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 Page 1

English Core (Set -A) 
Time:3 hrs                                               MM:80 
General Instructions: 
1. This paper is divided into THREE sections 
Section –A                                 20Marks 
Section – B                               30Marks 
section –C                                 30Marks 
All sections are compulsory. 
2. Do not exceed the word limit while answering the questions. 
                                        SECTION-A( READING) 
 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : 
1. Life on our planet earth began with the sea; it is the birth place of  life on 
the earth. The earth is the only planet of the solar system so far known 
which contains plenty of water and this water has made our earth 
colourful, pulsating with life of a vast variety. 
2. At present sea occupies about 70 percent of the earth’s surface. In the 
southern hemisphere it occupies more area than that in the northern. 
About 97 per cent of the total water on the surface of the earth is found 
in the seas and the remaining three per cent, which is generally fresh, in 
lakes, rivers, ponds, etc. 
3. Sea has given food and shelter to countless creatures. It is a potential 
source of protein. In 1900 the world population was only 150 crore 
(1500 million), now it is more than 560 crore and it is increasing at a 
very fast rate. As a result there is a terrible hunger in many parts of the 
world. In Africa, Asia and South America, millions of people do not get 
enough to eat. Many die of malnutrition. Sea, if used scientifically and 
judiciously, can meet most of our demands. 
4. Plankton or algae  mostly constitutes  the plant life. Some are tiny 
microbes which cannot be seen by the naked eye but they are found in 
abundance in the sea.  
5. These marine plankton form the basis of entire sea life. Like plant 
plankton there are also animal plankton, the smallest living creatures of 
the sea. These animal plankton feed on plant plankton and small fish. 
Thus, there is an unbroken chain of life in the sea. Arctic and Antarctic 
seas abound in plankton and algae and so in fish also. Blue whales, the 
largest living creatures of the world, are also found here in great number. 
6. Some countries have developed sea farming to a great extent. The 
Japanese and Hawaiians relish eating sea plants but it is not in other 
Page 2

English Core (Set -A) 
Time:3 hrs                                               MM:80 
General Instructions: 
1. This paper is divided into THREE sections 
Section –A                                 20Marks 
Section – B                               30Marks 
section –C                                 30Marks 
All sections are compulsory. 
2. Do not exceed the word limit while answering the questions. 
                                        SECTION-A( READING) 
 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : 
1. Life on our planet earth began with the sea; it is the birth place of  life on 
the earth. The earth is the only planet of the solar system so far known 
which contains plenty of water and this water has made our earth 
colourful, pulsating with life of a vast variety. 
2. At present sea occupies about 70 percent of the earth’s surface. In the 
southern hemisphere it occupies more area than that in the northern. 
About 97 per cent of the total water on the surface of the earth is found 
in the seas and the remaining three per cent, which is generally fresh, in 
lakes, rivers, ponds, etc. 
3. Sea has given food and shelter to countless creatures. It is a potential 
source of protein. In 1900 the world population was only 150 crore 
(1500 million), now it is more than 560 crore and it is increasing at a 
very fast rate. As a result there is a terrible hunger in many parts of the 
world. In Africa, Asia and South America, millions of people do not get 
enough to eat. Many die of malnutrition. Sea, if used scientifically and 
judiciously, can meet most of our demands. 
4. Plankton or algae  mostly constitutes  the plant life. Some are tiny 
microbes which cannot be seen by the naked eye but they are found in 
abundance in the sea.  
5. These marine plankton form the basis of entire sea life. Like plant 
plankton there are also animal plankton, the smallest living creatures of 
the sea. These animal plankton feed on plant plankton and small fish. 
Thus, there is an unbroken chain of life in the sea. Arctic and Antarctic 
seas abound in plankton and algae and so in fish also. Blue whales, the 
largest living creatures of the world, are also found here in great number. 
