taking has been recommended as an aid to the listener. It also helps the 
speaker. It gives him confidence when he sees that listeners are sufficiently 
interested to take notes; the patterns of eye-contact when the note taker looks 
up can be very positive is writing hard and can then make effective use of 
Posture too is important. Consider the impact made by a less competent 
listener who pushes his chair backward and slouches. An upright posture 
helps a listener’s concentration. At the same time it is seen by the speaker to 
be a positive feature amongst the listeners.  Effective listening skills have an 
impact on both the listener and  the speaker. 
(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it 
using headings and subheadings. Use recognizable abbreviations, 
wherever necessary. 
(b) Write a summary of the passage in not more than 80 words using the 
notes made and also suggest a suitable title. 
Labour day was celebrated in a unique way in your school. All workers who 
help in the running of the school like peons, maids, gardeners, security 
guards were honoured in the morning assemble. The Principal of the school 
spoke on the dignity of. A short cultural program as held. At the end of the 
programme, each one was given a gift. Write a factual description of this 
event in about 100 words. 
4  You plan to join an advanced course in ‘Speaking English’ offered by the 
British Council. You are Anil/Shobha of Dhrona Appartments, 
Parparganj. Write a letter to the Manager, English Language Teaching 
Division, requesting to send you information on the courses offered, 
fees and duration of the courses.                                     
 The Thapar Group requires the services of a purchase engineer. The 
candidate should be an engineering graduate with an experience of six 
months to two years preferably in civil projects and general purchase. 
Computer literacy and MBA degree are desirable. Apply for this job to 
Deputy Chief Manager, HRD Thapar House, Nehru Place, New Delhi. 
5 You are Renu/Rohit. You have noticed a growing tendency towards violence 
among youth. Write an article regarding the same for the school magazine in 
not more than 200 words highlighting the role of the media.(TV/Media) 
India has been facing and fighting terrorism. In fact terrorism has disrupted 
the peace and harmony of the country and created panic and insecurity in 
some areas of the country. Write an article in about 150 words on terrorism : 
A curse to humanities. 
6 The following passage hasn’t been edited. There is on error in each of lines. 
Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet. 
                                                                                             Incorrect  Correct 
Due to shortage for land especially                            e.g.,         for          of 
in India, most of the discard plastics                          (a)    _______________ 
is either burns or buried. Some                                   (b)   _______________ 
countries uses the solid waste for                               (c)   ________________ 
landfilling. However, a volume of                              (d)   _______________ 
the garbage produced is as large that                          (e)   ________________ 
landfilling are no more the solution.                            (f)  ________________ 
Producing energy by use plastic                                  (g)  ________________ 
scrap as fuel had been in practice                                (h) ________________ 
in some countries. 
In the following passage one word has been omitted from each line. Write the 
omitted word and the word that comes before and the one that comes after it 
against the correct blank number. 
                                                                                       Before  Word   After 
A bicycle gets punctured when thorn                      e.g. when      a        thorn 
or nail runs into its tube. Puncture                           (a) _________________ 
needs to repaired. First of all                                   (b) _________________ 
the tube taken out of the tyre and                            (c) _________________ 
inflated. It is then dipped a trough                           (d) _________________ 
containing water in order locate                               (e) _________________ 
the puncture. Air escapes the                                    (f) _________________ 
place of the puncture producing bubbles the water. (g) _________________ 
One can move only when the puncture repaired.      (h) _________________    
8 Rearrange the given words and phrases to make meaningful sentences. 
(a) To/very/deforestation/can/to be/proof/damaging/ mother earth 
(b) Should/individual/his/a/on/plant/tree/birthday/each/her 
9 Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow 
The sea holiday 
Was her past, mine is her laughter 
Both wry with the laboured ease of loss 
(a) Who is ‘her’? 
(b) What are ‘her past’ and ‘mine’ 
(c) Explan “Both wry with the laboured ease of loss. 
And who are thou? Said I 
to the soft falling shower 
Which, strange to tell, gave me an answer 
as here translated: 
I am the poem of Earth 
(a) Name the poem and the poet 
(b) Who does ‘I’ refer to in the first and third line of this extract? 
(c) What does the poet mean by “Poem of  Earth” 
10 Answer any three of the following questions in about 40-50 words 
(a) Why was Carter compelled to chisel away the solidified resins to raise 
King Tut’s remains? 
(b) How did the narrator of ‘We Are Not Afraid To Die” suffer to the 
wave hit? 
(c) Why was Ranga’s homecoming a great event? 
(d) How did the narrator realize that she had come to the right address? 
3 x 3= 9 
11 Answer any one of the following questions in about 120-150 words. 
Discuss the suitability of the title “Discovering Tut : The Saga Continues” 
To which tribe did Mourad and Aram belong? What traits of the tribe are 
highlighted in the story “The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse”  
12 Answer the following in about 120-150 words. 
a) How did Washington Otis react after listening to the story of Sir 
b) Attempt the character sketch of Mrs. Otis. 
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