6. Some countries have developed sea farming to a great extent. The 
Japanese and Hawaiians relish eating sea plants but it is not in other 
countries though some use them to feed their cattle or as manure in their 
fields. The fact is that sea plants contain rich nutrients  not found in 
other vegetarian food. It is good that even in our country some scientists 
have developed some recipes for curries, jams etc to be made from 
7. But we must remember one thing that sea is not to be exploited 
indiscriminately. For example, man in his greed has hunted whales and 
some other sea creatures so recklessly that some of their species have 
either become extinct or are on the verge of extinction. Now nations of 
the world have realized their folly and have taken some joint decisions. 
For example, one such decisions is that the size of the holes in fishing 
nets should be big enough to let baby fish escape through. Otherwise, 
killing of large quantities of very young fish would have an adverse 
effect on the fish population. In the same way, another decision is for the 
protection of blue whales. 
Answer the following questions choosing the appropriate option. 
(1) Freshwater refers to the water of 
(a) Sea  
(b) Lakes, rivers, ponds etc 
(c) Rainwater 
(d) Processed water 
(2)  There is a terrible hunger in many parts of the world due to 
(a) Overpopulation 
(b) High pollution level 
(c) Global warming 
(d) Industrialisation 
(3)  Blue whale, the largest living creatures of the world, are found in great 
number in 
(a) Indian Ocean 
(b) Pacific Ocean 
(c) Mediterranean Sea 
(d) Arctic and Antarctic Sea 
(4) The countries which have developed sea farming to a great extent are 
(a) Japan and Hawaii 
(b) China and India 
(c) Malaysia and Singapore 
(d) Sri Lanka and Bangladesh 
(5)  The size of the holes in fishing nets should be big enough to let ______ 
(a) Big fish stay in 
(b) Water flow out 
(c) Baby fish escape through 
(d) More fish enter 
(6) Sea plants contain rich nutrients not found in ____________ 
(a) Other plants 
(b) Other vegetarian food 
(c) Non vegetarian food 
(d) Milk and milk products 
Page 3

English Core (Set -A) 
Time:3 hrs                                               MM:80 
General Instructions: 
1. This paper is divided into THREE sections 
Section –A                                 20Marks 
Section – B                               30Marks 
section –C                                 30Marks 
All sections are compulsory. 
2. Do not exceed the word limit while answering the questions. 
                                        SECTION-A( READING) 
 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : 
1. Life on our planet earth began with the sea; it is the birth place of  life on 
the earth. The earth is the only planet of the solar system so far known 
which contains plenty of water and this water has made our earth 
colourful, pulsating with life of a vast variety. 
2. At present sea occupies about 70 percent of the earth’s surface. In the 
southern hemisphere it occupies more area than that in the northern. 
About 97 per cent of the total water on the surface of the earth is found 
in the seas and the remaining three per cent, which is generally fresh, in 
lakes, rivers, ponds, etc. 
3. Sea has given food and shelter to countless creatures. It is a potential 
source of protein. In 1900 the world population was only 150 crore 
(1500 million), now it is more than 560 crore and it is increasing at a 
very fast rate. As a result there is a terrible hunger in many parts of the 
world. In Africa, Asia and South America, millions of people do not get 
enough to eat. Many die of malnutrition. Sea, if used scientifically and 
judiciously, can meet most of our demands. 
4. Plankton or algae  mostly constitutes  the plant life. Some are tiny 
microbes which cannot be seen by the naked eye but they are found in 
abundance in the sea.  
5. These marine plankton form the basis of entire sea life. Like plant 
plankton there are also animal plankton, the smallest living creatures of 
the sea. These animal plankton feed on plant plankton and small fish. 
Thus, there is an unbroken chain of life in the sea. Arctic and Antarctic 
seas abound in plankton and algae and so in fish also. Blue whales, the 
largest living creatures of the world, are also found here in great number. 
6. Some countries have developed sea farming to a great extent. The 
Japanese and Hawaiians relish eating sea plants but it is not in other 
countries though some use them to feed their cattle or as manure in their 
fields. The fact is that sea plants contain rich nutrients  not found in 
other vegetarian food. It is good that even in our country some scientists 
have developed some recipes for curries, jams etc to be made from 
7. But we must remember one thing that sea is not to be exploited 
indiscriminately. For example, man in his greed has hunted whales and 
some other sea creatures so recklessly that some of their species have 
either become extinct or are on the verge of extinction. Now nations of 
the world have realized their folly and have taken some joint decisions. 
For example, one such decisions is that the size of the holes in fishing 
nets should be big enough to let baby fish escape through. Otherwise, 
killing of large quantities of very young fish would have an adverse 
effect on the fish population. In the same way, another decision is for the 
protection of blue whales. 
Answer the following questions choosing the appropriate option. 
(1) Freshwater refers to the water of 
(a) Sea  
(b) Lakes, rivers, ponds etc 
(c) Rainwater 
(d) Processed water 
(2)  There is a terrible hunger in many parts of the world due to 
(a) Overpopulation 
(b) High pollution level 
(c) Global warming 
(d) Industrialisation 
(3)  Blue whale, the largest living creatures of the world, are found in great 
number in 
(a) Indian Ocean 
(b) Pacific Ocean 
(c) Mediterranean Sea 
(d) Arctic and Antarctic Sea 
(4) The countries which have developed sea farming to a great extent are 
(a) Japan and Hawaii 
(b) China and India 
(c) Malaysia and Singapore 
(d) Sri Lanka and Bangladesh 
(5)  The size of the holes in fishing nets should be big enough to let ______ 
(a) Big fish stay in 
(b) Water flow out 
(c) Baby fish escape through 
(d) More fish enter 
(6) Sea plants contain rich nutrients not found in ____________ 
(a) Other plants 
(b) Other vegetarian food 
(c) Non vegetarian food 
(d) Milk and milk products 
Answer the  following questions briefly 
(7)  Why is our earth more colourful and full of life than the other planets of 
the solar system.? 
(8) Mention any two uses of the sea. 
(9) “There is an unbroken chain of life in the sea.” Explain. 
(10)How are humans responsible for the extinction of some species of sea 
(11) Find words in the paragraph which mean the same as the following 
(i) Wisely          (Para 3) 
(ii) Unfavorable (Para 7) 
2 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 
Effective speaking depends on effective listening. It takes energy to 
concentrate on hearing and to concentrate on understanding what has been 
heard. Incompetent listeners fail in a number of ways. First, they may drift. 
Their attention drifts from what the speaker is saying. Second, they may 
counter. They find counter arguments to whatever a speaker may be saying. 
Third, they compete. Then, they filter. They exclude from their understanding 
those parts of the message which do not readily fit with their own frame of 
reference. Finally they react. They let personal feelings about speaker or 
subject override the significance of the message which is being sent. 
What can a listener do to be more effective. They first key to effective listening 
is the art of concentration. If a listener positively wishes on receiving a 
message his chances of success are high. 
It may need determination. Some speakers are difficult to follow, either 
because of voice problems, or because of the form in which they send a 
message. There is then a particular need for the determination of a listener to 
concentrate on what is being said.  
Concentration is helped by alertness. Mental alertness is helped by physical 
alertness. It is not simply physical fitness, but also positioning of the body, the 
limbs and the head. Some people also find it helpful to their concentration if 
they hold the head slightly to one side. One useful way for achieving this is 
intensive note-taking, by trying to capture the critical headings and sub 
headings the speaker is referring to. 
Note-taking has been recommended as an aid to the listener. It also helps the 
speaker. It gives him confidence when he sees that listeners are sufficiently 
interested to take notes; the patterns of eye-contact when the note  taker looks 
up  can be very positive. 
Posture too is important. Consider the impact made by a less competent 
listener who pushes his chair backward and slouches. An upright posture helps 
a listener’s concentration. At the same time it is seen by the speaker to be a 
positive feature amongst the listeners.  Effective listening skills have an impact 
on both the listener and  the speaker. 
(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it using 
headings and subheadings. Use recognizable abbreviations, wherever 
Page 4

English Core (Set -A) 
Time:3 hrs                                               MM:80 
General Instructions: 
1. This paper is divided into THREE sections 
Section –A                                 20Marks 
Section – B                               30Marks 
section –C                                 30Marks 
All sections are compulsory. 
2. Do not exceed the word limit while answering the questions. 
                                        SECTION-A( READING) 
 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : 
1. Life on our planet earth began with the sea; it is the birth place of  life on 
the earth. The earth is the only planet of the solar system so far known 
which contains plenty of water and this water has made our earth 
colourful, pulsating with life of a vast variety. 
2. At present sea occupies about 70 percent of the earth’s surface. In the 
southern hemisphere it occupies more area than that in the northern. 
About 97 per cent of the total water on the surface of the earth is found 
in the seas and the remaining three per cent, which is generally fresh, in 
lakes, rivers, ponds, etc. 
3. Sea has given food and shelter to countless creatures. It is a potential 
source of protein. In 1900 the world population was only 150 crore 
(1500 million), now it is more than 560 crore and it is increasing at a 
very fast rate. As a result there is a terrible hunger in many parts of the 
world. In Africa, Asia and South America, millions of people do not get 
enough to eat. Many die of malnutrition. Sea, if used scientifically and 
judiciously, can meet most of our demands. 
4. Plankton or algae  mostly constitutes  the plant life. Some are tiny 
microbes which cannot be seen by the naked eye but they are found in 
abundance in the sea.  
5. These marine plankton form the basis of entire sea life. Like plant 
plankton there are also animal plankton, the smallest living creatures of 
the sea. These animal plankton feed on plant plankton and small fish. 
Thus, there is an unbroken chain of life in the sea. Arctic and Antarctic 
seas abound in plankton and algae and so in fish also. Blue whales, the 
largest living creatures of the world, are also found here in great number. 
6. Some countries have developed sea farming to a great extent. The 
Japanese and Hawaiians relish eating sea plants but it is not in other 
countries though some use them to feed their cattle or as manure in their 
fields. The fact is that sea plants contain rich nutrients  not found in 
other vegetarian food. It is good that even in our country some scientists 
have developed some recipes for curries, jams etc to be made from 
7. But we must remember one thing that sea is not to be exploited 
indiscriminately. For example, man in his greed has hunted whales and 
some other sea creatures so recklessly that some of their species have 
either become extinct or are on the verge of extinction. Now nations of 
the world have realized their folly and have taken some joint decisions. 
For example, one such decisions is that the size of the holes in fishing 
nets should be big enough to let baby fish escape through. Otherwise, 
killing of large quantities of very young fish would have an adverse 
effect on the fish population. In the same way, another decision is for the 
protection of blue whales. 
Answer the following questions choosing the appropriate option. 
(1) Freshwater refers to the water of 
(a) Sea  
(b) Lakes, rivers, ponds etc 
(c) Rainwater 
(d) Processed water 
(2)  There is a terrible hunger in many parts of the world due to 
(a) Overpopulation 
(b) High pollution level 
(c) Global warming 
(d) Industrialisation 
(3)  Blue whale, the largest living creatures of the world, are found in great 
number in 
(a) Indian Ocean 
(b) Pacific Ocean 
(c) Mediterranean Sea 
(d) Arctic and Antarctic Sea 
(4) The countries which have developed sea farming to a great extent are 
(a) Japan and Hawaii 
(b) China and India 
(c) Malaysia and Singapore 
(d) Sri Lanka and Bangladesh 
(5)  The size of the holes in fishing nets should be big enough to let ______ 
(a) Big fish stay in 
(b) Water flow out 
(c) Baby fish escape through 
(d) More fish enter 
(6) Sea plants contain rich nutrients not found in ____________ 
(a) Other plants 
(b) Other vegetarian food 
(c) Non vegetarian food 
(d) Milk and milk products 
Answer the  following questions briefly 
(7)  Why is our earth more colourful and full of life than the other planets of 
the solar system.? 
(8) Mention any two uses of the sea. 
(9) “There is an unbroken chain of life in the sea.” Explain. 
(10)How are humans responsible for the extinction of some species of sea 
(11) Find words in the paragraph which mean the same as the following 
(i) Wisely          (Para 3) 
(ii) Unfavorable (Para 7) 
2 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 
Effective speaking depends on effective listening. It takes energy to 
concentrate on hearing and to concentrate on understanding what has been 
heard. Incompetent listeners fail in a number of ways. First, they may drift. 
Their attention drifts from what the speaker is saying. Second, they may 
counter. They find counter arguments to whatever a speaker may be saying. 
Third, they compete. Then, they filter. They exclude from their understanding 
those parts of the message which do not readily fit with their own frame of 
reference. Finally they react. They let personal feelings about speaker or 
subject override the significance of the message which is being sent. 
What can a listener do to be more effective. They first key to effective listening 
is the art of concentration. If a listener positively wishes on receiving a 
message his chances of success are high. 
It may need determination. Some speakers are difficult to follow, either 
because of voice problems, or because of the form in which they send a 
message. There is then a particular need for the determination of a listener to 
concentrate on what is being said.  
Concentration is helped by alertness. Mental alertness is helped by physical 
alertness. It is not simply physical fitness, but also positioning of the body, the 
limbs and the head. Some people also find it helpful to their concentration if 
they hold the head slightly to one side. One useful way for achieving this is 
intensive note-taking, by trying to capture the critical headings and sub 
headings the speaker is referring to. 
Note-taking has been recommended as an aid to the listener. It also helps the 
speaker. It gives him confidence when he sees that listeners are sufficiently 
interested to take notes; the patterns of eye-contact when the note  taker looks 
up  can be very positive. 
Posture too is important. Consider the impact made by a less competent 
listener who pushes his chair backward and slouches. An upright posture helps 
a listener’s concentration. At the same time it is seen by the speaker to be a 
positive feature amongst the listeners.  Effective listening skills have an impact 
on both the listener and  the speaker. 
(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it using 
headings and subheadings. Use recognizable abbreviations, wherever 
(b) Write a summary of the passage in not more than 80 words using the 
notes made and also suggest a suitable title. 
Labour day was celebrated in a unique way in your school. All workers who 
help in the running of the school like peons, maids, gardeners, security guards 
were honoured in the morning assemble. The Principal of the school spoke on 
the dignity of labour . A short cultural programme was  held. At the end of the 
programme, each one was given a gift. Write a factual description of this event 
in about 100 words. 
4  You plan to join an advanced course in ‘Speaking English’ offered by the 
British Council. You are Anil/Shobha of Dhrona Appartments, 
Parparganj. Write a letter to the Manager, English Language Teaching 
Division, requesting to send you information on the courses offered, fees 
and duration of the courses.                                     
The Thapar Group requires the services of a purchase engineer. The candidate 
should be an engineering graduate with an  experience of six months to two 
years preferrably in civil projects and general purchase. Computer literacy and 
MBA degree are desirable. Apply for this job to Deputy Chief Manager, HRD 
Thapar House, Nehru Place, New Delhi. 
You are Renu/Rohit. You have noticed a growing tendency towards violence 
among youth. Write an article regarding the same for the school magazine in 
not more than 200 words highlighting the role of the media.(TV/Media)  
India has been facing and fighting terrorism. In fact terrorism has disrupted the 
peace and harmony of the country and created panic and insecurity in some 
areas of the country. Write an article in about 150 words on terrorism: A curse 
to humanities. 
6 The following passage hasn’t been edited. There is an error in each of lines. 
Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet. 
                                                                                             Incorrect  Correct 
It take  long time for a country to rebuild after             (a)______________ 
an earthquake. There must be aftershocks for days        (b)______________ 
or weeks. Rebuilt cannot start until all the                      (c)______________ 
aftershocks have stop. Aftershocks are small                 (d) ______________ 
tremors when shake the ground after an earthquake.      (e) ______________ 
When rebuilding starts, new buildings may be very        (f)______________ 
carefully planned. Sometimes they are built in huge      (g)______________ 
blocks of rubber that will absorb no further earthquake.(h)______________ 
In the following passage one word has been omitted from each line. Write the 
omitted word and the word that comes before and the one that comes after it 
against the correct blank number. 
Page 5

English Core (Set -A) 
Time:3 hrs                                               MM:80 
General Instructions: 
1. This paper is divided into THREE sections 
Section –A                                 20Marks 
Section – B                               30Marks 
section –C                                 30Marks 
All sections are compulsory. 
2. Do not exceed the word limit while answering the questions. 
                                        SECTION-A( READING) 
 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : 
1. Life on our planet earth began with the sea; it is the birth place of  life on 
the earth. The earth is the only planet of the solar system so far known 
which contains plenty of water and this water has made our earth 
colourful, pulsating with life of a vast variety. 
2. At present sea occupies about 70 percent of the earth’s surface. In the 
southern hemisphere it occupies more area than that in the northern. 
About 97 per cent of the total water on the surface of the earth is found 
in the seas and the remaining three per cent, which is generally fresh, in 
lakes, rivers, ponds, etc. 
3. Sea has given food and shelter to countless creatures. It is a potential 
source of protein. In 1900 the world population was only 150 crore 
(1500 million), now it is more than 560 crore and it is increasing at a 
very fast rate. As a result there is a terrible hunger in many parts of the 
world. In Africa, Asia and South America, millions of people do not get 
enough to eat. Many die of malnutrition. Sea, if used scientifically and 
judiciously, can meet most of our demands. 
4. Plankton or algae  mostly constitutes  the plant life. Some are tiny 
microbes which cannot be seen by the naked eye but they are found in 
abundance in the sea.  
5. These marine plankton form the basis of entire sea life. Like plant 
plankton there are also animal plankton, the smallest living creatures of 
the sea. These animal plankton feed on plant plankton and small fish. 
Thus, there is an unbroken chain of life in the sea. Arctic and Antarctic 
seas abound in plankton and algae and so in fish also. Blue whales, the 
largest living creatures of the world, are also found here in great number. 
6. Some countries have developed sea farming to a great extent. The 
Japanese and Hawaiians relish eating sea plants but it is not in other 
countries though some use them to feed their cattle or as manure in their 
fields. The fact is that sea plants contain rich nutrients  not found in 
other vegetarian food. It is good that even in our country some scientists 
have developed some recipes for curries, jams etc to be made from 
7. But we must remember one thing that sea is not to be exploited 
indiscriminately. For example, man in his greed has hunted whales and 
some other sea creatures so recklessly that some of their species have 
either become extinct or are on the verge of extinction. Now nations of 
the world have realized their folly and have taken some joint decisions. 
For example, one such decisions is that the size of the holes in fishing 
nets should be big enough to let baby fish escape through. Otherwise, 
killing of large quantities of very young fish would have an adverse 
effect on the fish population. In the same way, another decision is for the 
protection of blue whales. 
Answer the following questions choosing the appropriate option. 
(1) Freshwater refers to the water of 
(a) Sea  
(b) Lakes, rivers, ponds etc 
(c) Rainwater 
(d) Processed water 
(2)  There is a terrible hunger in many parts of the world due to 
(a) Overpopulation 
(b) High pollution level 
(c) Global warming 
(d) Industrialisation 
(3)  Blue whale, the largest living creatures of the world, are found in great 
number in 
(a) Indian Ocean 
(b) Pacific Ocean 
(c) Mediterranean Sea 
(d) Arctic and Antarctic Sea 
(4) The countries which have developed sea farming to a great extent are 
(a) Japan and Hawaii 
(b) China and India 
(c) Malaysia and Singapore 
(d) Sri Lanka and Bangladesh 
(5)  The size of the holes in fishing nets should be big enough to let ______ 
(a) Big fish stay in 
(b) Water flow out 
(c) Baby fish escape through 
(d) More fish enter 
(6) Sea plants contain rich nutrients not found in ____________ 
(a) Other plants 
(b) Other vegetarian food 
(c) Non vegetarian food 
(d) Milk and milk products 
Answer the  following questions briefly 
(7)  Why is our earth more colourful and full of life than the other planets of 
the solar system.? 
(8) Mention any two uses of the sea. 
(9) “There is an unbroken chain of life in the sea.” Explain. 
(10)How are humans responsible for the extinction of some species of sea 
(11) Find words in the paragraph which mean the same as the following 
(i) Wisely          (Para 3) 
(ii) Unfavorable (Para 7) 
2 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 
Effective speaking depends on effective listening. It takes energy to 
concentrate on hearing and to concentrate on understanding what has been 
heard. Incompetent listeners fail in a number of ways. First, they may drift. 
Their attention drifts from what the speaker is saying. Second, they may 
counter. They find counter arguments to whatever a speaker may be saying. 
Third, they compete. Then, they filter. They exclude from their understanding 
those parts of the message which do not readily fit with their own frame of 
reference. Finally they react. They let personal feelings about speaker or 
subject override the significance of the message which is being sent. 
What can a listener do to be more effective. They first key to effective listening 
is the art of concentration. If a listener positively wishes on receiving a 
message his chances of success are high. 
It may need determination. Some speakers are difficult to follow, either 
because of voice problems, or because of the form in which they send a 
message. There is then a particular need for the determination of a listener to 
concentrate on what is being said.  
Concentration is helped by alertness. Mental alertness is helped by physical 
alertness. It is not simply physical fitness, but also positioning of the body, the 
limbs and the head. Some people also find it helpful to their concentration if 
they hold the head slightly to one side. One useful way for achieving this is 
intensive note-taking, by trying to capture the critical headings and sub 
headings the speaker is referring to. 
Note-taking has been recommended as an aid to the listener. It also helps the 
speaker. It gives him confidence when he sees that listeners are sufficiently 
interested to take notes; the patterns of eye-contact when the note  taker looks 
up  can be very positive. 
Posture too is important. Consider the impact made by a less competent 
listener who pushes his chair backward and slouches. An upright posture helps 
a listener’s concentration. At the same time it is seen by the speaker to be a 
positive feature amongst the listeners.  Effective listening skills have an impact 
on both the listener and  the speaker. 
(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it using 
headings and subheadings. Use recognizable abbreviations, wherever 
(b) Write a summary of the passage in not more than 80 words using the 
notes made and also suggest a suitable title. 
Labour day was celebrated in a unique way in your school. All workers who 
help in the running of the school like peons, maids, gardeners, security guards 
were honoured in the morning assemble. The Principal of the school spoke on 
the dignity of labour . A short cultural programme was  held. At the end of the 
programme, each one was given a gift. Write a factual description of this event 
in about 100 words. 
4  You plan to join an advanced course in ‘Speaking English’ offered by the 
British Council. You are Anil/Shobha of Dhrona Appartments, 
Parparganj. Write a letter to the Manager, English Language Teaching 
Division, requesting to send you information on the courses offered, fees 
and duration of the courses.                                     
The Thapar Group requires the services of a purchase engineer. The candidate 
should be an engineering graduate with an  experience of six months to two 
years preferrably in civil projects and general purchase. Computer literacy and 
MBA degree are desirable. Apply for this job to Deputy Chief Manager, HRD 
Thapar House, Nehru Place, New Delhi. 
You are Renu/Rohit. You have noticed a growing tendency towards violence 
among youth. Write an article regarding the same for the school magazine in 
not more than 200 words highlighting the role of the media.(TV/Media)  
India has been facing and fighting terrorism. In fact terrorism has disrupted the 
peace and harmony of the country and created panic and insecurity in some 
areas of the country. Write an article in about 150 words on terrorism: A curse 
to humanities. 
6 The following passage hasn’t been edited. There is an error in each of lines. 
Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet. 
                                                                                             Incorrect  Correct 
It take  long time for a country to rebuild after             (a)______________ 
an earthquake. There must be aftershocks for days        (b)______________ 
or weeks. Rebuilt cannot start until all the                      (c)______________ 
aftershocks have stop. Aftershocks are small                 (d) ______________ 
tremors when shake the ground after an earthquake.      (e) ______________ 
When rebuilding starts, new buildings may be very        (f)______________ 
carefully planned. Sometimes they are built in huge      (g)______________ 
blocks of rubber that will absorb no further earthquake.(h)______________ 
In the following passage one word has been omitted from each line. Write the 
omitted word and the word that comes before and the one that comes after it 
against the correct blank number. 
                                                                                       Before  Word   After 
Seeing the man I instantly got my fit                   (a)    __________________ 
Ready for anything. He trying                             (b)    __________________ 
To the handle of the door.                                    (c)   __________________ 
He had a strap his neck                                        (d)  __________________ 
And carried tray full of toothpowders                 (e)  __________________ 
And tablets selling a penny.                                 (f)  __________________ 
I stood to the door                                                (g) __________________ 
Barring  further entry.                                          (h) __________________ 
8 Rearrange the given words and phrases to make meaningful sentences. 
(a) Occupy/history/in/of/India/honoured/Rajputs//the/the/an/place. 
(b) War-like/patriotic/and/were/they/people/proud 
9 “And all three stood still  
to smile through their hair 
At the uncle with the camera. A sweet  
Fall, My mother’s …. 
(a)  Name the poem and the poet. 
(b) Who are the three mentioned in the first line? 
(c) Why did they stand still and smile? 
“And forever, by day and night, I give back life to my own origin, 
And make pure and beautify it. 
(a) Who is ‘I’? What does ‘I’ do on descending? 
(b) How does ‘I’ affect those that have seeds in them? 
(c) Explain the meaning of “make pure and beautify” 
10 Answer any three of the following questions in about 40-50 words 
(a) Why was Carter compelled to chisel away the solidified resins to raise 
King Tut’s remains? 
(b) How did the narrator of ‘We Are Not Afraid To Die” suffer due to the 
wave hit? 
(c) Why was Ranga’s homecoming a great event? 
(d) How did the narrator realize that she had come to the right address? 
11 Answer any one of the following questions in about 120-150 words. 
Discuss the suitability of the title “Discovering Tut : The Saga Continues” 
To which tribe did Mourad and Aram belong? What traits of the tribe are 
highlighted in the story “The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse”  
12 Answer the following in about 120-150 words. 
a) How did Washington Otis react after listening to the story of Sir Simon 
b) Attempt the character sketch of Mrs. Otis. 
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FAQs on Class 11 English Previous Year Paper - 5 - English Class 11

1. What is the format of the Class 11 English exam?
Ans. The Class 11 English exam usually consists of both subjective and objective type questions. It may include sections like reading comprehension, writing skills, grammar, literature, and unseen passages.
2. How can I prepare for the Class 11 English exam effectively?
Ans. To prepare for the Class 11 English exam effectively, you can follow a few tips: 1. Read and understand the prescribed textbooks thoroughly. 2. Practice writing essays, letters, and other types of compositions regularly. 3. Solve previous years' question papers to get an idea of the exam pattern. 4. Enhance your vocabulary and grammar skills by reading newspapers, books, and online articles. 5. Take regular mock tests to assess your preparation level.
3. What are the important topics to focus on for the Class 11 English exam?
Ans. Some important topics to focus on for the Class 11 English exam are: 1. Reading comprehension: Practice understanding and answering questions based on passages. 2. Writing skills: Pay attention to formats of different types of letters, essays, and reports. 3. Grammar: Focus on concepts like tenses, active-passive voice, direct-indirect speech, and sentence structure. 4. Literature: Understand the themes, characters, and important events in the prescribed literature books. 5. Unseen passages: Practice reading and analyzing unfamiliar passages to answer questions.
4. Are there any specific resources or books recommended for Class 11 English preparation?
Ans. Yes, there are some recommended resources for Class 11 English preparation. Some popular ones include: 1. NCERT textbooks: These are the main prescribed textbooks and cover all the required topics. 2. Reference books: You can refer to books like "Wren and Martin's High School English Grammar and Composition" for grammar practice. 3. Sample papers and previous years' question papers: These help in understanding the exam pattern and practicing different types of questions. 4. Online study materials and video lectures: Various websites and platforms provide additional study materials and video lectures for better understanding of concepts.
5. How can I improve my writing skills for the Class 11 English exam?
Ans. To improve your writing skills for the Class 11 English exam, you can follow these tips: 1. Read extensively: Reading books, newspapers, and articles exposes you to different writing styles and improves your vocabulary. 2. Practice writing regularly: Set aside time to write essays, letters, and other compositions on various topics to enhance your writing skills. 3. Seek feedback: Ask your teachers or peers to review your writing and provide constructive feedback for improvement. 4. Study grammar and sentence structure: Familiarize yourself with different sentence patterns and grammatical rules to write error-free sentences. 5. Revise and edit: Always proofread your written work for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors before submitting it.
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